Day 1
1Why Function in Design is Important
28:16 2Examples of Strong Functional Spaces
32:56 3Web & Student Questions
20:25 4What do YOU Need for YOUR Home?
21:47 5Functional Space For Your Lifestyle
24:09 6Make Your Layout Work For You
23:41 7Assess Your Space
45:55How to Measure & Photograph Your Space
38:05 9Laying Out Your Space
32:06 10Space Planning: Kitchen
30:59 11Designing Your Home With Apps
14:14Day 2
12Industry Design Terms
50:45 13More Design Terms & Student Questions
35:11 14Biggest Layout Challenges: 1-5
45:30 15Biggest Layout Challenges: 6 - 10
18:44 16The Healthy House Approach
31:21 17Age Related Design
26:18 18Student Problem Space Submissions
24:34 19Multipurpose Spaces
30:36 20Getting Organized
08:57Day 3
21Useful Home: Working From Home
46:01 22Useful Home: Wired & Inspired
16:17 23Family Spaces, Small Spaces & Large Spaces
21:22 24Rethink Your Space
09:50 25Formal Dining Room Cross-Overs
21:04 26Viewer Room Challenges
15:00 27Framework for Creating a Budget
49:42 28Where to Splurge & Save
12:10 29DIY vs. Experts
31:25 30Pinterest Examples & Student Questions
22:50 31Maintenance Binder
16:49Lesson Info
More Design Terms & Student Questions
Our next one is furniture pieces that could be connected or combined in a different way yes, s o there's all sorts of modular items out there that air fun uh this is one that is a table and an ottoman together from a company called caracol which is a to the trade company really fun company but I loved this piece and this is a really great for small spaces because you can use it as an autumn and you can pull each piece apart and use it as an individual stool. So isn't that really fun? And he'd still have the table in the center? I could just think it's perfect but like a little fondue pot in the middle and everybody can pull their seat out our s'mores you could make them right there in your living room and have it right on top of the table in the center, right but really attractive sleek fun so this is called the hidden assets ottoman so it's a great example of modular furniture and it's the seating in the center table together which is cool and I think it actually says it reminds me of...
my knows that center of the table even lifts up in there's hidden storage in the middle of that so it's really three things in one so this is the perfect example not only of modular but multipurpose to write ads tons of function there's some fun module earpieces in indoor outdoor furniture. So this is the swiss. This is a swiss company, and I think it's called balance, but they create modular oye balance, and I create modular outdoor furniture, and it could be moved and reassembled into all sorts of things. So this khun b, this fabulous chaise lounge, it could be individual chairs with ottoman, so really, really cool and fun, and I think this is great for if you're going to be moving into different spaces that allows you to use these in different ways. Sometimes you might live in a place that has a large enough patio, tohave it all together, and sometimes you might have to break it apart into other pieces or used them in different ways deal like these modular piece is unusual usually it's fun. I think it's exciting. So different does I think there's like dozens of configurations that they show that you can put the pieces in to use them and as large or small combinations. Okay, now we have an activity or purpose natural to our intended for a person or thing we've been talking about this a lot in fact, it's our entire it's our entire purpose of this whole course right function, so an activity or purpose natural to our intended for person or thing, so it's the activity is what we think about when we're thinking that we want our our home, the function for the activities that we, as humans and our children and their pits and our families all are going to be doing in the spaces that we're looking at. So we're talking this whole course ways to add function, but just a few other examples of ways to add function. So this was a bedroom for one of my clients, same house with the pretty yellow and gray breakfast room, and so her children were when we started this maybe five and seven, but it was going to be a couple of year process to do the entire project, and we also wanted something that would grow with them. So it's, easy, tio, start designing a big project, and your kids are kind of in that middle age of, like eight, nineteen and, you know, pretty soon they're going to be outgrowing things that air childlike, so we wanted to create a space for him that didn't seem too grown up for him that was still boyish, but that could really work with him as he grew up and also had a lot of different functional spaces and zones in this, so I didn't just use a desk beside the table actually used an entire table beside I mean beside the bed a desk beside the bed it was an entire work table which I think is really fun because I had the room to do so so this is a table they could use anywhere any time later on it could even be large enough for a dining table but it allows him to have all of this space beside the bed in his room to do projects or homework or anything that needs to be spread out there on the table which I really really love so the idea of doing a desk with even taking that a step further and saying we have the room why not even go bigger so let the space define what how much function you can get if you can that's really how you can maximize the function in your space is really let your architecture or the layout as we were looking at yesterday dictate what you can do there and then I used instead of putting a lamp on the table which would take up space there I used the swing arm reading lamps because it could turn towards the desk it could turn towards the bed that khun swivel in and it gives it looks real cool anyway it looks a little industrial goes with the light fixture but it also just gives us the option of that multipurpose so I love swing arm liam sometimes people think of them is a little granny the ones with the little shades which I also use but there's a million options for them even these it look more industrial or like library lighting so really fun option for adding function to the space then on the other side of the room because he is still a little boy and I need this could be changed later I created this space that looked fun and and a little bit modern with this a piece of furniture but then I put a chalkboard a frame chalkboard behind the whole piece of furniture is a backdrop in inside some of those buckets are it's also a magnet board and a chalkboard so he's got chalk and some of those has got like dinosaur magnets and some of those from when he was little and he can put all kinds of things on their recon dawn there we can hang his homework up if he does an art project and display it so a bunch of fun things that he could do there and have his own his mom's really tidy and organized as you can tell and keeps everything really like this all the time so that was his zone that he could just kind of go crazy and have fun and do whatever he wanted to there and make it his own but it doesn't look too childish so even that could really stay there for quite some time and just be simple like a piece of chalk board that he could use as he was a teenager and just write himself notes to remember his homework or something he was supposed to do or sports practice or something. And it doesn't look like a childish space deal like this. What do you think about this idea? Very functional. You every use chalkboard, pain or chalkboards in any of your project used teo, I think it it's on its way out for some reason, but there they were, functional for the time being. Well, I love it and it's funny, because things do trend out. But if something really functions for may, I continue to use it. And so whether it's really trendy or not, so I use it in the most functional way. So the peace we saw yesterday I showed you a really modern kitchen with that, the refrigerator had a shot. Lord front, that is something that my family and I really use. We've grown accustomed to being ableto leave notes, right? The grocery list. Honestly, every single time we would run out of something ketchup, we would walk straight to the board and ride it on there, and it became such a functional way to keep our list, and then if I was really busy, like I travel a lot, my aunt helps me sometimes and she could say what can I do for you and I could see what you could be great if you go to the store and the list is right there on the chopping board so is this really like a messaging centre? We would write things like school picture day all the things we really needed to understate remember as a group so it was like our command central so some things do get trend in and out as we talk to some of the other courses about being trending or trendy versus a classic idea so if it's something that really works for you I think you should continue to use it but yes certain things people do tire of sometimes because I feel like it really became overexposed or got a little trendy so oh no I was I think I went to a wedding where they dip the stems in chalkboard paint and that's where you're supposed to write your name and I was like I'm done with chalkboard two over expecting a little bit well you know certainly and of course chalkboard and kids always go together so I think that you can always use it you're going to say something leslie I really like the use of um furniture in this example that's furniture for anybody so the idea of using this kind of danish modern which is a style that I personally really like that I like very much my personal style I love seeing that in a kid's room versus you know you see a lot of furniture that's made specifically for kids who looks very like it gets dated really quickly and children grow out of it and I really, really like the idea of bringing really good designed to children in their room. Thank you. Well, that's, what I'm even looking back at this space that's what I do often so I do so many kids spaces and almost never do I do a steamy room or something really child oriented that might be childlike in the color palette for some especially for girls and maybe more feminine but I try to always keep things that we can reuse. So even in my daughter's bettering where I had the tester over the day bed in her nursery, that was all tiffany blue and then I transitioned it to the next house and became her bid this space I love to do this I love to use at least a queen sized bed if I can and children's room if I'm not doing something with twin beds and used just a cz you said almost all the furniture pretty went to everything in the space it's something this could be a guest room it could be an adult's room it could be anything it could, you know, almost be a master bedroom or a single man's bedroom easy to transition, depending on the scenario and that's my favorite thing to do because it's an investment. Either way, you're spending money on the kid's spaces, and it just doesn't have much longevity. So I think that is a great, important piece of this function component by things you can use and also loved to buy things, and this seems really relevant to me now that we're talking about a lot of you renting in san francisco, so for me, I like to buy things that I know I can use again because I like to move every three to five years or so ever. It may be a little longer just because it's sort of what I do, and I'll do a project and have fun with it, and we'll live there for a while, and then we'll move on to another house into another project, and we enjoy that. But here you have to move often, so buying pieces that might be the bedside table here and in your next house, that could literally be your breakfast table. So, depending on the scenario, if you didn't have room for it in the next bedroom, you know it's, a piece of furniture that you can use again. Or you could put move it up to the back of a sofa if you had a really long room and have a death sitting behind the sofa that was actually a work station but could put two lamps on it and it could be a sofa table slash desk workspace so those are my favorite types of pieces of furniture to buy things that I already can think through a scenario and go we're going to use it this way here but let me just kind of think through a few ideas if this ever goes anywhere else, how might we use and then that gives me peace of mind to know that we're giving people options when they invested nice pieces of furniture okay um this family this is a very, very dramatic dining room that I did for a client that is really one of the more at or night projects I've ever done and this was a few years ago. We're actually thinking about remodeling the space now they're enjoying some more clean aesthetic but there religion is greek orthodox and their heritage is there from jerusalem originally and they have a lot of religious ornamentation and things that are in their heritage that really has an ornate feel and they also have a very large family and so they wanted to be able to see it their entire family so this is a dining room that seats eighteen so thinking of function for the entire family and they have lots of large family gathers that's a really, really large home to begin with, but thinking of what it takes to create a space that seats eighteen. I'm trying to work out what? Maybe so it was like it was a faux painting. It was like it was, yeah, so painting so that so it's figured it because from here it looks like it might be autumn leaves or something. Is it your sense that a little bit it's kind of it's a little bit abstract, but it has the impression of something that it's, yeah, like like the sistine chapel of it, you know, well, very or night project. You said that was a while ago. Do you know if they've changed the way we just we just this week are starting on? Not this room, but the back of the house and we're working through. And so they've really it's funny, because over time they have learned that they really as I travel and just are exposed to more clean, simple or aesthetics and still will be traditional. But they're they're tired of the ceiling, they want to tone things down a bit, so sometimes that's an interesting process for a designer, because I have to meet the design that's client where they are in their life, and so I can push clients to a little farther out of their comfort zone, but it has to be a space that they're going to feel comfortable, and so a lot of times, what happens if I work with clients over a period of time? The first project we do together is a little closer to what they're coming from and what they're comfortable with. And then as we worked together for a while, they get a little closer over to the ca little bit cleaner, simpler aesthetic that I like. So unless toe love pattern there's a lot of things I love about this, I mean, I love to use damn isc, I love to use the stripes on the chairs, but maybe if we keep some of those things, we just won't use them all together are well toned down parts and pieces of it and use it in a different way. S so it's interesting that I'm showing this about accommodating a piano and function because this is the client who said had they wanted to do in addition, and I talked them out of in addition because they had one entire room that was just dedicated to the piano and it was a living space and they were basically using it is the hallway with the piano sitting in the middle so actually moved the piano into the corner of a really large living room that they use all the time and we made it really work and it looks really beautiful but interestingly enough in the challenges that I peaked at for today they're like three people that brought a scenario with a piano for us to solve so lots of people deal with this idea of either an upright or ah large baby grand piano and how do you make it functional for the house also I love things like these this built in space this is my friend liz carroll out of north carolina who designed this with the built ins the bunk beds, the ladder, the book storage all kinds of storage here under bed storage I can imagine that things like this could be a nice addition to some of the spaces here using built ins or bookcases and things that would store a lot of different acted this could be a bedroom this bookcase could hold arts and crafts that could hold books homework lots of different activities could happen there let's see okay the next one is an important element in a space used to make things visible and affords elimination lighting yes that seems straightforward right lighting but lighting is a very important element when it comes to function and layering lighting not just on and sometimes you can't change the lighting in your spaces here as faras the the installed permanent lighting right or you might not have fixtures or elect electric electrical outlets for junction boxes toe add lighting so you have to use portable lighting and lance ah lot but a combination of those is usually the most functional, so here's the bedroom of the house we've been seeing all morning with the beautiful yellow bedroom this is I mean he's beautiful yellow breakfast room this is the master bedroom and has lamp lighting on the other side of the room there's some swing arm lamps around the sofa. We have this french tend the lear there's all kinds of lining layered into the space and they have a ton of natural lighting and we've situated the the bed in the room where we really can take advantage of all that natural lighting and a view of the front of the bid. So lots of layered lighting in this space and here's the kitchen that we saw yesterday and lots of different lighting happening here we have installed can lighting in the coffered ceiling we have under counter lighting, we have pendant lighting over the island we have another hanging lantern over the breakfast table so all sorts of lighting layered here for mill prepping for homework and dining over at the breakfast table for all sorts of prep work here on the island and then tons of natural sunlight here is well, so we have every option for lighting in this space those hit you it was a much smaller window before I think it was we had a double window and then we enlarge the space I was able to do that nice double wide french door with a transom over and over it in the breakfast you made such an impact in having more light on that yes, lots of lighting there. Um so that's wonderful and I love to take it any time we can take advantage of natural lighting. It's the best case scenario um and then here's just a little close up of the lantern that we looked at in the space. This is a design that I made for this lantern in the sconces. Uh but you know, don't forget about the types of lantern of types of lighting that you need in a space. So I love to think about even moving through space is at night and if you were just gonna have the wall and turns on or sometimes picture lighting almost access a nightlight or lamplight and even have something that some of those things on switches, if you can to make a more functional so think about as you're doing that walk through we talked about yesterday or even in your mind thinking about moving through a space don't forget about the lighting you're thinking about the tables and where to sit things out and we're gonna sit and how that's kind of function but don't think about the don't forget about the lighting throughout the whole space um at different times of day I'm just a couple more yeah, one more and then a little bonus one for you. So this is something flow and it's the study of movement between between two points and we talked about this one yesterday organic full and the traffic traffic flow yes, I said this is one of the most important things to think about when you're looking at that plan on paper is how does the traffic move through the space? It's one of the very first things I look at for any project, if a client even often my clients that I've worked with before, if they decide to move, they have me come over as a consultant and look at the new spaces they're thinking about it, we make sure that the pieces that we have already designed together some of their furnishings are gonna work in the new house and we look at traffic flow and how are they going to use the space so um here's the space that's a downstairs media room to the same house we've just been admiring over the last few photographs in this room. You, khun it's. Great, because it goes out into the pool and they move. They move traffic in and out of this right through the center of this room. So this seating area there's an exact opposite of this is a mirror of the same section also to sectionals and two ottomans with a giant tv. But there's also traffic space in the middle that goes right out to the pool. So we put it in zones so that people can walk around, get to the ottomans. You can still move around the furniture, cause we have that fifteen inches. We were talking about yesterday, but you can also move to the out to the pool. This is a hotel suite that I designed recently and it's important to have great traffic flow here because people are going to be moving all around the spaces. So there's a eating area, which we saw yesterday, those great blue dining chairs, then there's a lounging area and then there's bedrooms on either side of this. So you have to move through and around all of this, like a lot of you would do in a loft space, so you're gonna have these kinds of designated zones that the furniture creates by floating furniture and you need the best traffic flow in and around them to go out to the balcony patty is and move around the space um and then now just one bonus question um what's the imaginary line that we learned yesterday between the cooktop the sink in the refrigerator called work triangle triangle right yeah, you were paying attention s o the work triangle is between those points of interested there's a sink that's in the front of this island right here there's also a saint back at the in front of the window so this is that scenario where we made two places for one of the appliances to go so you didn't have to walk so far for things to be functional so a small sink here ah large think at the back and weigh have that great work triangle so how do you like how did you like our quiz today? Way learned something. So what kind of questions? I think we have a few minutes and I can go back to any of these. I think you said there were a lot of questions out they were learning the fabric which you've on settle the fabric there are a lot of people with the specific and I wonder, I don't know whether you have a segment on this in which case we can go back to it but uh, jennifer asks, could you share your tips, rules and resources for making a home perfect for seniors like the heights? And the guesses comes into accessibility at the very beginning. What are you doing? A separate segment thiss time aging in place section there's, no wonderful resource is on that. Now. I have done a little bit of work there, and I have a working knowledge of it from my design education. But there are designers who are specifically trained in this hole. I specialize in aging in place, and that so there's some great resource is that if you just go on amazon and google, you confined both books and other types of resource is that give you all of that information? Is that the expression you be looking for aging in place? So I just thought the new term for that because it's become so popular that because we have such a large aging population with the baby boomers and so many people it living longer, that people want to have a great quality of life and they want to remain in their homes as long as possible and not have to move to like an assisted living facility. So the term that's most popular right now is aging in place, meaning aging right where you are. And had to make the facility that you're in at the moment or that you're moving, teo, that you're adapting really accommodate you and all of those ways and theirs all kinds of sources and information on that about, um, heights for different kind of depends on the needs. I mean, some people are just disabled and have to have, like, wheelchairs, so those are going to be a different set of rules for people who are just aging and need help getting him, yes, and things grab bars lever now levers instead of knobs that are easier to turn, there's a whole vernacular and just it's an entire category of interior design just specifically for aging on dh they should be able to find a lot of information on the web in that category. It's a very important topic and something I'm actually really interested in when I do my continuing education and cheer for my design degree, I've often take courses in that because I think it's something that's really important and it's interesting that if you start designed, I started my company when I was twenty seven and I start work with a lot of people that air say in their thirties and forties. Fifty's at that time, so we're aging together and I do several projects for people, so we've gone from their children being young and at home, as you've seen in a lot of these projects. Now they're kids, they're all out of college and getting married, and then the next step says they will be that they want to downsize within the next five to ten years and then even looking at aging in place. So it's a very real scenario for me that I'll go through all of those life stages that we looked at yesterday with the same clients, which is really interesting and and fun and a privilege to work through all of those scenarios with the same people, so they're married. Eby liked the idea of the chalkboard, she says she recently painted a very large piece of plywood with chalkboard paint, and then she fitted it into what used to be a fireplace has been abandoned, says now it's actually a centerpiece of the family room have kids use it as a board? She writes inspirational sayings on it, but she also used as a backdrop for flowers. I think that's clever way there's, another one of the things that again that I saw earlier or last night when I was speaking at the the submissions which was really fun and trying to decide help decide which ones we were goingto tackle today there were someone that had a fireplace that no longer works and that's a and a little bit odd if you can't remove it so that's clever solution someone else I know that rice so great design blawg painted the front of the like the whole front of the bar in the kitchen with chalkboard paint so her kids can draw and write on that you know, just move the ball bar stools away and it because she's in the kitchen a lot and it gave the kids an activity to be there with her and it just looked fun so some of those things again that get trendy really have a practical purpose still for especially people with families so now beth holiness asking about the current additional addition sort of traditional home magazine uh these the same images you sure they are? So the house we've been looking at a lot today it's and on the cover of that magazine and in that magazine an eleven page spread of this project that we've been looking at today with the beautiful yellow kitchen that blue master bedroom so that's a great project thank you I'm not you know, in a previous segment we did have a lot of discussion about fireplaces that was interesting tohave the blackboard fireplace discussion then there are a couple of questions around angles and fireplaces so shall we? Shall we tackle with hand because those were that there really tricky and melissa says she has that same scenario maybe when you're also workshopping spaces later we can pull a few more in but just for now ruby would toby please address room too difficult angles? I have a family room with a corner fireplace, two walls of windows open to the kitchen with just one solid world I have seen this so many times I almost feel like I know that exact floor plan and it seems like it's no matter what I think I've tackled before when I have my design from a dizzy classes but people come into him, we workshop with these problems scenarios, they'll stop me or at least I'll have to take it home for homework and really ponder it because these air so difficult now there's a couple of different scenarios sometimes and someone mentioned this yesterday sometimes the angled fireplaces more just in a traffic flow walk space so I don't know if this one is that way or if if the television and some other things air situated around the fireplace that does that make sense? See? So if the seating grouping is arranged around the corner fireplace it's one thing and sometimes the seating groupings on an entirely different wall and you just kind of walked by the fireplace in its behind you, both of which are challenging, so but it sounds to me like maybe in this scenario, it's the furniture would be arranged near near the fireplace, so there's a couple of things, and of course, without seeing it just off the top of my head one only one solid wall you either need to be able to put a television often there, or a piece or the sofa a large piece of furniture, and so you'll have to make that decision and the way you would make that decision would be. Can the television go on the fireplace because and it's not always ideal, and I don't. I'm not necessarily promoting that because I think it's the most beautiful option to have the tv over the fireplace, but in scenarios like this sometimes it's the only option if you need that one wall to put a piece of furniture, so she'd have to first make that decision of are we putting the television over the fireplace in that way, you could then anchor what I would call ankara sofa with two tables and lamps or swing arms on that main wall and then come out from that and probably put a pair of really comfortable, maybe swivel chairs with ottomans that would really be the optimal viewing for the television. Because the sofa unless you're laying on it with your head at one and that really be the only way you could see the tv from that sofa but there's a couple of scenarios there and I like to make a room with a television where you can see the tv from a couple at least two or three really comfortable chairs but also be able to expand this conversation area when you're not watching tv like holidays or just moments when you're just having friends over in conversation so you have sort of primary seating for the television secondary seating which might be that sofa so she could try both of those and then you can also put probably a chair down at the end by the sofa so squared up to it straight on if you can imagine that and I can draw this in a little bit I don't know if we have we may have time and if they could give me my I'm drawing can channel so would you ever say if you're open to the kitchen without tonight would you ever use a piece of large credit should act is almost like a wall or screen okay so they gave me a mad drawing board my handy little drawing work so let's just kind of uh here I don't have it on the can I have it on my monitor is well, great thank you uh see so just guessing here that maybe she has this scenario and these air the windows over here so like a whole wall of windows, right says she can't really put furniture there's and this may not be what it's like, but I'm just sort of guessing, so I'm thinking like, if the sofa could go here on this one wall, you could have possibly a couple of chairs out here that's a literal like swivel chairs with the table and then have some kind of a big ottoman or like that coffee table table we saw with the trail in it and even have another chair here, and if the tv is right up here, you can see it from this chair and from both of these shares, um, or another scenario would be let me remember, I can't remember which one of these buttons that clears the whole thing. Okay, so another scenario might be that if you can't put if you had to have, say, a television on this wall on some kind of a cabinet or lift that you could possibly come here and put a sofa and if it's open to the kitchen a lot of times I would put either a desk or a sofa table here that it with lamps on it so it's sort of divides the space, and then you can still put chairs here in here that are swivel chairs um, and that that way we can still have that kind of coffee table, ottoman and a lot of times I'll even put some of those little floating benches or pieces that we were talking about, like in a little experience or something here, because when these chairs swivel around this way, even if you had a pair of those floating off of the coffee table, they can pull up to each chair and be foot stools, or they could also took against the wall right here if they were in the way or you could even pull went up in front of the fireplace said he wanted to enjoy the fire, so I love to have that kind of a modular scenario, so I don't know if her kitchen's over on this side are back here, but either one of those scenarios, the work of her kitchen's on this side, she could just pick up the seating and move it that way. If you wanted the sofa backing up to the kitchen, and if the tv stays here, you could still have it on one of those swing arms, you know where it can cool out towards the sofa, so making everything modular is going to be key a lot of times and course, I don't know her traffic flow scenario, so all of that could change aiken guess if the's but then we might say, oh, well, this won't work has traffic needs to flow right through the middle of this and that might alter it a little bit but those air to potential options now quick question from happy about this and when you use the floating so for idea like that and then you put the table with the lamp stand behind how do you deal with cord issues? Okay, so this is where I come in with that what I call a room size drug and it goes just like this and in a scenario like this, I would chant for the corner over here so like actually have it bound where like bound carpeting so it could run against the edge of the fireplace and then these kind of carpets are great because you can just take a lycan exacto knife if it's just bound carpeting does it can always be bound back together and make a small little slid in and run your chords through it. And then I just literally run the cord all the way across the room, probably back behind the television and I just take down the make very flat extension cords and I just taped them down and they really don't add balkh or a bump to the carpet most of the time, particularly if you try to run it in the places that it's mostly covered by furniture so I'll I'll scope out the closest um outlet and I'll make a plan for how do we transition accord underneath and I would love to have the plugin situated under here instead of under here and so then you just have one extension cord running here in both lamps can plug into it but all the bulk that's coming up out of the rug is covered and then I would select a skirted sofa as opposed to a leggy when here so it hides all of that utilitarian stuff that's happening underneath the carpet so lot planning actually do you have that issue so I know I've lived in the loft as well where everything you know you sort of yours the center of the room on power points and issues and court is a challenge definitely. I mean, especially with all of the electronics you know we have tvs and all the accessories and everything like that computers like how do you manage all of the electrical? Because everything all the electrical outlets are on the wall but we just have this incredibly big open space in our living area. So again I used drugs a lot and that's why I left he's bound carpet made into rugs because you can fit it eggs exactly in the space that you need to cover and then you have you're gonna have to have some pieces of furniture that have drawer stacks of drawers or cabinetry to him that aren't all glass and open and I'm often having, um graham it's put into furniture even if you purchase something, say it I ke just having someone with a circle saw cutting a hole in and you can fit a grommet to it so it looks finished and run the cords down through behind the stack of drawers or so I'm often modifying furniture so that corts khun live inside the furniture. Sometimes we create custom furniture where it runs down through like a leg of a sofa I mean, I like of a table or something that sits behind the sofa so that we've created we've have purchased tables before and drilled all the way through legs of tables and made a hole where the lamp cord goes right under the lamp and goes down into the table and then under the sofa and the rug. Um so you have to just get creative and open your mind to the possibility. So this may be his part part of that thinking that you wanted to shift a little bit today of opening your mind to the possibilities that most things even store bought objects can be modified toe work free, so think of the best case scenario like we were saying yesterday, what would you love to have you with love it if I could buy that a piece of furniture right there, and we could run the chords through it. Well, find out, ask people, talked to a contractor, handy person, or if your spouse or you're handy, figure out if it's something that you can modify and make it work for you. Because that's, what I do often, I just don't take no for an answer. Very often, I find a way to make things work for me. So you're not going to go out and find this stuff available most of the time. You usually have to do something to the products to make them work for you.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Tobi!!!! She is a wealth of information and her cup flows over with ideas. The course was sometimes hard for me as I found the studio audience distracting and felt like they took away from the class. Not to sound heartless, but I personally don't care about their issues and problems and going on and on about themselves and their opinions. I am paying for this course to learn from Tobi, not someone that doesn't have anymore knowledge than me. I just want to drink from the hydrant that Tobi has to offer. My time is limited and so wading through the audience participation was often frustrating. Tobi was amazing though. Thank you Creative Live!!
Amy Cantrell
I enjoyed this course even though the pace is a bit slow at times. Happy that I bought it on sale. My favorite concept is "use the space you have".
a Creativelive Student
I would like to know who makes the fabric on the black and white chair in Tobi's Function driven interior design segment? Thank you, and I am so loving all of my classes that I purchased!
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