Signature Events & Contests
Lesson 14 from: Find the Right Partners to Grow Your BusinessKare Anderson

Signature Events & Contests
Lesson 14 from: Find the Right Partners to Grow Your BusinessKare Anderson
Day 1
1Benefits of Smart Partnerships
40:58 2Partnership Resources & Needs
29:10 3How to Identify Your Customers
19:34 4Identify Your Most Valuable Partners
50:08 5"Dating" Your Partner
14:58 6How to Recruit a Partner
28:59 7Practice Recruiting Potential Partners
15:09Low-Risk, High-Opportunity Ways to Partner
48:30 9Q & A
13:42 10Involve Multiple Partners
14:38 11Web & Audience Questions
43:23 12Exercise: Potential Partners
15:28 13Full-Powered Partnerships Featuring Janine Warner
17:32 14Signature Events & Contests
20:36 15The Top 5% Opportunity
12:05 16Skype Interview with Rebecca Shapiro
21:25 17Get Closer To Your Partners
10:01 18Bundled Offers
19:23 19Help Each Other Through Slow Times
18:53 20Skype Interview with Bryan Kramer
31:40 21Become a Media Magnet
23:19Day 2
Lesson Info
Signature Events & Contests
When you're getting married and you're going to these full powered partnerships and you've got your pre nup, so to speak, um, what some of the things that you can do, so I want you to think for a moment, what kind of signature event have you been to? I mean, I've really stuck with the one that shannon's talked about my mind because it's given me ideas because of the specificity, so I'm going to start us thinking about some because the whole value is that in an event, is there enough time for people to engage with each other to bond around your mutual benefit experience so it's not about us, even then, if we really want it to be about us it's about them and adoring experience, they had now there's different kinds of people. I just want the facts on a learn fast as I can, but some people are totally social there's people who think there's visual, auditory kinesthetic listeners actually, we aren't any of those were all of them, but that's new research. Um, so I'm going to suggest some eve...
nts that have been done where there's a chance for you to leverage in this full powered way aa lot of people where everybody has a distinct part and you have a chance to assess each other, one of is equivalent of speed dating you know, in speed dating people it's sit across from each other and they have five minutes to whatever you do in five minutes to chit chat into an assessment on the bill goes off and they write something in their card or do something and they move on to the next one well, we designed something there's a combination of speed dating and you can do that alone or speed dating and rounds aro u nd s round tables so what happens? We picked a course situation for some helped a group in detroit where we got nineteen partners together and knows how to find the job you want and so what they did is that a variety of people could support you on skills for that we're all partners that also had other services as well as recruiters and so on and what would happen is you could sign up for the event in advance and the sooner you signed up you could choose the sequence so who you wanted to be in an interaction with and that interaction could last either ten minutes or fifteen but not more so you choose that as the star of the event so when you sign up you then as an attendee get a go from person to person to person and we invited them to have their own digital devices so they could record it and be ready with specific questions they've asked so it was a lean, loose event because after you've gone to maybe four, five, you take a break and the conversation is much more meaningful. Could you've gotten in questions, ideas, there's certain people you want to talk to more, and you went back and you did some more of that, and then there was another interaction, which was social with food or drinks. So when you do that, if you're the ringleader, you're the one bringing together the different people that are experts on that they may have services, or they may have something they want to show, but people get to the point faster or don't, and you learn all kinds of things about them, and you see who you might want to learn more about. Plus, it was an easy media target to get visibility. Now the second version, he could combine them now, I learned at national speakers association and it's, something we called meet the experts or we reduced to two calling in the rounds, and what happened is you have a big ballroom, and in the big ballroom you'd have a facilitator at each table who's, an expert, a known expert around the overarching topic. So for some people, we did one one year in boston, and it was called spring cleaning your home. Your car, your office yourself and so what they had was people are experts about how makeovers colors things to wear, what to do in your home and we're trying to reach a group that was middle to upper class, so to speak, so there was a fee for it, um and included drinks. Now you could see a diagram online of the tables and the topics underneath, and the sooner you signed up, you got a seat at the table. So these were twenty minute sessions for twenty minute sessions with five minutes to scurry over the next one, and what we did is each facilitator was someone that we thought we wanted the two ring leaders who are my clients, they said, we want to vet these people, we don't even want them to know it. We're going to have them as facilitator experts because they all are potential allies for us, so we're going to tell them in these twenty minutes you get a digital and a print out version that you can distribute to the people your table, your best tips, tips in the background on you, but your goal for your benefit and ours is to open up to questions from the beginning. So what happens in that twenty minutes is people the table could ask questions, and what happens is people are getting you're getting feedback as facilitators about what parts of my work, which they read about advance, most interest them really powerful, so they had it recorded, who has stupid questions, dumb questions who looks like they really get what I'm about. So they had on it was so valuable the next year, they did it that he's facilitator had a recorder. Ally, listen, observe and take comments, too, and so then you could move in that beautiful bell rang, and it was ah, buddha bell, just big chime, and then it would get increasingly intense when people aren't moving. But that doesn't sound like a buddha bail, but it was really pretty, and then by the time you've gone to some of those, you felt like you've gotten a lot of value and afterwards, if you'd attended, you could get any one of the handouts, even if you didn't get to that table. So again, lean loose. After those rounds, there was what we called a dinner, but it had tables like this smaller tables all around the room and was a dim sum version will go back to that later on. I'm a real fan of dim sum style for facilitated lightly um, interactive network king, because people come around and we encourage people to change tables at least four times. And we have people going by this was this my partner's ideas my client partner, these people go by and these angel wings or these flapping gossamer wings don't know they walked that tea and say, say tying to move time to move angels calling you over there and I thought, oh, that's going to be well aware the men loved it, everybody did but you see what I'm talking about it's a core way that a whole lot of people got a lot of content and visibility and one of the people of the experts and this was the reporter who was one of the best known columnists in that region on that topic so they knew of the partners and a genuine way they got toe demonstrate their expertise to pull in more readers to their column again reiterate every single partner has to have a direct, obvious immediate benefit as well as a longer term won for the best build up in that so think about different formats that you've seen and what happens and there's another conference that I go to called the world t expo and I got to speak it the first time there was there I was in raptured I had never noticed he before but these are people that were tea vendors teashop sellers, team makers of different stages so is global and eighty percent of the conference was short demos so you could be a demo provider giver and short classes ah class in thirty minutes and so you could see the fallout classes as you went around. And so what happened was everybody had a lot of opportunity to bond with each other because it was demo driven rather than talk driven, so you might think that each of demos in the afternoon they'd have contests if he'd actually taken a class and for there was one coffee maker there who was in the making different kinds of coffee's very extravagant names he branded the diff what kinds of his coffee not lot day but chinese lot he made up these things and then he got smart the next year and he named it after hero of hiss. So you want to brand your product names with names that resonate with your common market or your partner's just like one of my favorite sandwich shops decided they'd have two hundred kinds of sandwiches, different mixes of things, and they named some after their famous local celebrities some after cook people they like and some after their most active customers. So the chance to brand around a physical event takes it into the virtual world and so they literally had signs and pictures that pictures of the customers doing it we're going back to the world t expo and the one coffee maker hey had people all lined up and he actually had them in a contest to see who could make the best one with a group of juried experts five experts against sucking and people be potential allies not partners but allies if I'm here is an important person testing who is the best maker of a certain kind of coffee I get visibility I think I'm kind of important and I really like the people that put me in the spotlight so you can allies who get a role in your event that pulls them in so you get visibility and you get to see is that someone I'd want to have us a partner. So having a view just off the top your head bend off event where the format was really helpful for you and I have a couple more here and and then angela yeah. Ah, world domination summit? Yes, I tell him the format. Well, you know the secrets change and there's also there's main stage speaker presentation fantastic speakers and then there are what's the overworking I'm sorry. The over arcane theme there world domination. Well, let me see him though. Uh, well, I really it's him. He wrote a book about non conformity and it's really about it's hard to sum up, but I'll just tell you the reason I went there I knew one of the key note speakers and it was for, you know, independent thinkers who are entrepreneurial and mission driven and just great disrupters. So it's just my clan was there, and I was there to commute to connect with that community, and that really it's really about connections really connecting with like minded folk. And so the format that was useful is this big stage that, you know, where they have big keynote speakers, but even significant keynote speakers in smaller, more intimate side kind of side workshops where you could connect even so, it and then people connected independently said that was sort of up to you to find your tribal you were there, which is the normal, conventional way, which is the way it was set it up, he set it up because he has a distinct set of archetypes. He wants to track to him right, and a method by which he highlights the best of it so that people can feel an affinity to it, right? Exactly. And then the other thing that's really interesting about him. We talk about sponsorships. Chris does not actually accept corporate sponsorships with nominations, which it was really interesting. And he said, I don't want to pollute this with these, you know, corporate interests want to keep it pure, so one thing that's really wonderful about him goes back, he understands his mission and he's very clear on his values. And so I think that's why the tribe resonate so well together and connect so well together, it's a great example of portland or my family's, all in portland, and if this goes back to a couple of other things specifically, he started out as someone who want to travel the world and efficient, wide ranging way embodies those values. So when we talk about hook a platform, so he took that he was able to grow it to a community, so it was beyond the specific of world travel for those values to the values they're under it to create in platform to make speakers want to come, who otherwise were getting often paid a lot to come now, going back to what I suggest for people doing that that takes it even further such a great example, because few people pull it off and the specific a choosing not to have sponsors, I called a credo. Oh, your core values or manifesto. I have failed yet to do this, but I'm working on it over the holiday and that's to come up with three, five or seven core principles that you can say in a sentence or phrase that or what your partnership and bodies, and do it separately for your company. I'm going to recommend a woman I deeply admire who's done one of the best gretchen gretchen rubin who wrote the happiness project and she's been on the best seller list and talk about a learner she started with type pad she grew something so fast but if you look at us twelve splendid truths I think that's what it's called you realize how hard it is to dio and since I work with a lot of companies about their mission statement because they think they have one and getting specific has really really proved that you do not know what you stand for so what ann said is so perfect but come up with their own credo your mission step those those those core phrases that embody it because it's another thing that makes people pull toward you that you want to have pulled toward you because you just said very clearly the three or four things that they do so always think of building on what you learn in one part to consolidate it so somebody else had yes I had one startup weekend or particular startup weekend edie you so it brings together people from different disciplines started weekend ctu is a fifty four hour event it brings together business professionals, engineers, programmers and designers and educators what's the format the format is friday night you come around seven p m meet people do a little mingling eight pm you all I can pitch an idea that you have you have one minute to pitch and you have to say to your target market is how you're going to make money and why it's connected tio supporting educators so you do that and then they choose about fifty you vote everybody their votes the last one I went there's about one hundred twenty people we all voted on for educators which resonated the most and then everyone who they wanted to form teams then we formed fifteen teams the ones that were voted the mode the top and we built teams of designers, programmers, business professionals and educators we have fifty four hours to develop a product a viable product or platform that we would then present in front of a panel of judges on sunday night so I got probably seven hours of sleep this whole weekend but I was very happy I pitched an idea that another guy pitched a similar one so we join forces we made school match that's the company that I've talked about recently but the greatest thing about this is it brought people from all different disciplines who have their own ideas so there's people that come with their great business idea but they kind of step back and come join forces with other people because they also are passionate about your idea on there just passionate about helping education students families so it's just it's amazing you also on saturday have mentors that will come and like talk to you at one point we were just in information overload because we're getting so much information from everyone we're very grateful however it was hard to like, you know, sift through it all and like know what? We're going to take on what we're going to leave but great experience I met some people that I know will be lifelong friends and it was just a great learning experience in general so just don't somebody my hearing this how rich the formats are and I haven't thought about how many I'm going to do in a booklet of formats I think to do it but what I also want to suggest is remember every trait that's a positive talent we have is a flip side so we all were talking earlier about go slow to go fast but conversely it's true that when you're jammed in in a short session with time limited, you learn so much about people the other way. So why cac a thon is three of the clients that I have their startups that hackathon that had a big prize to the winner and they said they learned so much about each other just working together and watching other teams there nearby that the emotional learning was a cz muchas the technical on verification pretty cool yeah a good friend with the winner named suzy she works for tinker ed t I n k r e d great conning people should look it up the thing I learned and my husband was the had engineer called ceo but the thing we learned is that we got along so great with a team of ten which is a fairly large team for yes a hackathon we got along to ball we needed in that fifty four hours a little bit of contrast to like push us maybe a different direction yes, we ended up with a great product alive working mobile app however maybe we would have you know I don't know maybe would have said wait and gone somewhere else had we had a contrasting point but we got along so well that we really can't go teo al it's great idea so I'm a squeeze in two more formats before we break this was really rich do you realize how specific you guys all are? It's just really a joy to listen to and there is an overwhelmed but there's also this richness because we have short attention spans. So you know the famous ted conference thing which is convinced everybody to have a twelve, fifteen, eighteen, twenty minutes talks that said, but there's also um pitching coach and ignite and looking at those formats has helped other people do it it's also interesting note who says I have too much to say I can't do in that amount of time well, then get clear that old mark twain things says I didn't have time to write a good letter, so I wrote a fourteen page one you know that pithy stuff getting specific so not only that there's something called renaissance weekend and renaissance weekend was started by bill and hillary clinton here's the method that has startled me each time I've gone if you accepted to go you're sent ahead of time you've given background you're said they're talk telling you you're going to be on this panel this panel on this panel yes, you may go with a spouse, a friend or whatever so their goals deep diversity around and in a thing of how do we give and share were not to sell we aren't even supposed to use social media just last year they gave up on that, but so you meet everybody from I met someone who was in counterintelligence saw a surgeon three actors the range of ages is twenty to eighty seven, but you're in a set of of facilitator lead panels that a short so you may be on a panel but the next time you're in the audience so it's not like oh, where the speakers and you're the people we're teaching how to do something better there was a convivial ality but the idea of a few rules and bounded and unbounded john seely brown writes about that um you have a chance to have some constraints on you just like you're talking about the constraints on the class angela and I mean in that conference some constraints get us to focus about it and the ironic thing about renaissance weekend is people stay so humble you don't even know who they really all the things about them after a while and you keep offering each other help and it keeps coming back so just going back to anne's description of christmas conference when you can embed that and hold it sacred and do it but the ironic thing is this man says I feel guilty were driving home and a group together he says I just got four new clients and I really wasn't asking for clients because you just reach out in that space to do it oh so imagine that equalizer rule imagine the specifics of that look at peta coach because it went around the world and if you look up my name bliss that word pch eh can you see it I did a common that and moving from mito way and ignite and so they're culturally happening all over the world and I would love to see someone unite them I think I'd be great for branding international company there's involved in technology analytic so whatever toe let us see what people do in other countries and my idea just to finish this out quickly is that someone like dan ariel I think we all I saw these old images of the candid camera show so let me just say I'm talking about how you pull people in by interesting this remember interesting this involvement rigging out her true self he always has these experiments that he gets his own students and other teachers to d'oh I said wouldn't it be fun to do the same experiment and different cultures whether it's do the experiment do a video watch what happens I don't know if you've seen the gorilla that goes past the people playing basketball no one sees because they said just see how many times they do the basketball well he has one that's my favorite or you come up to the counter and I'm helping you at the counter give you something I stepped out look down to get some more stuff and someone else pops up and you don't notice it someone different so imagine if he said here's how to do it and you had somebody in neuroscience is talking about behavior and waken do and had a variety of other people but you invited people around the world to do their own version of it to see what it looked like in other countries and to learn from it and invited students or in psychology or doctors heaven help us that one become or complete compassionate diagnosticians some of these things you watch you see are the cultures responds it's a natural show and that be why go after an underwriter? And I think what could be the three partners? So I'm saying, take it from different sites as I close out this part, take it from different sites what's the format what's the core mission. I keep going back to anna again, but one of the things we're green we will not do. They keep us peer to what and what are the things that were to be the first to do and what's the format we take and one professional industry with our partners. But we actually might be the consultant to help it be launched, and other industries, because you find out you love designing conferences or events or how to add to it. So one of the dangers of doing partnering is you realize you can go off inside track, you actually enjoy more because you find there's a peace part that's this fund you is your core talent that you started out with. So what we're going to be talking about as we go through some of the more of these is how do I take something that's conventional involve other people which granular every gets value, turn it on its head with something I learned from another sector industry make it our signature event. Contest or ritual so I just like to say close out with letting your mind go around that because you can take those piece parts and work on one part and then jump over and work on another part and see what comes up and notice all the conferences you avoid going to cause you think I just don't want to stand around and do whatever it is you don't want to d'oh so I think that closes up for someone for someone starting out what type of event or how big of an event d suggest I'm going to and is there a size limit like if somebody is just starting out, can they go to one of these really huge events or should they keep it a little more smaller and scale? I don't think it's a size that matters because we're under full powered partnerships it's how we'll bust our partnerships we've decided we're going to marry them so the goal is it's not necessarily the number but it's the quality of the people who want to track we want to make sure we get the ones that are ideal customers, right? And we want to have as high enough review passed it as we go, so if that's too then our goal is to think out um what format? How can we make it so that there's very few hitches with the number of people were serving and how many volunteers do we need in addition to that? F l so I would go more by that capacity than anything else. Now, I just want to go through a few more because I read my time wrong. So anyway, in the signature events and contest, I want you to think about building drama, interest and involvement, and I say drama on person on purpose, drama, interest, involvement, drama. Let me just say the city in which you create you might know someone here would be help awful to you on that you might want to say, can we crossed? Consult. I remember the first time I have ah, fender's, a meeting planner in san francisco, and she actually has united arab emirates airline. So she had a fun time during america's cup, but they actually created settings in the conference center where they had it look like a drawing room in different countries. And so people came in and they adopted behavior related what they saw and another one was like an outdoor cafe. Look, so you want to think you don't always have to have expense? She could just think, is there an effect or setting our style that I want to have no drama could also out in a different way drama hams when things are sequential and if they're sequential, do you think don't let people see the whole picture at once you want to build interest involvement so that's true, what do they see in what order? So you can look at my site and there's a thing called storyboarding how you storyboard a sequence so it's storyboarding plus my name and you'll find the article elsewhere you think of the multi sensory cues that you want to have involved smell, taste, touch, ironically, so what's a sense that we use most that affects us the most do we think this isn't a trick question what we see because that happens fastest ironically, what we feel in touch has a huge effect on it and it's one of the ones that we have leased in use. So when you're thinking about the drama, think of the century experience, you're giving people it's, not an accident. When you go in stores that people pick objects up, look at him, turn around, touch him, there's some tourism among store people that if I can get them to take to actions engaging with the product, I double the chance that they're actually going to buy something. So when you're thinking about drama and involvement and steps think, how do I engage some even online to take additional steps to actually feel something again that's? Why I believe there should be online and um in person experiences in your partnerships where possible where's away that can create that experience that we'd have both they may have won, but we may have the other so for example I go back to what see apparently prosaic kinds of partners ironically, most restaurants have not done a good job of branding or differentiation beyond the kind of food they serve or how upscale inexpensive it isthe they've got to a certain look and feel but there's not a distinct personality to most restaurants but they've got a physical space and imagine what they could do if you had a partnership with the restaurant and co creating event that shows something about what you sell and what they have what they give away to someone who signs up to be a frequent user sushi iran restaurant has a private membership where those people that buy a certain number of meals ahead of time or go with some frequency they get bonus extras since it's not a parent a japanese restaurant they actually have gifts from their partners to the people who spend the most so we're going to go about into that more later but you want to think drama involvement getting them to touch getting the smell where else would that happen? Where is the place that people might already go as we're talking about where's the place they might even just see the sign so if they're seeing the sign is it asking a question? What do you miss seeing right now? So it could be something that's, enigmatic or specific or concrete? So if you're just thinking, if I'm boosting mo mentum and pulling them in, you've got more partners to do it so you can sequence what the experience. So I worked with several communities where they sequence what you see in their town, they do one kind of souvenir hunt for tourists weakened by a package of if you go to all fifty these places in these places, you can get on ly available here snacks or samples of stuff, or an experience or a picture of place to take. So people have done that in tourist towns or in certain neighborhoods so that you get the passport, you get the engagement in those places, and you can do with them one night, one week or one year, but people coming in and touching, engaging with other people? S o you're thinking, ok, halfway have those more partners, will it be geographically close will be close in time? Um, will it be a sequence for years? There was a billboard company that would put up a billboard that was blank for five days, absolutely blank, and then they would put on one part of the landscape at least you thought I was a landscape actually an expert help them figure out the sequence and then you would hear see the first part of what the sentence was which was going to be the headline and then you'd see one picture so it took seven weeks for the whole thing to come out by that time the police told them they had to speed it up because it was a long a part of a freeway and overpass happens in san francisco and they were having difficulties with cars pausing there which is a good sign and then I that was brought on and we decide to partner it so they'd be offering offers so to be a sequence of billboards to be offered from the different partners on the ground price. Then again they were asked to do it away from the freeway, which is another sign of success because people were looking for the next one but you can do it on a sidewalk. You can also do it on your site and say here three tips and if you want to learn how to take the next step, go here if you want to use it with this go here. So you got a chance for people to be pulled in because they want to learn the next piece and you can ask a question now in good thriller books they leave you hanging at the last chapter for something else in the next so think what could I do that could engage to take people for their long and interactive means that I get a share a piece of myself as a customer or something? So out in the sidewalk or on the landing page you think what could be out there, where I wonder what it isthe? So what can you add to it? Or you go inside a space which can be online? I go to that a moment oren and a store where there's a big bull and I did this on a set of synagogues around the country. There's a bull and you got reaching the bull and you see a phrase that's part of your religion that is, could be taken as an action. And they did that for one month. And then they invited everybody to put a phrase that matter to them and mix them in the bulls. You take one out, you put one end, I got the idea. Why not do that? A conference. Get a bunch of piece of advice from your customers. Your vendors and other people put in a big bull and then invite people put their own piece of advice, put their name on it. So it's participatory the other way was after the speed dating or one of these other events that you have again, I go back and say recruit your partners who can be focused or their volunteers, our staff so you take a picture and you say with specific thing happened here was most helpful to you and why who did you hear it from and how she get those quick video snapshots that glue them to you because you cut them in a moment looking good and smart and saying their name because one of the biggest things you want through partners is the triple the number of testimonials you have at least vivid specific testimonials and text, video and audio or all three so think of each of these is something where you're doing something where the customers are heroes um, where the focus is on them, what did they give you? Is advice about how to make something different or better? Who did they introduce you to that became a client? And why, um what did they co create with something else that used with yours what's a special memory that they had that they would have had otherwise? If it wasn't for you and so asking for those memories, we've seen people where they where something to do something in a place and bring it back but get them involved, shine a light on them, do a brief description who they are with their permission and sort of make it I called it an eighty twenty rule if eighty percent of the tips and the testimonials are from my partners, my customers, even prospects who haven't yet bought and twenty percent are tips, ideas or what we say about her business to me, that's a great ratio customers as heroes, more people are living and working on their own on dh, so the idea that they can be a part of something that pulls them in closer is going to be increasingly important. Um, so the next part is crafting a contest, but before I do want to see it to germany, questions from that part, anything that comes to mind as another way you seen an event be unique, or how something's got more interactive or where people have made there customers, patients guest imagine that hotel did that. For example, since I've been in so many hotels, I just speak curious from other people why they like to certain hotel because beyond a great bed, which I think is pretty cool, maybe it didn't have all the right pillows. I will say, um and the lighting, and for once they had a big enough mirror or you could see it well in the lighting, but imagine if they actually had that imagine, for example, you partnered with hotel and turned it into a personality, and you augmented as the partners which means that you got to use their meeting space you got to talk about imagine meetings they got to look good in the meetings industry by doing it this thing that's so whole topic was bringing other different people about how to make your conference more meaningful and memorable. And yet every from dick or two people talking about formats to people talking about videos and training video e books and that hotel sponsored the space for free because they want to take what they learned turn it no primer have it submit is an article the meeting planners international or professional conference managers association so that meeting planners saw that they were innovative and a source of ideas and they pulled them to their hotel chain. Are there specific hotel it's about co equal partners it's about the format it's about what you do that makes other people look really good using their resource or talent? Yes, there's a great conference that actually was just last week called big ideas fest down in half moon bay and we're not going to the foreman of the conference. One of my favorite things that I learned that they do there is they have a whole series of pins like no buttons pants on and and one is called it's a bit ethnic which I can't really big ideas returning of sorts and you get this special button and you get five secret buttons that you get to hand out to somebody that was the best contributor in your group or someone that uplifted your day or someone that taught you something I think that there are buttons that are public that anybody can pick up anywhere and so it's kind of this little secret badges that you can on ly get from conference organizers or attorneys and it is great cause a lot people would take a lot these buttons back to their office and it was a gratitude but right and gratitude but it's this incredible way to promote others but it just got me thinking about a way to do that in a digital format if there was some way to you know badging has become really popular with websites that I just love that concept was such away a great way to connect with others you can download the badges you want and you share him yeah and also you can pick up the badges you sharing when you've gotten people to want to share you know you're doing well because you're extending experience elsewhere I mean that's a really hot idea yeah when I was going to talk about too is you know, we all want celebrities that are authentic and resonant with us but we can also be involved in turning them into celebrities and who they are because our niche markets I don't care if they're not widely known outside my net it's ho ho they are in it. And one of the most becoming things to do is when someone's done something remarkable, turn them into a celebrity because you cite the specific action they did. And since you're the first one to make them more visible that's going to pull them in, and you can see if you want them for a partner and make sure that the benefits are very clear and obvious, like what you did there, there's something very clear. They can see they're taking these out. So you want to think, what are all the takeaways that cause me to extend experience? Our partners are created and make them go elsewhere. But also this is one of my favorite parts. There's a book called najai had mentioned earlier nudge in the sample and share samples. It was inadvertent, but renee just set me up for this. So I thank you very much. Beyond the idea of sampling and sharing samples, the idea that I taken action are much more likely to take more actions on behalf of it. The rule of three actions and sequence. So if I say, what did you like best about this? And then I say and you say something and you hear yourself say it, I say give me the specific example you would and I say thank you let me give you a sample of what we've been talking about you might want to take with you and practice and others would you like to get any of these three things later on, so giving them a variety of actions from ones that are really easy to more helps them along the way, nudging as a book by cass sunstein is high you nudge people to do something they're enlightened self interest so it's about how you have to opt out within in a company is an employee rather than opt in to stand your for a one, but the notions of the book go much part of that include a way that moves them to give you their contact information. We all know how valuable that isthe because when you're giving them the contact information, you're there expressing a level of trust, but she is because they want something. So one thing to do is thinking about framing them in a situation that they can get later on he'll email it to them if you if you set up, I've seen and people want to be pictured in that scene if they don't want to buy it, say let's, make a group to view or a stitch or a picture which we put on the text on it so I was there or iron this or I accomplish this so you think ok if I'm going to do that then where should we send it? What email you just want to make sure you say we're just sending that to and when you send it you say if you want to opt in to get more tips feel free but we're not we won't send you other things after this so played as clear as you can that way the whole goal there is to have something where they give you the information you treated so well they you have a high number of opt in in the future because they want more tips they've heard enough about you and the second thing I say what that is okay also um what else can they do that makes them look good when they share it with friends so spurring them to brag is to me one of the most powerful things and briggs the hard word for some people to swallow but you know we break about the things we're proud of that an extension of what we value in ourself I believe this is going to be one of the keys in the future if people don't feel so good that can't help themselves but telling other people that it then we haven't hit the highest level on our own or with partners but when they have something to show that's concrete, lee written or makes them look good on the product, you help their what they brag about. More vivid and more participatory. Help them have a couple ways to add to it. The whole goal is and moves them closer to buying, but also moves them closer to buying more often and telling others, that's, a triple win by by more, tell others. So that's. The opt in reason.
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I have listened to the whole course over 5x over the past couple years - this is one of the most valuable courses I ever bought. At the time I bought it I was digging everywhere for a good quality course on partnerships, and when I found this it surpassed all my expectations. Kare - I do have a request: would you please put together another course on PR, getting press, pitching media etc. With your vast experience I'm sure it would be golden! And it would also help a lot of us.