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Menu Functions: Power Management and Save Data Set Up

Lesson 19 from: Fujifilm X-T3 Fast Start

John Greengo

Menu Functions: Power Management and Save Data Set Up

Lesson 19 from: Fujifilm X-T3 Fast Start

John Greengo

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Lesson Info

19. Menu Functions: Power Management and Save Data Set Up

Have you ever battled with quickly waning battery life? In this lesson, John shows you how to configure settings that affect the power and efficiency of your camera, make the most of the two card slots, and even insert copyright information into the metadata of your image files.

Lesson Info

Menu Functions: Power Management and Save Data Set Up

next item in our set up menu is power management. So things dealing with power and the efficiency of the camera first thing is, how quickly do you want the camera toe power down after you've turned it on? So one minutes pretty normal, you could make it shorter and get a little bit more battery life. But then things need to be powered up more frequently, so it just depends on how you use the camera. Next up is the performance mode of the camera, and we've talked a little bit about the performance mode before, which is going to control the auto focus and the electronic viewfinder of the frame rates that you're going to get. And it's gonna have an impact on the battery power that you get out or the number of shots you get out of your battery. So set according to your needs. I typically like to leave the camera in the boost mode. I don't mind if I'm charging, but if you do need to get a little bit more life out of your batteries, you can power down a little bit and still get great quality ...

images out of the camera, saving data set up. And so this is gonna deal with recording information to the memory cards. So each file has a file number and it goes in a continuous counting from zero up to 10,000 and then goes and does that again. And if you would like to renew it, you could so that you're starting off at a zero number if you want it. When you are doing the red eye reduction where it fixes it in camera, Do you want to save the original image? I would say yes. Just in case the cameras computer did not do a very good job. And you would like to go back to the original image and use that as a base for potentially fixing it yourself, so that would make sense. It it the file name. So depending on whether you have your camera set to s RGB or Adobe RGB, there's gonna be a three or four letter code that precedes the number. And if you would like to put in your initials business name short word, you could put that in, and that will be attributed to the files that are created by the camera. And if you want to go into the edit file name you can set what those letters are. All right. You got to memory card slots in the camera, and here's where you get to decide where the information is recorded. Sequential puts everything into one card slot. When that fills up, it goes to the 2nd 1 back up for professionals who want to go to two card slots simultaneously so that if anything was to happen to one of the cards, it's backed up on the other card. And then another option, where all the raws goto one file and one card and J pegs go to the other card might be handy if you're gonna be sending those off in different directions after the shoot and go in here and choose which one is best for your needs. Next, you get to decide what is your primary card slide for stills. Do you want to shoot, slot one or slot to? And you might guess where the next one of these menu items is going is which one do you want for movies? And so you could have one slot that's your primary destination for movies, so they go one place and still images go to the other card. You can create different folders on a memory card. If let's just say you only have one memory card and you were shooting business and personal photos and you didn't want him mixed up. And so you could create a folder for your personal images and a folder for your business images and then select and right images to those individual folders just to keep things organized with only one card and so you can select the folder. There, you can write copyright information. This goes into a bit of a sub menu in here, where you get to display what the copyright information is. You can put an author name and you can put in copyright information, and so in here, next items you could enter your name. I recommend doing this. If the camera was lost and somebody found it and want to get hold of you, they would know who the camera belongs to, and for either copyright information or contact information. You could put your email here, and if somebody found a lost camera and it was yours and the emails right there, that gives them the easiest opportunity for contacting you getting it back. But this sort of information will also be written into the metadata on the J peg in the raw files. And then, if you want to delete all the copyright information spot for that here.

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Fuji X-T3 Recommended Settings
Fuji X-T3 Shortcuts

Ratings and Reviews

Justina Tumaite

Thank you it's super helpful. I loved it :)

Robert Felice

I loved this class! How much did I love this class? I loved this class and I don't even have an X-T3! I have the Fujifilm X100V, a camera similar enough to the X-T3 that this class easily covered 85% - 90% of the features on my camera. It's also a camera new enough that there isn't much available on how to use it. This class got the job done for me. Well done, John!

Eric Geerts

I've been with CL for quite a while and I pretty much got used to (all of) John's top quality classes. Kinda been waiting for this one over the last months. So thanks again, John, for your consistent 5 star quality standard!!

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