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Lesson 1 from: Freelancing Essentials: How to Make the Most Out of Fiverr

Mike Shu

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Lesson Info

1. Welcome to the Course

<b><p dir="ltr">Welcome to Freelancing Essentials! In this video, we review what you&#8217;ll learn, recommendations for getting the most out of the course, and introduce you to our instructor, Mike Shu.&#160;</p><div><br></div></b>
Next Lesson: Fiverr Overview

Lesson Info

Welcome to the Course

1 When I started, I didn't wanna be my own boss per se, 2 I just wanted to find something 3 that I wanted to passionately do. 4 So, initially, I didn't know much about sales, 5 and so, I had a hard time getting customers. 6 I tried cold calling a customer, and they hung up on me, 7 and that first experience scared me 8 from trying to find new customers. 9 So, then when I went on Fiverr, 10 one of the customers reached out to me. 11 So it was like, oh, how can I help you? 12 And that kind of 13 built my confidence up. 14 (groovy percussive music) 15 Hey, everyone, this is Mike Shu, 16 and welcome to "Freelancing Essentials: 17 How to Make the Most Out of Fiverr", 18 the course that I wish I had 19 when I started my freelancing journey. 20 In this course, you'll be learning important topics, 21 such as setting up your profile the right way, 22 so that you stand out from the crowd, 23 how to create an irresistible gig offer 24 to entice the buyers to choosing you, 25 and how to manage t...

he orders to avoid miscommunication. 26 This course is designed 27 to help you navigate Fiverr's platform 28 from a seller's point of view. 29 In addition to these lessons, 30 we'll also be covering the do's and don'ts 31 of what makes a good gig profile, 32 Fiverr's juicy SEO Secrets, 33 Fiverr's leveling system, advanced analytics, 34 along with tips and tricks 35 for effective communication with the buyer. 36 You're probably wondering, "Who is this handsome guy?" 37 My name is Mike Shu and I'm a top-rated Pro Seller. 38 When I started my freelancing journey, 39 I made a lot of mistakes 40 that kept me running around in circles. 41 From the first six months, 42 I didn't really get many messages 43 or inquiries from buyers. 44 Later on, I found out that my gig image 45 needed to be improved, 46 and I also needed to add 47 something called keywords to my gig, which I didn't know. 48 After utilizing these changes, 49 I started seeing more impressions, 50 which led to more messages, 51 and eventually more sales. 52 This course is designed for you to take action. 53 I can speak in front of the camera all day and bore you, 54 but it's not going to make the customers 55 magically purchase from you. 56 You need to take action. 57 Pay special attention to the Profile 58 and the Gig section of this lesson. 59 Also, take notes. 60 By taking notes, 61 you're able to retain information much better. 62 This is finally the opportunity 63 for you to take control of your career.

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Ratings and Reviews

altaf hossen

The clear concept course made me confident and led me ahead. I'm grateful to the Fiverr Authority and thanks to Mr. Mike Shu.

Jessie Jr. Mariano

I recently discovered that this class will be incredibly beneficial for me as I embark on my journey with Fiverr. As a newcomer to the platform, I believe the insights and skills I’ll gain from this class will help me navigate the early stages of setting up and optimizing my profile, understanding client expectations, and ultimately, achieving success in this competitive environment.

Shafi Ullah

The free freelancing course provided clear, actionable insights and practical strategies that have significantly boosted my confidence in navigating the freelancing market. It's a must for anyone looking to kickstart or improve their freelancing career.

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