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3. Adding Flowers to the Crown
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Adding Flowers to the Crown
I'm going to use these lovely carnations that I brought you have carnations can we take apart our basket um sure or I can give you some too here I won't be needing to many of them so are all the crowns now structurally sound from all of our students want to make sure that foundation is good get in there yeah yeah yeah I can come around and help you guys out you need a little that looks good like that and you did a great job taming those lead pretty yeah that looks to hide that you will with flowers oh, great yeah, great yeah I'm on the flower tape do you always attach it to the plant material or do you attach it to itself and then start wrapping around to itself because that's when it's more sticky to itself checking yourself out in the bucket I saw that look so do you have all have explosion left a little bit? Okay let's see let's fix that because are we don't have that many leaves at least I don't have that many left on mine I'm going to use a little bit of explosion grass to kind of...
cover the stems from showing so much of the tape so for example I'm definitely going to want to put some flowers here because I don't want my flowers to shut my tape to show I'm going to put a little bit over here then I'm going to take the bigger carnation, the one that are more open in groups of three maybe, and then I'm going to cut this a little bit later, but first I'm going to secure it with some tape. Can't we just had a question come in from ashley? Be on, I know that we don't have time to get too deep into this, but she was curious if this is the same sort of process that you would use if you were making a room. They re three like a certain actually, yes, although with a wreath it's almost easier because you don't have to be so delicate with it. It's just a wreath sitting on your door so it's a little bit easier. Plus with that, you could also you could make your own base or you could just buy some of the ones that already ready made unused. But I've always what whenever have you made a wreath, I have made my own base, I'm going to cover this with another right here. I want to make sure that it looks nice on the side and is there a reason why you're selecting small the smaller flowers? Was it just to cover up that tape? Is that well, in this case, I've selected this because one number one, because I like it. And number two it's more sweet for a flower girl and it's light and also carnations really last a long time outside of water and that's something to consider but yes there will not be a way to know if this water even a mister or no I mean if we make something with roses or pennies right now it last us for the next hour if that but I can keep this in the fridge on dh tomorrow afternoon deliver it to someone who wants it and it'll look just fine are there any other flowers that he might recommend just kind of off the top of your head that are very good to me I know I made a wreath with all snow buries ones and that was really beautiful and at last it's not quite quite a while do you know what snow very zare yeah they're like little white pearly looking flowers um they're just beautiful so I made it with that and it was great so here's like two right here on the side is the goal to get flowers all the way around or to create space that's your choice I like to get I like to have a couple here couple there you know I don't like too many all at once or just all in the role he could make one all in a row but you would probably be here until five o'clock in the morning put another one here maybe or um see, I've got this mock orange maybe I'll use that right over here. Yes you did mention that you were saving that for the read the garland I saved it for my arrangement at the beginning and then I just decided I don't really need it. So now that I have it here I love that I can use it in the same direction or ok and again you're just trimming it and then I'm just trimming and placing it strategically where I know it's going to cover some of the stem or just the ugly tape what ugly but just the less organic make sure that you don't cover your leaves while you're doing this because the leaves help with covering the tape very delicate we're going oh yeah by all means we've got plenty segment would you ever put a like a low quad maybe even just one or some kind of ah I wanted to do more of a central piece low quad is too heavy to having the problem with fruits and I'm a total fan of fruits is that they're too heavy to use um so I haven't done it but I'm sure it's been done in the pie scary like berries you just do it I would but then there is that issue with steny oh yeah and then also raspberries can be a little rough there raspberries have thorns and I don't want to go with those on making crowns no that's actually a good point if you did actually have to use something with thorns could you just use with the corner not with raspberries but maybe roses yeah it's harder with raspberries some look at it from the side I really like the way it looks so I'm going to continue maybe all I little right here where I have tape it's going to be a kind of a haphazard order me a bigger one and then I see this really nice penny over here which I think I want to use really really pretty I might add a beautiful touch to this and be careful as yemen moving around your crown as to not ruin your the rest of the things that you've worked so hard for flowers would also be helpful he's like one of those head manikins if you have a hat on I wonder if that would be for sure good idea something actually or he didn't have that maybe you could take a big bowl and turn it upside down a big watermelon work anything goes a basketball you help somebody standing for you I'm curious how you came up with your name filipino so I love italy I lived in italy as a student both graduate and on undergrad for two years and um I wanted a name that represented my love for italy and I like that movie called panic to leaping tulip ana I think it's italian movie called a bread and two lips and so I wanted to call myself to leap panel which is little tulip in italian but that was taken and then I thought, well what can I use that hasn't been taken it's not a real italian name but that means to live so I used the I made tulip came even though it's a masculine awarded feminine award in italian for myself a little tulip so that's what it means to me and I got a lot of nice feedback from my italian friends one of our viewers poppy hill says that they've actually taught some laurel crown workshops nyse right right here in the right place that this is actually a suggestion they taught them that at baby showers oh also for women's retreat oh that's perfect and that she says here he says we bring I'm sure it's that she everything I don't know way bring in a professional photographer and the girls love it oh yeah they can take pictures speaking of photographs we can't wait for everyone's crown to be beautified and we'll have to take a photo oh yeah that first sure something great photo opportunities in the studio right now it looks beautiful alex beautiful already you know I'm not going to much more to it get too much more to it either I might just add a little one little carnation here and that poppy is going to hold up. You think? Is that your friend? Be it, you know, it's a p any api any arnie? Yes, it will, at least for a couple of hours. And maybe an idea is that if you wanted to put a flower in that doesn't have that state power, maybe that is something that you could put in that one flower at the very legs, apparently. And yeah, if you have the time to make something last minute, then of course, you any flour goes really? You ladies, can you yeah, he was roses. I think that some of these flowers made dry very nicely on these roses. Would, for sure, kind of just the carnation just last a very long time. Now I'm seeing a tremendous and on a variety. And in this between one creation to the next, each one does look very, you know, you moms when I am created a floral crown were wedding before, not something it's it's, very resilient. And there are a lot of varieties that look up more or less sort of standard store by it's a good option and you just sort of read this together. Yeah, I just from one stem to the next, and that kind of becomes a puffy, nice, puffy full of flowers crown right is you're covering the stems as you go with flower petals? Yes yeah just flowers like like that and then how did you attach it with laurel weir just wore a white wire and flowers that's all it wass yeah, you can make a garland that way too. So essentially we've made a meaning garland and we just connected the ends to make this you know, if you could check in on our students yes, they need some some direction systems. I like that you this is a pretty hair so pretty that was love it very cool you're gonna have some more they need any coordination or rose that's really good so you can put some more of those and I would be I would use both of those so lovely to be over here and how far back do you go with the so with mine? I didn't I just kind of did haphazard a little so yeah, you can maybe I would say put some here since you have that over there and then if you want to add a little bit more over here we could get you some more okay pretty like there. Whatever it was, it looks so pretty together I like how you have like a first you hear thank you very nice that's also very delicate, very pretty I love it you can add more flowers or just yeah I think I'm gonna try to give it a little more weight in the back very pretty babe I can mix my term this down a little bit I love it it's actually perfectly round two while I'm waiting I might add a little circuit I mean honeysuckle here smells very good I love the smell of honeysuckle too I grew up in atlanta and it's one of those very nostalgic smells for me at least we used to have some growing in the yard and it's so fun as a kid to realize that you can actually eat yes honey suckle to me it's like the great representation of a warm summer's night but you never get in california no matter how hot it is during the days of freezing at night you've got to go to that you got to get in the southeast but I love it yes true we do have lily online that says it looks stunning I want one everyone's jealous of our crowd I know I don't know who lilly was referring teo and that the rafe laurel name awesome but I'm sure it could be any one of these beautiful creations all right so he handed you fill a cz though yours is yeah I like mind the way that I even added a little bit more so I'm good to go how about everyone else yeah you could work on this and maybe I'll try to make it more green crown this time with more green than it versus flowers there's a long one I found here so I'm definitely going to use this and is that the same buying that you were using earlier this is the honeysuckle is and you know it's a different one I'm using same how do I make this work that's about right I don't have my own choir oh yes wait come back thank you let's see I want to make sure that it's going to bend the way I want it to make my base start with this part first and that's interesting on this base you actually are having tio we've two year because I don't have enough that I can make a little crown with so how is that different to make those two pieces fit as opposed to wrapping and around you have to secure it more with tape I cure it what I'm doing it with wire right now and then I'm going to see what it needs is going he lit out look at it and see what else it needs how secure it is and then either add more wire or then just tape it so I need to add a little bit more wire here make sure it's secure and that is not pokey and if it is pochi um I take the top of my shears and sort of push it down like this same thing with this one this one is a little too long we'll cut it a little bit now is there a top or a bottom tio crowned you kind of make that decision early on which side it has not I mean yes so this is the bottom and here's where the top is what you can see more of the flowers and the leaves so the flatter part the one that has been left yes that's sort of how you build it I suppose it naturally comes as you're building it as you continue on putting flowers on one side and not the other but you should keep that in mind to put everything on one side of the crown wondering if I need a little bit more here. Well, I liked but I'm going to first secure these and then have some more keep wiring sometimes you're stems might break that's ok? You cannot some more to the beauty of being able to wire things up and now I see that you're actually putting one buying on top of the others you could kind of stack it up I'm stacking it up because I want that full I want a lot of leaves in there so I'm gonna and I want to secure my base a little bit more since it's so fine my this vine is quite fine and I want to have more foliage in there how often are you getting requests for having these crowns at every wedding? Is this something that you typically think for every wedding or is it just for special occasions? I don't make it at every wedding, but I would say if he for every three wedding I make one of these weddings that might be even more of a suggestion that you offer a lot of people probably wouldn't even think to request if they have a flower girl I always say would you like? And normally when they go to my website they see that I have those pictures on dh they request it like she said when they see the price, so back out there's just a little girl yeah it's amazing how many people back out when you give him a price for people don't realize that you when you are using pedals down the aisle that you actually paying for the flowers, they don't just come out of thin air so they'll ask for pedals lots of petals um down the aisle and then you say how much it's going to cost you on dh then they'll say, oh no, I'll just bring some pills from my garden because I guess they would assume that, you know, maybe through making the bouquets and all of the things that the pedals just are part of the process they shake off, but except that you need for a regular ill that people walk down um I mean I don't know it's it varies depending on where you are but most people want to have a full isle of rose petals if they're going to have rose petals and for that you need two bags of rose petals each bag of rose petal and then they come they they sell it like that at the flower mart each bag is I believe close to sixty something dollars so for two bags off again two bags will give you not very full but just enough pedals and out of those two bags each bag I would say is at least three to four dozen roses so that's a lot of roses four hundred something dollars well people don't like that that price for just pedals they think of it as always just pedals as you just said oh you must have them on hand well I don't have you know a dozen roses on hand from the wedding there is definitely a lack of um understanding for how much flowers cost very true I'm even gonna add one more while I'm at it can it be also bring flowers to decorate the cake sometimes sometimes yeah yes if they want me to do that sometimes they have their own they have decorations on the cake from the bakery and sometimes they want me to decorate it so I like to degrade it with fruits as well as flowers we're doing good yeah, maybe we can check in and see it that looks any really pretty there. Yeah, I'm going to say oh pretty becca is a woodland princess you've end looking at pictures actually on pinterest and something that had like a really big bundle flowers on the side of the crown and I guess it helped with today they have amazing ways to make crown these days and I see some of these photos of their head is like the crown is ten times because the head was filled with flowers yeah, they're really cool now when you have all of these completed are these being stored in the refrigerator? Yeah you're something about yes for sure at what temperature I'm just the normal refrigerator tend to know a little bit like a little bit colder so I think it's uh fifty if I'm not mistaken my husband's in charge of that one too I'll come right over once I'm done with this last bit to check things out and maybe when when you complete that one hold that one up and maybe the other one sure that you just completed or where then he wants way show mom oh the choices rachel what is going through? You want to take you one to take one of the flowers from your basket don'tyou laurel taped expose that I need to figure out through that what's going through your head well I have so I have right here at the back I added some tulips and related to use a lot of floral tape to get them toe hold and now I just need I needed a blossom the company never that I would use that you have a perfect blossom for that this one right here it's really pretty oh yeah I just need your permission that's exactly that looks amazing you should have your own flower crown works I agree did a great job so for the ocean way resize it big I think it's going to fall to one side I love that so ready to keep it together you could definitely do that this is pretty too I like to tell you out of this yeah, very nobody has all the events coming yeah you have wire are using to we have wire right here thank you well you got that look so pretty well marrying the comfortable yeah that's very cool it looks lovely thank you it's a little side heavy but I mean that happens yeah it's really pretty thank you very much for the great job that you need to put a low clock on the other hand the ballot booth I like these roses so I'll use thes there's probably some request from certain little girls we just want extra flowers on their crowns they wanted it to be really brimming with bright pink petals. Yes not really, though it falls apart, right? You can't be too much point of the girl's only have much to say about what they get yeah, thanks for they're just get to look pretty and walk down the aisle, right? It really is all about the bride though at least in the u s yeah it's what the bride wants but in other traditions it it has to do with the family a lot, so maybe there's a little more violence there everyone has right? They're crowning moment. Some people just take care of their kids, wedding and planet and all of that and others want tio pay for it themselves planet don't themselves and anyway it's that I feel like the girl's dream you know, growing up girls dream about their wedding day, so they want to be in charge of it I'm just using floral tape for this since I don't have just kidding no, I don't need to use wire for this don't do what I just did with your own shares what did I just say? I tried to cut the tape with my shears and so it's not good for this year's used scissors for it we caught that I was on camera, I know what not to do way began this course we talked a lot about how to prepare, you know how to get ready for the process howto prepare the branches how to take what you need in your kid it's not really that much, but no, but you need to take care of what you have and I'm glad you pointed that out. Yeah, I always know what to do and what not to do with their ears. You want take good care of them, you do. And I would recommend even though I don't do it cleaning your shears after you're done working with them each day when he's going down with some with a towel or something just so they have this gunk on it like mind us and it's keeping it, keeping them dry relatively yes, to keep her from rusting, storing them in sand like cleaning and sanders so that what you teo now what idea again, this best practice practice? Yeah, you don't always have sand it's gonna ask some geranium you could literally spend hours on a flower pot. You know, this one in particular it seems like all the students here are really focused. Yeah, you could probably go for hours doing this race. You always feel like you could maybe add a little bit more, adding I know you're very much into recycling and let's say that the flower crown, their life and the time that they were with us is over and of course when it's just composed doble material you can put that back into the composer follows a tape in the wire how does that work? I mean you could try to take them apart if you're if you care about the environment, you have to take it all apart and toss it I don't know many who do do that though um separate them but it's a little bit hard to do that especially with the crown's maybe the bullet nears I doubt that people take the boot nears apart before they toss that possibly there is some kind of bio died degradable floral tape out there you aware of any I am not no that would be a really I would be a great seller these days now we just had a question come in about using glue now have you ever used like a glue gun or something like that to keep this together a little bit more? No, because the base that I use is not it's just organic stuff, so I haven't done that but I'm sure there's a way to do that and there are a million ways of making crowns so many different ways and it goes back to your philosophy that you've been emphasizing which is, you know the way that you do think exactly to keep it simple yes to work with materials that you like to work with right that are gentle on you and on the I mean I've seen tutorials on making good chris sausages with blues blue as well I don't like the look of I just don't like it but I'm sure it's uh many do it. So do your kids make you use glue in their projects when their homes are going to say hey, you know we're going toe he was that much glue way have be with some school once in a while and but we haven't been using that much actually that much glue on their their projects lately there's also the blue stick that we have to use I mean, you don't know how are you going to make things make pictures stick to your own presentation if you don't use glue you might wanna well actually that's the back of my crown so I had I did look a little side of my flowers are dying though but we still use them might add something here now snapdragon is actually curious about transitioning the crown concept into a headband is there a way they would do that? Maybe even by using a ribbon or something? You mean a headband in the sense of like it goes air tank unit oh well you have to make it a little bit looser so that it comes all the way down then there's also the other way of making making it with with ribbon so that you have flowers all around the ribbon and then you take the ribbon it's more flexible you just tie it wherever you think you like it which is nice to um I didn't do that today because again I don't normally use ribbon it's more of a pain toe deal with having tio make it all sit on the ribbon if you wanted to ribbon you could add one on the back or yes you could definitely add one on the back but then there's the dilemma of having to make sure that the ribbon is secure at the end of each stem how do you keep it from coming apart all of a sudden in the middle of the ceremony so for me it's better safe than sorry wondering if I could use and is your masterpiece complete regional I don't know that this is a masterpiece my own doesn't go the other way around or that way it's more from a back view like that way miracle so much originality on you put yours are you almost done are yeah I was done and then it started slipping apart so it was a little bit more work yeah I needed a little more touching up it's coming along real beautifully very pretty the real test street very pretty oh ok you'll have to do this with your daughter yeah I love it how does your daughter she's four this is perfect for weight and how's it going pretty cool part here everyone should there be them all youtube chiana picking around I will go ahead and crown myself here is mine a nice and simple those are beautiful very name very nice great do you guys feel pretty confident now in your ability to make these crowns you ready to start doing this with your daughter now? Well the most challenging thing about keeping these crowns together so I know you guys were really focused in this segment is required a little bit more effort, right? Yeah, yeah, you know, um I think materials is so important we ended up using heavier wire over here and for me the lighter weight wire was just so much easier to work with. Yeah, yeah and so I would have loved to have, like a pair of needle nose pliers help manipulate the wire and then to have a little bit lighter wire it was I love using the buying as the foundation that that's a really cool way toe to stabilize it and have a really natural base. Any other thoughts? You know, I think this was the most intricate work and trying to sort of hide some of the wire in the tape and then as you keep adding more it gets trickier, trickier you can't be sloppy with it yeah, you have to take time to do it. Yeah