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Building Your First Gig - Doing Your Research

Lesson 6 from: Freelancing Essentials: How to Make the Most Out of Fiverr

Mike Shu

Building Your First Gig - Doing Your Research

Lesson 6 from: Freelancing Essentials: How to Make the Most Out of Fiverr

Mike Shu

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6. Building Your First Gig - Doing Your Research

<b>Learn Mike&#8217;s methodology for learning what sells in your niche and how to offer a service that buyers are looking for.&#160;</b>

Lesson Info

Building Your First Gig - Doing Your Research

1 Your gig is the first thing 2 that the buyers see when they're searching 3 for any services on Fiverr. 4 As such, it's important to optimize it as much as you can. 5 The gig that you display will be competing 6 against other sellers for the same spot. 7 Your goal is to make your gig stand out from the crowd. 8 How do you do that? I'll show you. 9 When you're creating your gig, 10 you don't want to start from ground zero. 11 You want to do some research. 12 You want to figure out who the top people are in your niche 13 and take inspiration from them. 14 Don't copy them, but take inspiration. 15 In the Fiverr marketplace, 16 we're gonna type in whatever niche that we're in. 17 For example, I'm in the SEO niche, 18 so I'm going to type in SEO. 19 Fiverr will automatically suggest to me 20 a couple different services related to SEO. 21 In this case, you're gonna see SEO, on-page SEO, 22 YouTube SEO, and all the other things related to SEO. 23 If you offer any of these services, 24 I wo...

uld suggest creating a separate gig 25 to target each of these services. 26 For example, if you did logo design, 27 you're gonna type in logo design. 28 When you click on logo design, 29 you're gonna see logo design, 30 logo design business, clothing logo design, 31 sports logo design. 32 These are very popular niches that customers may search. 33 I would look into creating a gig for that. 34 In our example, we're gonna take a profile 35 that's well established. 36 Let's take Bryn and we're gonna open up 37 the research document. 38 We're gonna take inspiration from her gig, 39 so we're gonna take the gig URL, 40 and copy and paste it in the Word document. 41 Then we're gonna take the gig title 42 and copy and paste it in the gig title section 43 of the Word document. 44 Then we're gonna take a screenshot of her gig thumbnail. 45 Afterwards, we're gonna take her gig description, 46 and again, we're not gonna be copying from her, 47 but we're gonna take inspiration from her gig. 48 And then we're gonna take inspiration 49 from how she prices her gig. 50 So in her basic package, 51 it's $125 for five design templates, 52 two custom design posts, 53 and one story with a 10 day delivery. 54 And we're gonna do that for the standard one as well. 55 We're gonna take inspiration 56 and copy and paste it into the Word document, 57 and then we're gonna take it, go into the premium section. 58 We're gonna copy the price, 59 we're gonna copy the description and the delivery time. 60 We're gonna scroll down from her gig profile, 61 and we're going to see her FAQ, 62 and we're gonna copy and paste her FAQ section as well. 63 Once you have this completed, 64 you're gonna have her gig URL, her gig title, 65 her gig thumbnail, her gig description, pricing, 66 and the FAQ of her gig. 67 You're gonna be doing this for three sellers in your niche. 68 The same way that I did it for her, 69 you're gonna be doing it the same way 70 in whatever niche that you're in. 71 Once you have that written down, 72 you're gonna write what you like about the gig. 73 So let's break down her gig. 74 I like that her gig is simple and to the point. 75 The moment I see her gig image, 76 I know that she will design social media posts for me. 77 How do I know that? 78 It says it right there. 79 In her gig description, she talks about what she does. 80 She creates social media posts. 81 She also talks about who she is, 82 that she's a content creator with expertise 83 in Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter. 84 What I also like, 85 and pay special attention to this, 86 is that she also talks about what she doesn't do. 87 This sets clear expectations with the buyer. 88 And then she ends it with a call to action. 89 Take note of that. 90 You're gonna be doing the same thing 91 for three other sellers in your niche. 92 Again, take their URL, their title, their thumbnail, 93 their description, their pricing, their FAQ, 94 and write down two to three things that you like about them. 95 When you take inspiration from other sellers, 96 you're gonna be starting from a much higher point of view. 97 You won't be starting from ground zero.

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Ratings and Reviews

altaf hossen

The clear concept course made me confident and led me ahead. I'm grateful to the Fiverr Authority and thanks to Mr. Mike Shu.

Jessie Jr. Mariano

I recently discovered that this class will be incredibly beneficial for me as I embark on my journey with Fiverr. As a newcomer to the platform, I believe the insights and skills I’ll gain from this class will help me navigate the early stages of setting up and optimizing my profile, understanding client expectations, and ultimately, achieving success in this competitive environment.


I found this class very very useful. It was short yet very complete and clear. I can't wait to start implementing all the suggestions Mike Shu provides. Thank you CreativeLive, thank you Mike!

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