Class Introduction - Overview of the Course Content
Lesson 1 from: From Structure to Style: Master Your CopywritingShani Raja

Class Introduction - Overview of the Course Content
Lesson 1 from: From Structure to Style: Master Your CopywritingShani Raja
Lesson Info
1. Class Introduction - Overview of the Course Content
Chapter 1: Copywriting Fundamentals
1Class Introduction - Overview of the Course Content
03:50 2The Five Aspirations of a Superior Copywriter
05:28 3The Importance of Defining Your Intention & Audience
06:02 4The “Secret Sauce” of Good Copywriting
04:29 5Quiz - Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Simplicity
6Introduction - The Power of Simplicity
02:06Tight Writing - How to Make Your Writing Snappy
05:43 8Tell it Straight - How to Write Plainly & Straightforwardly
03:36 9Don’t Overcomplicate - How to Avoid Unnecessary Complexity
04:59 10Quiz - Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Clarity
11Introduction - The Power of Clarity
01:33 12Nailing Down Your Ideas - How to Fix Fuzzy Ideas In Your Copy
04:07 13Place Words With Care - How to Avoid Misplacing Words
03:49 14Be Specific - How to Avoid Ambiguity, Jargon & Abstract Writing
09:09 15Quiz - Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Elegance
16Introduction - The Power of Elegance
01:57 17Present Elegantly - How to Make Your Writing Look Good
04:10 18Narrative Flow - How to Structure Your Copy Beautifully
04:09 19Musical Writing - How to Give Your Writing Rhythm
05:31 20Quiz - Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Evocativeness
21Introduction - The Power of Evocativeness
02:28 22Add Variety - How to Reduce Monotony in Your Writing
03:10 23Be Bold - How to Steer Clear of Weak Words
03:34 24Create Pictures - How to Make Your Writing Jump Out
06:23 25Quiz - Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Editing With Style
26Introduction - Get Ready to Edit
01:31 27The Quick-Smart Editing System
16:11 28Quiz - Chapter 6
Chapter 7: The Road Ahead: What’s Next?
29How to Nurture Your New Skills
03:06Final Quiz
30Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Class Introduction - Overview of the Course Content
Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to you. My name is charlie Roger and it's a pleasure and a privilege to be your instructor and guide through this course. Now for those of you who don't know me for many years, I was an editor at the Wall Street Journal newspaper where part of my job was also to train many of the papers, journalists and I've written for various other big news organizations to including the economist, dow jones, Bloomberg News and the Financial Times. Now. During my long writing career, I've also written and edited many case studies, marketing scripts and thought leadership papers for dozens of large companies including the likes of Microsoft, IBM and PWC. So I really do know what it takes to produce captivating copy for thousands if not millions of readers often every day more recently. However, I've been an online instructor, teaching people like yourself how to write better and my online writing courses on learning platforms such as you to me and linkedin have a...
ttracted close to half a million students Now. My aim in this course is really to give professional copywriters, translators and editors the best possible chance to make a better impression on clients, win more contracts and generally deliver a better product. This course however, will also help you if you're a beginner who simply wants to improve your blog writing or business writing or even if you just want to spruce up your fiber profile and landing pages in order to attract more business. That's because I'm going to be teaching you how the best journalists, bloggers and other leading online writers perform the magic of writing riveting copy every day. Now, I've broken down the course into seven chapters and in the first chapter I'm gonna introduce you to the basic mindset that a superior copywriter needs to have. I'll also reveal the four ingredients of exceptional writing or what I call the secret source of good writing. These four ingredients are simplicity, clarity, elegance and evocative nous. Then in chapters 234 and five respectively, I'll dive into detail on those four ingredients, giving you many tactics for dramatically enhancing the simplicity, clarity, elegance and evocative nous of your prose. Then in Chapter six, I'll take you further along the path to writing mastery by showing you how to skillfully edit almost any piece of nonfiction writing that you might be faced with. And finally, in Chapter seven I'll summarize the learnings and suggest ways of nurturing the skills that you've gained through the course. Now, the great thing about this course is that it's not just theoretical, there'll be plenty of opportunity for you to practice as you go along with lots of examples exercises and quizzes to help lock in and reinforce your learning. Just make sure you're ready to pause the video and take part in the onscreen exercises whenever an example is presented on screen, as I'll usually be revealing the answer to you shortly afterwards. However, apart from a computer for doing your editing assignments and quizzes on you won't need any special equipment to take part in this course. So whether you are having lots of success already on Fiverr, or whether you're struggling to gain traction as a copywriter, editor or translator, get ready to learn some advanced writing skills techniques that will maximize your chances of standing out in a rising sea of competition.