Overview of the Fiverr Dashboard
Lesson 9 from: Fiverr Pro BootcampScott Lancaster

Overview of the Fiverr Dashboard
Lesson 9 from: Fiverr Pro BootcampScott Lancaster
Lesson Info
9. Overview of the Fiverr Dashboard
Fiverr Pro Bootcamp
1Introduction to the Program
06:52 2Fiverr Seller Levels
11:17 3Pros & Cons of Fiverr
09:41 4Follow These Rules or Get Banned on Fiverr
07:02 5How to Attract High-Quality Clients
14:49 6How to Spot Nightmare Clients
13:31 7Keeping Your Response Time Low
03:42Using Promoted Gigs on Fiverr
05:42 9Overview of the Fiverr Dashboard
08:51 10Taking a Break from Fiverr
03:46 11Seller Plus Program - Is It Worth It?
02:04 12Fiverr Analytics
03:39 13Getting Your First Fiverr Sale
04:23 14The Perfect Profile Picture
03:04 15Service Provider vs. Helpful Doctor
05:46 16Profile Description
02:43 17Sharing Skills on Your Profile
02:01 18Linking to Other Accounts
02:33 19Showcasing Your Education
02:56 20Niching Down as a Freelancer
01:55 21Strategically Deciding Which Services You Will Offer
04:06 22How Long Do You Have to Wait to Apply for Fiverr Pro
02:25 23Preparing to Apply for Fiverr Pro
05:35 24The Fiverr Pro Application Process
04:54 25What Happens Once You're Accepted onto Fiverr Pro
02:12 26Dealing with Anxiety as a Freelancer
06:34 27Handling Imposter Syndrome as a Freelancer
04:36 28How to Not Get Stressed with Managing Lots of Projects
05:19 29Creating the Perfect Gig Title
01:57 30Writing the Perfect Gig Description
02:48 31Creating the Perfect Gig Video
02:25 32Creating the Perfect Gig Thumbnail
02:01 33Pricing Your Packages with Anchor Pricing
04:27 34Finding the Perfect Gig Tags
01:55 35Showcasing Your Work as Part of Your Portfolio
01:51 36Custom Gigs
04:41 37Milestone Gigs
02:47 38Setting Up Requirements Properly
03:56 39Manage Clients Like a Fiverr Pro
03:46 40How to Have a Successful Sales Call
08:32 41Setting Up Quick Responses
05:30 42Linking Up Calendly with Your Fiverr Profile
04:54 43Using Positive Reviews to Get More High-Quality Clients
04:54 44How to Tackle Negative Reviews and Turn Them into Positive Ones
13:55 45How to Encourage Clients to Write Long Positive Reviews About You on Fiverr
07:30 46Balancing Quality with Quantity
03:43 47How to Sell Services on Fiverr at a Premium
05:24 48What to Do When a Client Doesn't Reply
06:31 49What to Do When a Client Wants to Cancel the Order
08:18 50The Snowballing Method - Keeping Orders in Queue
04:38 51How to Get Favorites on Fiverr
01:28 52Upselling, Cross-Selling and Building Long-Term Client Relationships
04:42 53Brand & Portfolio Building
04:00 54Creating a Professional Email Template
01:23 55Project Management Made Easy with Notion
07:30 56How to Stay Focused While Working Remotely
06:51 57How to Travel While Freelancing
05:42 58Tracking & Growing Your Net Worth
02:04 59My Personal Journey Becoming a Freelancer
11:46 60When to Go Full-Time as a Freelancer
06:25 61Investment Strategies for Each Stage of Your Freelance Journey
04:50 62The Legal Side (NDAs, Contracts and Licenses)
02:59 63Final Thoughts
02:01Introduction to the Program
Lesson Info
Overview of the Fiverr Dashboard
In this lesson, we're going to be covering the fiber dashboard and we're going to be exploring every nook and cranny of the fiber dashboard and the platform itself to show you how to use it as efficiently and effectively as possible. So on that note, let's dive right in. So this page itself is the fiber dashboard and you actually have some really important and useful information here. So first and foremost, it gives you a quick snapshot of your delivery time, your order completion, your order response for it, your inbox response time and your inbox response rate as well. It also gives you a little bit of an insight in regard to how much you've earned within a certain month. Now, if you look here, it says I've earned a grand total of $0 in November, which is completely true. I haven't been taking on any new clients within the fiber platform in November and also in October, simply because I've been extremely busy making courses like this planning for my little boy coming, who's going to ...
be here in a few months and also moving house. So I haven't really needed to work the past couple of months because I've had previous projects are still paying me from clients working directly with me, which is simply just a result of me being in the industry for the past decade and having clients reach out to me pretty much every single day via email. So this is basically why my current earnings in November is a grand total of zero. But if you come to this section here, you can actually showcase your completed and canceled orders. So in regards to completed orders, this just goes down to, this is going to go on for quite a while. I've been on the platform since 2017. You can see here $595 595 $795. I sometimes did discovery calls where I would actually have a 15 minute conversation with someone and I would charge someone $5 just to jump on a call to make sure that they were serious about their brand $595.15 dollars for a quick little consultation call just to basically have a discussion with them like for 5, 10 minutes just to be completely transparent. I do want to show you my canceled orders as well. So basically out of 1050 orders, I've had 50 have canceled. Now, these are a mixture of clients who have maybe ordered the service and then they've realized maybe I've made a mistake and this isn't quite for me. This isn't what I was looking for. So therefore we've had to cancel. There are also some clients in here were just so challenging to deal with and just a waste of time to be completely brutally honest. One in particular where she basically began to be very rude to me on our Zoom call when I was trying to help her and I was extremely patient and I was extremely professional and extremely polite. And I just said to her, I said, listen, I can see we're not the right fit for each other. I'm going to cancel the gig. Please don't use any of the assets that I've sent you already because they are obviously part of the gig and you haven't paid for it. And then at that point, she kind of turned around and started saying, oh, you know, I do actually want the gig. I'm really sorry for being so implied. But at that point, it had already gone and I knew for a fact that if we closed the gig, she was going to give me a super sarcastic and negative review. So I just basically canceled the gig and just let go our separate ways. Now again, just to be super honest and transparent. There are a couple of clients inside my council gigs where basically they've just not been happy with the service. And this is ultimately the times where I've had to take accountability and said, Ok, maybe we've made a mistake in this particular circumstance. Let's cancel the gig. Let's go our separate ways. And I'm going to take that as a lesson learned on my end. You know, this has happened maybe, maybe 10 times over the past six years where I've really been in the wrong and it hasn't been anything to do with the clients. These are the lessons that you're going to learn on your journey. As a freelancer, you learn how to manage things more eloquently, you learn how to be a service provider and to provide value. And also been some cases where like I've mentioned before, where I was trying to charge for or more than my product was actually worth. And ultimately, this resulted in the client not being extremely satisfied with the end result. And ultimately, I have to cancel the order otherwise they were going to leave a super negative review and it wasn't really their fault. So if we go to the my business tab and we have orders gigs, profile earnings and fiber workspace. Now, in regards to orders, that is obviously the orders that you have in clear right now. So you can actually manage everything in regards to gigs that is going to help you manage the gigs that you have on offer within the fiber platform. At this moment in time, the profile tab is ultimately your fiber profile, so you can make any changes and present yourself nice and professionally and then earnings is obviously everything that you've made on the platform, so you can track your money and manage it wisely. I'll be completely honest. I've never personally used fiber workspace, but I think it's simply where they can help you in some of your projects and some of your invoices and, and little things like that, which can be super helpful, but I've personally never used it. Now. If we go to the growth and marketing tab, we have promoted gigs which we've already went through. We have the Fiber Pro section, which is simply just a sales page for how great it is to be a fiber Pro, which I'll go through with you in a little while later on in the course, scale your business, which is essentially just a badge that you can put on website or blog. To be honest, I've never done this and I never intend to simply because if someone's coming through my website, I want to deal with them directly through my website and not through fiber because it doesn't really make sense to pay 20 per cent when they found me directly through my website. It just wouldn't be logical in regards to contacts. That is simply just all of the clients that you've worked with in the past, you can get in contact with them. And then in regards to fiber learn, this is simply an assortment of call is that fiber is basically trying to sell you to further yourself as a fiber professional in your particular domain. Now, if we go to analytics, the overview tab is essentially your analytics based on your fiber profile as a whole. This is going to include pieces of information such as where you are in regards to getting promoted to the next level within fiber for your cellar level. It's also going to tell you things like where your clients are mostly located. For example, a lot of my clients are based in Canada, the USA and also Australia as well. For some reason, I'm not sure why I actually be going far more in depth with the analytics later on in the course. So stick around for that. It's going to be super useful for you. Now, there's also a repeat business tab. Now one thing to think about when we are talking about repeat business is sometimes you have a product or service which is really great as a repetitive service to offer somebody. For example, social media marketing because you have to do it every single month, accounting, for example, because you have to do it every single month. Some things you have to do every single month or every week or every year, some things you don't. For example, we offer a very different model where we start with brand naming for a service and then we move on to logo design, then we move on to website development, then we move on to brand, strategy, and marketing strategy, et cetera, et cetera. So we have a full portfolio of services benefit the person who is ultimately going through a journey of building their brand and they want to do it in a very certain way to get the best end result. So we have a very different model to most agencies where we don't really want to get repeat business. So we have quite a different model to most agencies or freelancers on fiber where we essentially just want to use the fiber platform to engage with new clients and build trust with them and then work with them on the other elements of their branding if they want to continue their journey with us. So once we finish these tabs here, we then have your notifications, which is pretty self explanatory. This is just where you can manage all of your engagements with all of your clients and also all of the so is that you're buying on fiber as well. And then we also have your inbox, which is pretty self explanatory too. You can go here and press this tab to actually buy services, which is obviously super useful because maybe you're working with freelancers on the platform. I certainly hire a lot of people on fiber to help me with projects, which is really great. And then some other things here such as settings where you can change your password and your profile and all that other good stuff. So hopefully that gives you a little bit of an idea as to how to navigate through the fiber dash board and how to use the platform in the right way. Now we're going to be going into certain pages of the fiber platform in more detail later on in the course, like for example, how to create the perfect profile, how to build the perfect gigs, how to manage your finances, which we're going to explore everything a little bit later on in the course. But I just wanted to give you an overview of how to use the fiber platform and the dashboard, which they present you with. So hopefully this has been helpful and I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson.