Class introduction
16:18 2Photo Basics
04:59 3Camera Controls: Basic Controls
04:22 4Exposure Controls: ISO & Shutter Speeds
10:32 5Exposure Controls: Aperture & Exposure Compensation
13:16 6Camera Controls: Top Deck
05:38 7Camera Controls: Drive Mode
19:00 8Back Side Controls: EVF & Screen
10:33Back Side Controls: Playback & Delete
07:51 10Back Side Controls: AE-L, AF-ON & Rear Command Dial
05:42 11Quick Menu: Top Row
11:59 12Quick Menu: 2nd Row
09:48 13Quick Menu: 3rd & 4th Rows
08:08 14Back Side Controls: Menu & Function Buttons
06:31 15Camera Controls: Left Side, Right Side & Bottom
09:38 16Camera Controls: Front & Lenses
12:58 17Menu Functions: Image Quality
15:19 18Menu Functions: Focus Settings
14:09 19Menu Functions: Shooting Setting Page 1
21:04 20Menu Functions: Shooting Setting Page 2
05:56 21Menu Functions: Flash Settings
05:55 22Menu Functions: Movie Settings
15:11 23Set Up: User & Sound Settings
04:23 24Set Up: Screen Settings
08:38 25Set Up: Button/Dial Settings
13:20 26Setup: Power Management & Save Data
04:38 27Setup: Connection Settings & My Menu
07:39 28Play Back Menu
08:21 29Camera Operation
12:56Lesson Info
Set Up: Screen Settings
Moving on to our third topic which is the screen setup which is going to have to do with both the electronic viewfinder and the LCD, the way the information looks, the way the screens look. So, let's to a look in this submenu. First off, is the brightness. Generally, I would leave this in manual. If you need to bump it up or down, you can, but generally, you should probably be able to leave this one at zero most of the time. Next up is the color of the viewfinder. Hopefully, you don't need to change this but if you're not satisfied with the colors or they don't seem realistic, seems to drift over a period of time, you can jump in here and adjust it. You can also adjust the EV color in here. And so, if you want to change this by the red and blue standard, you can go in and you can adjust it as well here. Next up is the LCD which is the screen on the back of the camera and you'll have the same type of controls for controlling the brightness. On bright, sunny days, you may need to have it...
a little bit brighter. The LCD color, if the color drifts or you're not happy with the color, you can, once again, adjust the color on the back. And further adjustment of the color to get it tweaked exactly the way that you want it on the back. The image display, this is when you take a photo, do you want to see an image on the back of the camera? Now, digital cameras, for long time, had this automatically turned on; you shoot a photo, you get to see immediately what it looks like. Well, with mirrorless cameras, you get to see a preview of what the image will look like, so in most cases, you don't need to see what it did look like 'cause you saw it beforehand. And so, it can save you a little bit of time by turning this off. At first, you may want to be very curious about how did that exactly turn off if you're trying to capture a particular moment. So there are times to leave it turned on but for most of my mirrorless cameras, I just leave this turned off and only hit the playback button when I want to go in and see those images. Autorotating displays. This is very handy, this is kind of a neat feature 'cause when you turn the camera vertically, the camera can rotate a lot of that digital information so that it's easier to see when you are shooting vertically. And so, if you do shoot verticals a lot, I recommend this. The times that I wouldn't recommend this is if you're shooting straight up or straight down, like over a balcony, or shooting straight up at a roof or something; it's kind of hard for the camera just at a very slight tilt, it doesn't know exactly whether you're holding the camera or horizontally in those moments. But, for most cases, I think this is a great feature to leave turned on. Next up is preview, exposure and white balance. And so, when you are looking through a mirrorless camera, one of the advantages, in my mind, is that you get to see exactly what the exposure is going to look like and the white balance is going to look like. But that doesn't always work for all people in all cases. And so, the first option which is preview, exposure, and white balance is the one that I like and this is good because it shows you if you are underexposed, overexposed, if you've chosen the wrong white balance, it's very clearly and obvious right there, seeing what you get. But, in some cases, if you are using flash, for instance, your camera is set to a completely different exposure. And so, you just want to get the best look possible, so preview white balance gives you a good looking exposure but does show you if the white balance is off. And the third option is where the whole thing is off, it's the best possible view and this is very good with flash photography because with flash photography, you might have a shutter speed that is woefully inappropriate for the ambient light and the flash will make up for it when you fire it. And so, I think the preview exposure in white balance is going to be the best option for most people and it's going to enable you go get the right exposure in most normal situations very quickly and easily. Natural live view. The viewfinder here, in this case, is trying to mimic an SLR viewfinder, and so, it's going with a little bit lower contrast and neutral light balance and it will show you the exposure level and it does show you the advanced filter modes and so, it's just trying to give you a more pleasing viewing experience in the viewfinder. And so, you may want to experiment with this a little bit by turning it off, it's going to show you more or less the exact results that you're getting the exact results that you're getting from the camera, so, it's the question of do you want to see the exact results that you're going to get or are you trying to compose and focus as easily as possible? And we have options because there's different needs in photography here. Framing guidelines allows us to choose which guidelines will be turned on, if and when we turn them on. So, we're not actually choosing them to come up in the frame right now, we're just choosing which ones do we want to come up when we choose them. So, just choose your favorite one of the three. Autorotate playback; this will automatically rotate images in the playback mode. And by turning this off, the images will remain of maximum size. You may need to turn the camera to see the image but at least you'll see the it on the largest area possible of the screen. Focusing scale units, we talked about this earlier. The meters, actually no, this one's slightly different. Focusing scale units, whether you prefer meters or feet. And most people are going to choose meters because that's the way 95% of the world is. Aperture unit for cinema lens, and so, if you are using a cinema lens, you can choose to use T-stops rather than F-stops. Not going to get in the whole difference between this but those who shoot movies know this and that'll be a handy little feature to have when they're adjusting their exposures. Dual display setting. So, in this one, you get two displays. The Fuji display is so big, it's the only camera that does this, that shows you two displays. And what it originally did, which was the top one, which to show you on a large frame what your entire image looks like and then, on the right hand side, gives you a magnified view of a little area for focusing. But if you want to reverse that so you can see that focusing even more clearly, you can choose what's more important, composition or focusing. Display custom settings, okay. So this is where you get to go through and check off all the boxes of the items that you want to see in the viewfinder when you have the appropriate display turned on. So, for instance, if you want to have the grid lines turned on, that we looked at earlier, this is where we get to choose to have them turned on or off and there is multiple pages, I'm not going to go through all the pages right here and now; that's a good project for you after this class is over is to go through and turn and off the different items and figure out how much stuff you actually want turned on in the viewfinder. Sub monitor setting is the display on the top of the camera. You can go in and you can adjust the features that are shown to you on this display. And, once again, I'm not going to go through all the different options that you can set up in here but it's worth your time to go in here and look at all the different boxes that you can go in and adjust. Maybe shutter speed isn't the most important thing and you don't want that at the very top listing; you prefer something else to be up there. You can also have different options for still and movie mode, what type of information is being shown to you. So, once again, the camera is a very good hybrid camera that works very differently when you go from video to shooting stills. And so, as you can see here, we have all these different boxes that can be adjusted to the type of information you want to add in there. The background color can be turned from black to white. I don't know why they've chosen black as their standard color. I assume it's to look different than Cannon and Nikon and all the other manufacturers that have LCD displays, but it's nice that they give you the option of reversing it to whatever system you like.
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Ratings and Reviews
I have been thinking about buying this camera. After watching this class I know that I have made the right decision. John is fantastic! Previously I have watched a random assortment of youtube videos by self-proclaimed experts. It turns out that many of the things that these so-called experts have said about this camera are simply wrong. John is the real deal. He goes in depth for every function and explains everything very clearly. His graphics are wonderful, he obviously spent a huge amount of time on preparation. If you have this camera and want to understand it better, or are thinking of buying it, I highly recommend this class which is taught by a true expert.
Mark Ballard
Well done! Worth every penny. Shined shoes too.
Mario Gravina
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