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Fast Start Your Sewing Business

Kari Chapin

Fast Start Your Sewing Business

Kari Chapin

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Class Description

Handsewn accessories have so much more charm and personality than their mass-produced counterparts. And stylish ladies love them! Learn how you can use your sewing skills as a foundation for a thriving handmade business – join Kari Chapin for Fast Start Your Sewing Business.

This course will cover everything you need to know to turn your knack for making crafty accessories into a viable, vibrant business. You’ll take a behind-the-scenes look at a thriving sewn accessories business as you learn the ins and outs of selling online and in stores. Kari will teach you how to forecast trends so you are prepared to give customers what they want, when they want it. You’ll learn new ways to:

  • Make your crafting process more streamlined
  • Store and organize your product
  • Meet the challenge of custom orders

Don’t waste another day wishing you were selling your unique sewn accessories – get the skills and inspiration you need to bring your business to life!

Check out Kari's other Fast Start Classes:
Fast Start Your Jewelry Business
Fast Start Your Beauty Business
Fast Start Your Paper Goods Business

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Kari Chapin Promo V3 FINAL.mp4
Kari Chapin - Getting Started Action Guide - Sewing.pdf

Ratings and Reviews


Kari is incredibly personable, charming and knowledgeable. So easy to listen to and so inspiring. She makes you feel like you can succeed if you take the time to follow some easy steps.


FINALLY, information for CREATIVES! Looking forward to her books & forms! LOVED the references given & the ideas for diversification WITHOUT going nuts! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

a Creativelive Student

Fantastic! I thought this class would be a bunch of information I already knew. I was only able to watch the first hour and there was an abundance of info just in the first hour. I bought the class and am excited to see the rest of the video!

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