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Create Your First Gig - Overview

Lesson 8 from: Freelancing Essentials: How to Make the Most Out of Fiverr

Mike Shu

Create Your First Gig - Overview

Lesson 8 from: Freelancing Essentials: How to Make the Most Out of Fiverr

Mike Shu

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8. Create Your First Gig - Overview

<b>Learn Mike&#8217;s top tips for building your first gig.&#160;</b>
Next Lesson: Pricing Structure

Lesson Info

Create Your First Gig - Overview

1 Have a good thumbnail. 2 That is the first impression. 3 It's like how you look to the outside, 4 that's how people see you. 5 When I started Fiverr initially, 6 I didn't really have much traction, 7 and so I, you know, I had some messages, 8 but the messages really didn't turn into orders 9 'cause I didn't know how to sell. 10 But I think the thing that really changed, 11 was when I started having a better gig image. 12 (upbeat rhythmic music) 13 Now that you guys have done your research, 14 it's time to create your first gig. 15 The first thing we're gonna do is go into our dashboard. 16 You're gonna click on My Business, 17 and then click on Gigs. 18 From there, click on Create a New Gig. 19 Once you create a new gig, 20 it's gonna ask you to create a Gig Title. 21 Your Gig Title is the first thing that the buyer sees. 22 It's very important because the SEO of your gig 23 is based off your gig title. 24 SEO stands for search engine optimization, 25 and it's how the platform dete...

rmines 26 who's at the top 27 and who's at the bottom. 28 You want the algorithm to work in your favor 29 rather than against you. 30 If you don't know what to name your gig, 31 go back to the Research Sheet 32 and take inspiration from the top results. 33 You can always change it later. 34 Here's some tips to having a good Gig Title. 35 State your value proposition clearly, 36 make it short, sweet, and to the point. 37 I'm going to use my Gig Titles as an example. 38 One of my best-performing SEO Gig Titles, 39 is, "I will optimize your website with SEO." 40 Why is this perfect? 41 It's because it covers website 42 and it also covers SEO. 43 So you're essentially catching two birds with one stone. 44 The next step is to choose your category. 45 I would just go with Fiverr's suggest category, 46 but if you have a unique category, 47 you're gonna click on Select a Category, 48 and you're gonna try to find the largest category 49 that your niche is in. 50 "As an SEO service provider, 51 I offer digital marketing services. 52 Within digital marketing services, I offer SEO." 53 From there, I'm going to click on Service Type, 54 and it's going to ask me, 55 "What type of SEO service I provide?" 56 In this case, I provide on-page SEO. 57 So I'm going to select just that. 58 Afterwards, I'm going to check all the industries 59 that I cater to, 60 and then move on to the language part. 61 And what language do I cover? 62 I cover English. 63 If you cover other languages, 64 feel free to select the languages 65 that best matches yours. 66 After that, we're gonna look up some gig keywords. 67 I'm going to type in "SEO." 68 The moment I type in "SEO," 69 Fiverr suggests to me, "Google SEO." 70 When I type in "SEO," again, I see, "SEO expert." 71 When I type in "SEO," again, I type in, "SEO marketing." 72 These are commonly searched keywords. 73 You want your gig to target the commonly searched keywords. 74 I suggest having five search tags, 75 and then I'm going to declare that, 76 "I comply with Fiverr's Terms of Service," 77 and click Save and Continue.

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altaf hossen

The clear concept course made me confident and led me ahead. I'm grateful to the Fiverr Authority and thanks to Mr. Mike Shu.

Jessie Jr. Mariano

I recently discovered that this class will be incredibly beneficial for me as I embark on my journey with Fiverr. As a newcomer to the platform, I believe the insights and skills I’ll gain from this class will help me navigate the early stages of setting up and optimizing my profile, understanding client expectations, and ultimately, achieving success in this competitive environment.

Shafi Ullah

The free freelancing course provided clear, actionable insights and practical strategies that have significantly boosted my confidence in navigating the freelancing market. It's a must for anyone looking to kickstart or improve their freelancing career.

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