How to Stay Focused While Working Remotely
Lesson 56 from: Fiverr Pro BootcampScott Lancaster

How to Stay Focused While Working Remotely
Lesson 56 from: Fiverr Pro BootcampScott Lancaster
Lesson Info
56. How to Stay Focused While Working Remotely
Fiverr Pro Bootcamp
1Introduction to the Program
06:52 2Fiverr Seller Levels
11:17 3Pros & Cons of Fiverr
09:41 4Follow These Rules or Get Banned on Fiverr
07:02 5How to Attract High-Quality Clients
14:49 6How to Spot Nightmare Clients
13:31 7Keeping Your Response Time Low
03:42Using Promoted Gigs on Fiverr
05:42 9Overview of the Fiverr Dashboard
08:51 10Taking a Break from Fiverr
03:46 11Seller Plus Program - Is It Worth It?
02:04 12Fiverr Analytics
03:39 13Getting Your First Fiverr Sale
04:23 14The Perfect Profile Picture
03:04 15Service Provider vs. Helpful Doctor
05:46 16Profile Description
02:43 17Sharing Skills on Your Profile
02:01 18Linking to Other Accounts
02:33 19Showcasing Your Education
02:56 20Niching Down as a Freelancer
01:55 21Strategically Deciding Which Services You Will Offer
04:06 22How Long Do You Have to Wait to Apply for Fiverr Pro
02:25 23Preparing to Apply for Fiverr Pro
05:35 24The Fiverr Pro Application Process
04:54 25What Happens Once You're Accepted onto Fiverr Pro
02:12 26Dealing with Anxiety as a Freelancer
06:34 27Handling Imposter Syndrome as a Freelancer
04:36 28How to Not Get Stressed with Managing Lots of Projects
05:19 29Creating the Perfect Gig Title
01:57 30Writing the Perfect Gig Description
02:48 31Creating the Perfect Gig Video
02:25 32Creating the Perfect Gig Thumbnail
02:01 33Pricing Your Packages with Anchor Pricing
04:27 34Finding the Perfect Gig Tags
01:55 35Showcasing Your Work as Part of Your Portfolio
01:51 36Custom Gigs
04:41 37Milestone Gigs
02:47 38Setting Up Requirements Properly
03:56 39Manage Clients Like a Fiverr Pro
03:46 40How to Have a Successful Sales Call
08:32 41Setting Up Quick Responses
05:30 42Linking Up Calendly with Your Fiverr Profile
04:54 43Using Positive Reviews to Get More High-Quality Clients
04:54 44How to Tackle Negative Reviews and Turn Them into Positive Ones
13:55 45How to Encourage Clients to Write Long Positive Reviews About You on Fiverr
07:30 46Balancing Quality with Quantity
03:43 47How to Sell Services on Fiverr at a Premium
05:24 48What to Do When a Client Doesn't Reply
06:31 49What to Do When a Client Wants to Cancel the Order
08:18 50The Snowballing Method - Keeping Orders in Queue
04:38 51How to Get Favorites on Fiverr
01:28 52Upselling, Cross-Selling and Building Long-Term Client Relationships
04:42 53Brand & Portfolio Building
04:00 54Creating a Professional Email Template
01:23 55Project Management Made Easy with Notion
07:30 56How to Stay Focused While Working Remotely
06:51 57How to Travel While Freelancing
05:42 58Tracking & Growing Your Net Worth
02:04 59My Personal Journey Becoming a Freelancer
11:46 60When to Go Full-Time as a Freelancer
06:25 61Investment Strategies for Each Stage of Your Freelance Journey
04:50 62The Legal Side (NDAs, Contracts and Licenses)
02:59 63Final Thoughts
02:01Introduction to the Program
Lesson Info
How to Stay Focused While Working Remotely
So how to stay focused when you're working remotely. Well, this is a topic which not a lot of people talk about. And the reason being is it's kind of a taboo topic, right? Like it's something that everyone just thinks that focus just naturally comes when you work remotely. And the reality is that it isn't, it's actually extremely hard to stay focused when you are working in the comfort of your own home, for example, or maybe in a cafe or maybe on a plane if you're traveling, which will cover a little bit later on the course. So having some systems and rituals in place which have personally helped me anywhere, I think can really add a lot of value to your ability to focus more effectively when working from anywhere. Basically. Now, there are lots of difficulties and challenges with working remotely. One of which is the fact that the fridge is only a two second walk away and there's a lot of food in there. That's personally my challenge, but it might be different for somebody else. Anoth...
er thing is if you're working in a public place, it could be quite noisy, there could be quite a lot going on. So that is another thing you have to manage and ultimately find a solution for. Now, one thing that really worked for me is really creating a space that I enjoy working in. So for example, instead of buying a laptop, when my computer basically died on me, I ended up getting a desktop because I actually wanted to create a desk and an office which I enjoy being in because it's just pleasurable to be here. I have my nice desk, I have my lamp, I have my coffee. I have my little thing which holds my coffee, which is completely useless. But anyway, it just makes me happy because it's well designed. I have my books behind me. I have a lot of space to, to think and just to breathe and, you know, I don't feel, you know, kind of sucked into a little tiny space. It's just a nice place to be and I enjoy being here. I sometimes just come here and just watch videos and just hang out because it's, it's my safe space. So I think that's the first thing that you can do if you can find or dedicate some sort of area of your home to just working is just make your desk as beautiful as possible. Make it a really pleasurable place to be. And then guess what, you're going to want to spend more time there and if you spend more time there, then you might just get more work done and stay more focused as well. Now, another thing that has really helped me is to actually get into the mindset of work and understanding that, you know, I can't just roll out of bed and just expect to, you know, just literally get to work straight away. I need a little bit of time to have my morning coffee to, you know, get a little bit of sun and, you know, just relax a little bit and then work my way up to the, the warmth of getting into work and to be really effective and productive. You know, sometimes I do my best work late at night when I'm usually super tired, but for some reason I'm just switched on or I'm excited about the project or I've had an idea and something just kind of clicks. Sometimes it happens, you just have to roll with the punches sometimes and just really kind of listen to your body and what's going on within, you know, your biology. Now, an absolute game changer for me, which was quite an expensive one, but it was well worth every penny with these noise canceling headphones. Now, these obviously from Apple, they're roughly around $600 I think maybe just under maybe 575. But if you can't afford Apple headphones, then pretty much any headphones or noise canceling headphones will do the trick. Now these really help when there is any noise from outside. For example, I currently live in a house is near a construction site which are building new houses and stuff. So this really helps just to really cancel all of that noise out. So I can really focus on work. Sometimes I have these on and I don't even play any music in them. I literally just wear them to cancel out all the noise is happening around me which is the same in cafes and stuff like that because maybe there's a baby crying or maybe there's people talking and it can be hard focused sometimes. So investing in some noise, canceling headphones or some sort of ewa if that's even a word to really kind of channel your focus just so you're not being distracted by noises and stuff that's going along or around, you could be really helpful. At least it's really helpful for me. Now, weirdly enough when I do listen to music through my headphones, I find it really difficult to study or focus when I'm listening to English speaking songs. So songs where I actually know what they're seeing now on the other end of the spectrum, I can listen to and still focus and function fairly well whilst there's music which has either no lyrics or lyrics in a completely different language, which I don't understand. For example, like Korean, there is a playlist which I play all the time, which is, you know, kind of really upbeat career music which I, for some reason, really, like, it just helps me feel extremely positive when I'm working, it helps me feel really upbeat and I don't have a clue what they're saying, to be completely brutally honest, but it just puts me in a nice mood and I enjoy working whilst listening to it in my ears. I'm not sure why, but, you know, we live and learn. But one last thing that I want to share with you in regards to, you know, finding the time to really do deep focused work and to not be distracted as a freelancer when you're working remotely is to study or work for really short sprints. Now, this sometimes works for me and sometimes it doesn't, it just depends on the day and you know how I'm feeling, sometimes I can literally be working on a project and then I can look at the clock and it's like five hours later. And I'm like, where did all the time go? I literally have no idea how that happened. And sometimes hopefully that happens, you, that's called being in the floor. That's just the flow state and the love of doing what you're doing. But some other times it's not quite like that, sometimes a little bit more challenging to actually get to working on specific projects just because you may find them a little bit boring or maybe you're just not as engaged in that particular industry or that business or maybe the client is being a little bit challenging. I don't know, in that case, and when you really just want to get yourself through it, it really helps to break things down into tiny little segments. So for example, when I'm shooting this course, I am shooting it in three video segments. So I'll shoot three videos, then I'll go and make myself a coffee or I'll spend some time with my wife or, you know, I'll do something fun, like play guitar or something and then I'll come back. So I'm just doing short sprints of three videos or little tiny focused efforts to basically achieve the bigger objective, which is to finish the course. So this is actually a really useful and tried and tested technique where you spend 20 minutes it to actually really focus on doing the thing and then you take 10 minutes to relax and do whatever you want to do. And it's kind of like this little mini reward system where you're working your way through the thing, but you're not killing yourself and really yourself by the end of it. So hopefully that helps you. Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to seeing you in another video.