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Marketing Your Services

Lesson 25 from: Freelancing Essentials: How to Make the Most Out of Fiverr

Mike Shu

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Lesson Info

25. Marketing Your Services

<b>In this lesson, you will learn some best practices for growing your freelancing business on Fiverr.&#160;</b>
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Lesson Info

Marketing Your Services

1 Marketing your services on Fiverr is important, 2 it's what separates you from everyone else 3 offering the same service. 4 Additional ways of growing on Fiverr 5 would be to outreach to your previous customers, 6 check on them 15 days post-delivery, 7 create an offer to entice them into taking the next steps, 8 being proactive, and proposing a complimentary upsell, 9 also, you may wanna offer discounts or coupons. 10 For repeat buyers, 11 offer discounts to encourage repeat businesses. 12 You can also bundle your deals with special pricing 13 or even offer limited-time deals. 14 Don't be afraid to pitch upsells. 15 Examples of that would be to pitch updates 16 such as social media enhancements 17 after the website is designed. 18 Promoted gigs are an excellent way for you to grow. 19 I suggest using your best gigs 20 to further maximize your return on investment. 21 You're able to set the max price per click 22 in the promoter gigs, 23 or let Fiverr's automated system do it for yo...

u. 24 Leveraging promoter gigs 25 is something that I suggest all sellers to use, 26 as if further increases your gig visibility, 27 and allows for more orders.

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Ratings and Reviews

altaf hossen

The clear concept course made me confident and led me ahead. I'm grateful to the Fiverr Authority and thanks to Mr. Mike Shu.

Jessie Jr. Mariano

I recently discovered that this class will be incredibly beneficial for me as I embark on my journey with Fiverr. As a newcomer to the platform, I believe the insights and skills I’ll gain from this class will help me navigate the early stages of setting up and optimizing my profile, understanding client expectations, and ultimately, achieving success in this competitive environment.


I found this class very very useful. It was short yet very complete and clear. I can't wait to start implementing all the suggestions Mike Shu provides. Thank you CreativeLive, thank you Mike!

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