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Seller Plus

Lesson 24 from: Freelancing Essentials: How to Make the Most Out of Fiverr

Mike Shu

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Lesson Info

24. Seller Plus

<b>In this lesson, you will learn about Fiverr Seller Plus, a subscription membership available to eligible accounts.&#160;</b>

Lesson Info

Seller Plus

1 The Fiverr Seller Plus Program 2 offers sellers more knowledge and tools 3 to succeed in the marketplace. 4 It's a monthly subscription program for sellers, 5 and you're able to opt out anytime. 6 It's actually the program 7 that changed my freelancing career, 8 and one of the biggest benefits 9 that it's provided me is with a Seller Success Manager. 10 They'll go over what to do to improve your gig, 11 and how to get more orders. 12 When I started my freelancing journey, 13 my biggest issue was my gig thumbnail, and SEO. 14 Other benefits of the Seller Success Program 15 would be advanced analytics, seller coupons, 16 and seven-day clearance, 17 along with Priority Support from Customer Service. 18 There are additional opportunities you should be aware of. 19 There's Fiverr Pro and Fiverr Enterprise. 20 These two solutions are designed to connect you 21 with medium to large businesses, 22 seeking top-tier professional services. 23 Each of these solutions offer a path 24 to expand ...

your client base and network. 25 Both require an application process. 26 If you feel like you need to improve your skills, 27 Fiverr has additional classes on CreativeLive. 28 You can take these courses from leading experts. 29 If you need help, reach out to the seller community. 30 You can sign up for events from industry leaders, 31 apply for leadership conferences, 32 or even enroll to become a mentor.

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Ratings and Reviews

altaf hossen

The clear concept course made me confident and led me ahead. I'm grateful to the Fiverr Authority and thanks to Mr. Mike Shu.

Jessie Jr. Mariano

I recently discovered that this class will be incredibly beneficial for me as I embark on my journey with Fiverr. As a newcomer to the platform, I believe the insights and skills I’ll gain from this class will help me navigate the early stages of setting up and optimizing my profile, understanding client expectations, and ultimately, achieving success in this competitive environment.


I found this class very very useful. It was short yet very complete and clear. I can't wait to start implementing all the suggestions Mike Shu provides. Thank you CreativeLive, thank you Mike!

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