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Mastering the Unexpected

Lesson 20 from: Freelancing Essentials: How to Make the Most Out of Fiverr

Mike Shu

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Lesson Info

20. Mastering the Unexpected

<b>In this lesson, Mike shares stories and lessons from his 1000+ orders that he&#8217;s learned from.&#160;</b>

Lesson Info

Mastering the Unexpected

1 There's things that you can control, 2 and there's things that you cannot control. 3 The things that you can control is your effort. 4 How much effort you put into the gig delivery, 5 how much effort you put into the communication, 6 and how well you deliver to the best of your ability. 7 Things you can't control is how clients respond, right? 8 Certain clients have different expectations. 9 Certain clients are harder to work with than others. 10 Throughout my journey, 11 I've completed over 1,000 plus orders, 12 and some orders were easier and others were harder. 13 And usually, the hardest ones taught me the most. 14 A lot of it comes down to delivery time, right? 15 Like if you can deliver in a timely manner, 16 clients will be happy. 17 If you cannot deliver in a timely manner, 18 some may not be happy. 19 And I remember just, you know, 20 there was a delivery date that was due, 21 I was nowhere near finished, 22 and I was very uncomfortable with asking for an extension, 23 but...

I felt like just me being transparent 24 with what the current situation is, 25 I requested an extension and the buyer was okay with it. 26 So, I think the biggest challenge 27 and overcoming the challenge, it's really internal. 28 It's just overcoming certain habits that I've had. 29 I don't like to ask for help. 30 I don't like to extend deliveries, 31 but sometimes you just, if you want to have a good project, 32 sometimes you have to put your ego aside 33 and then request for help or request for extensions. 34 Volume negates luck. 35 If you have 10 clients, right? 36 If you work really hard to acquire 10 clients, 37 that one client giving you problem 38 isn't really gonna matter. 39 But if you only have one client, 40 and that one client gives you problem, 41 that's 100% of all your problems. 42 So, volume negates luck, try your best to do it, 43 make as many sales as you can, and just understand that 44 and try to zoom out, try to zoom out. 45 If this is your only client, it's a problem, 46 and he's causing a problem, he or she's causing a problem, 47 then it will be a big issue. 48 But if you have a lot of clients, it's not a big issue. 49 So, try to expand and get more clients. 50 (upbeat music) 51 No matter how prepared you are, challenges will always come. 52 And how you handle these challenges 53 is what separates a professional from an amateur. 54 You want to be the professional. 55 So, let's look at some strategies 56 that a professional would do 57 when encountering some of these situations. 58 If it's a miscommunication about a package or a service, 59 compassion is the key. 60 Your goal as the seller is to understand 61 why and what the buyer is looking for, 62 so you can tailor the solution to that. 63 Remember, that maintaining a positive tone, 64 while focusing on solutions 65 can turn a potential conflict into a positive one. 66 No matter what happens, 67 your goal is to have a positive tone, 68 even if the customer has a negative tone. 69 Scope creep is a common challenge. 70 Address it by clearly defining 71 the scope of the work prior to the order. 72 Your job as a seller is to clearly define 73 what services you offer and what services you don't offer. 74 Let the customer know that you don't offer certain services, 75 so it's clear to both you and the buyer. 76 Sometimes things may happen. 77 You may have personal issues, 78 the buyer may have personal issues, 79 or the buyer may not just be a good buyer. 80 These things happen. Life happens. 81 Be transparent and inform your client 82 of the earliest opportunity. 83 Explain to them the situation, 84 and honesty and professionalism 85 is the best way to go about it. 86 Remember, handling problems 87 is part of the freelancer journey. 88 I've handled a lot of problems when I started out 89 and I still handle problems. 90 Empathy and integrity is the best way 91 to overcome this issue. 92 By mastering these skills, you're one step closer 93 to becoming a top tier freelancer.

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Ratings and Reviews

altaf hossen

The clear concept course made me confident and led me ahead. I'm grateful to the Fiverr Authority and thanks to Mr. Mike Shu.

Jessie Jr. Mariano

I recently discovered that this class will be incredibly beneficial for me as I embark on my journey with Fiverr. As a newcomer to the platform, I believe the insights and skills I’ll gain from this class will help me navigate the early stages of setting up and optimizing my profile, understanding client expectations, and ultimately, achieving success in this competitive environment.


I found this class very very useful. It was short yet very complete and clear. I can't wait to start implementing all the suggestions Mike Shu provides. Thank you CreativeLive, thank you Mike!

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