Class Overview
27:05 2Top Deck
33:02 3Top Deck and Back Side
22:29 4Back Side
21:11 5Motion Picture Mode
15:59 6Camera Sides and Bottom Deck
20:10 7Lenses
11:06 8Displays
15:35Lesson Info
Setup and Playback Menus
So with our first tool setting page one of six, we have the clock setting, obviously time of day type stuff. We have our world time, which is your region of the world, so that you get the zone down. If you travel, you can adjust that toe where you're going. There is a travel date. You what you can do seems a little extensive on my part. You could put in the date that your trip is going to begin, and it will adjust the time for you when you were on that trip, and then you can have a reset when you are back from that trip. Eyes in case you forget about changing when you were actually arriving, but, uh, need option, use it if necessary. Wifi option here is the same as the wifi option on the button on the top of the camera, but that, remember is also function by the number one, and you might be reprogramming reprogramming that to something else. If you don't use wifi on a regular basis, you would need to kind of jump into this area of the menu to access those exact same features we went th...
rough earlier in the class the beep the beep will happen when you focus your camera and it achieves focus, and this is something that's kind of helpful to newcomers, too. Let them know how their cameras are working and when they're focusing and so forth, but gets to be a little irritating in certain types of groups of people and just working with the camera in time, trying to keep yourself as discreet as possible, I recommend turning the beep off. Oh, however, on the elektronik shudder if you are going to be using the twenty frames per second, I have found that if you are in the twenty frames per second mode with the elektronik shutter turned off, you don't have a very clear understanding of when the camera is firing and not firing because it's slightly off from when you were pressing your shutter release so I'd recommend if you are going to use that mode to leave. The elektronik shutter on low gives you a little bit of idea of how many shots you are really in off and when they're starting and finishing, moving on to page to speaker volume level, the built in speaker, the camera how loud is it? We have levels from zero to six threes in the middle. Good place to give it a start. You can adjust the headphone value independently from the speaker volume, so if you are wearing headphones, you can adjust this accordingly monitor display will control the brightness contrast saturation. As well as the red tent blue tent of the monitor so if you don't think that you're getting a good image off the monitor, you can go in and adjust it it's probably not something that you want to do just right off the bat unless, of course there is a problem the monitored has kind of an auto brightness to it that it is at you can adjust it for brighter situations or darker situations with mode one and two if you are an under different lighting conditions but for the most part I would leave this in the auto mode. We had a question earlier about hooking the camera up to an external monitor or external recording device and having the camera power down on you. And in that case this is you where you would want to come to the economy section and what this does is it lets you set parameters for how quickly the camera will go to sleep and automatically turn off and so the camera will normally go to sleep after five minutes. But it will turn off the live view monitor or the lcd monitor in the back of the camera after two minutes and you can adjust these in various increments to longer or shorter periods of time and so it's something that you would definitely want to turn off if you were going to be using an external video recorder next page battery use priority, so if you do get that battery grip to put on the camera, there will be one battery in the camera portion and one battery in the grip portion, and this selects which battery will be used first. For most people, you would want to have this selected in the b g option because it is the one that is easier to change because you don't have to actually take off the entire grip to get to that battery. The usb mode is simply if you are going to be connecting your camera to a computer, selecting on connection is perfectly acceptable most situations. Once again, I highly recommend using a card reader or using the direct I slot in your computer. If you can just drop your card straight into that, the output on this is, uh, what will be happening when you out put the video out of the video signal on the camera and you can cool in here and you can control the aspect ratio and what htm I mode you're in whether it's automatically choosing the modes for the tv, or if you will specifically have a a size and frame rate that you want to work with the frame rate, I should say, a resolution that you are working with. Next up, vera link what this is is for a tv can hook up to a tv and do a slideshow on it it's, a special type of tv from panasonic in the three d mode I didn't talk about this lens earlier because it's not the most popular lens in the world it is thie twelve point five millimeter three d lens and this lets you shoot three d images and you can look at him three d or two d on your computer tv depending on whether you have a three d tv and since not a lot of people have three d tvs, you can just leave this at two d, but my guess is is that you will never use this feature, all right moving on through menu resume if you leave this turn on, what happens is the camera will come back to where you were in the menu, so if you leave the menu it's going to come right back to where you were rather than re starting at the top of the list, which is always handy because you're usually if you're going to go back into the menu it's where you were last in there menu background, you can simply change the color of the background, enjoy and customize menu information I would leave this turn off what this is is a little ticker along the top of the menu sitting it doesn't get in the way too much it's much better than other systems out there, but once you get to know your menu, you're going to want to leave this turned off because it's just additional stuff you don't need if you are still new to the camera and you're learning that you might want to leave it turned on. It will give you some helpful hints about the modes and menus that you are dialling through language set for many different languages around the world. The version display displays the current version of the firm, where in the camera now on the day that we're recording this the current version in this camera that I have his version one point two and this has been updated since the camera has been released and might yet go through a number of other firmware upgrades. If you would like to find out what the current firmware upgrade is, you can go to panasonic dot com support and take a look for the g h three go to the g h three web page and there'll be a tab there or a link to go to the drivers and downloads, and in there it will give you more specific instructions, but the general gist of it is that you will download the new firm where to your computer you will put a memory card attached into your computer and transfer the information from your computer to the memory card you then put the memory card in the camera come to this section and it will recognize that there is new firm where on the memory card and it will ask about uploading the new firm where they have made a number of changes and they might still make changes to the menu system might be different, or they might add features, or they might fix little bugs in the camera and so it's a free option it all it takes is just a little bit of time to go to the website and download it, so if you haven't done it yet with your camera, I highly recommend it and it's something that if you really want to make sure that you're getting the latest greatest out of camera, is to go back and check this out about every six to nine months to see if they've added or changed something new in the firm where moving on to the next page exposure, compensation reset. And so what this does is it keeps the exposure setting turned off. If you are using exposure compensation when you turn the camera off, do you want that exposure compensation still there? When you turn the camera back on for kind of the beginning user, you're going to want it reset because you probably forgot about it. For the more advanced user, they probably know what they're doing in the intended to leave it off, and they want to leave it in a certain position, and so the more advanced user might want to turn it off. Most users, I think, would probably want to leave this turned on that way, they don't accidentally make a mistake from when they were shooting last night number reset this resets the file numbering system in the camera for the images. Each image is given a file number, and if you want, you can go in and manually reset this yourself most of the time, it's just not just not necessary reset will go in if you have not been paying attention or you've been goofing around for the last hour and a half on, and you want to reset your camera back to the factory defaults, you can reset the recording section or the custom section or both into the factory default settings. It's what I did before I came to class today cause I wanted to have my camera kind of set up the way a lot of people do when they buy the camera, the reset wifi settings will simply go through and kind of reset them all back to the zero factory default settings so that there's no memorized wifi connections on there, and also if you're going to sell your camera I want to reset it or if you've just been having problems with wifi connection which can happen from time to time this is where you had come to reset it pixel refresh is something that would I hope you don't have to use what it does is it kind of scans the image sensor and it looks for problems on the sensor typically it's looking for overexposed pixels or pixels that haven't issue and it refreshes and fixes them in ways that it doesn't really explain in the instruction manual and so if you are having issues and there's hot spots on a sensor which I haven't heard of any problems this is one way to let the camera kind of go in and try to help fix itself all right reaching the end of the set up menu sensor cleaning normally the camera is going automatically clean the sensor every time you turn it off and every time you turn it on which is a great way so that it's constantly cleaning itself you might say if for some reason you don't like this or it's causing a problem with something I don't know what that would be you can turn it off but normally just leave it turned on and while we're talking about sensor cleaning when we talk about manually cleaning your sensor there's a couple of stages and I think everyone's qualified for step one which is simply using an air blower what you do here is you take your lens off and because this doesn't have any mirror, you can see the sensor right there. What you'll be doing is squeezing this air bulb, blowing some air on the sensor, hopefully knocking off dust that the automatic sensor cleaner could not clean off. Now, if that doesn't work, step two, not for everybody. For some people who don't feel comfortable with this, you may be able you will be able to you may want to take it to a repair shop, but for those of you with careful hands and people that don't mind working in small, tight areas, there is a swab and liquid solution, and there are a variety of other cleaning solutions as well. This is the one that I am familiar with. You put a couple of drops of alcohol on the swab, and what you do is you sweep across the sensor cleaning off the dust, and these are very clean the clean center swabs they're made in a very clean environment, each has their own individual packaging. They're relatively expensive, they're a couple bucks apiece, but it's not something that I would expect that you would need to do very often on the camera. And that's. One of the reasons why you want to be very careful about where you are changing lenses and what sort of dusty environment you're in because that dust can get right in there and the automatic sensor cleaner does not. I always get all that stuff off finally. And one of the most important settings in here is thief format function. What this does is it deletes all the pictures on the memory card, and it re formats. The card cleans off the file directory, the ghost images, anything else that might be on there and re establishes a communication protocol with the camera. And this is something that you should be doing on a regular basis every time I go out and shoot the processes and same I come home, I download I back up, I put the card back in the camera and I reformat it so that the next time I go out the door, I have the full space on the card and it has a good line of communication with that memory card. And that is a good practice to get in with any digital camera. All right, I'm going to move right on into the playback menu and these air features that are controls dealing with playback so first off you could hook your camera up to a tv. And you could do a slide show, you can choose all pictures in which pictures you're going to show, you can choose different categories, you can show three d images or video on lease, and this was just let you go through and pick out which images you're going to show the playback mode. Uh, hooking your camera, doing a slide show, and how you can kind of you congrats. Your image is a little bit into one group or the other as to what you're going to show, and the slide show is more about parameters of the slide show itself. Location logging. If you wantto ad data to a picture from a smartphone because we talked about the smart phone connection earlier in the class, and one of the options is using the gps information from the phone, logging it in with the images on the camera and you, khun, come in here to control some of that, you can add some of that location data, or you can delete it that you are getting from a smartphone. The camera itself does not have gps and cannot do gps on its own. You need that extra accessory of the smartphone title edit. If you recall, back in the section where you could add a name to a face, this is where you could go in and edit some of that information it's not something very many people use. This was only going to be on jay peg information it's not going to be on raw images. You can take some of that title information, and you could stamp it from one picture to the next, so if for some reason someone's name was attached to one photograph, but it didn't get attached to another, you could copy and paste that information from from one image to the next. If you're going to shoot a video and you want to do in camera at a team, you could do a video divide where you cut a video clip into two different sections so you could trim the front and back edge of the video if you want it. If there was a camera movement or something that you didn't want on the final size video highly recommend an actual video editing program for that, but it's kind of nice to be able to do it in camera resize should actually be called downsize because what it is is it's making jpeg images smaller. You can't upsides him, and so if you have a large j peg and for email purposes, let's say you want to have a smaller j peg and you don't have access to a computer, you can do it right in there in your camera. You can also do cropping, which I think is much better off in photo shop or some other program, but you could do it in the camera if you want and what it does is I believe that one creates and I don't have this confirmed right here in my notes, but I believe it creates a copy of the original so that you're not actually ruining the original image you can rotate images and this is something that you might want to do if you shoot verticals and you're going to a slideshow on a tv rotate the display ok, this one requires a little visual on it, so I like to leave this turned off because I like to see my images as large as possible on the back lcd of the camera if you leave it on the camera will rotate your verticals they'll be smaller, which will be very convenient format for playing back in the tv, but I like turning it off so that you could get the largest image on the camera possible shooting verticals all right final page of the menu here, folks so in the playback you can go into favorites and you khun set favorites, putting stars on them either singley or multiple you know you can't do this with raw unfortunately which I think is a major booboo on their part should be able to start start rate your favorites you can set your camera and hook it up to a printer, and I'm sure there's probably twenty pages in the instruction manual on how to do it. And we're not really going to talk about it, but it can do it. Yeah, I would think that you probably want to go through a computer so you could have a little better control. You can protect your images, which really doesn't do a lot, but it does prevent him from being deleted in the camera. The card, however, can still be formatted, in which case all the images would be deleted. So it's, a very, very light level of protection face record at it. You could go in, and you could delete data about the facial recognition, and you could replace information in there.
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Ratings and Reviews
For the time being, this may be the best way to learn more about other Panasonic models. There is very little good material on the FZ1000. This shows much of the dial and other functions. It is out of date as the current model is a DMC-GH4. I reviewed all the material available free; there are many features on my camera that are different. Johne Greengo is a phenomenal teacher! The best, clearest, most thorough and most motivating I have ever experienced. I am currently taking the Fundamentals of Photography, learned so much so far; bought the course. These "Fast Starts" are great and were mentioned in the class. Hope your camera is covered here.
Joanne Catapano
John is a great ! I learn so much from his classes, he has away of communicating that makes you feel like you're sitting in class live with him. The classes are so informative that each time I review them I keep learning more. I have the Lumix FZ1000, there is little out there. I found this class very helpful. John you are the best, keep the classes coming.
waw, I could not ask for better explanation, nor better teacher in my hole life. Thank you john for your great class. I 'll say no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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