Class Overview
27:05 2Top Deck
33:02 3Top Deck and Back Side
22:29 4Back Side
21:11 5Motion Picture Mode
15:59 6Camera Sides and Bottom Deck
20:10 7Lenses
11:06 8Displays
15:35Lesson Info
Motion Picture Menu
So as we move forward, we're going to be going into the motion picture setting, but something to be aware of is that there's a few things that we've just talked about in the camera setting that are exactly the same in the video setting and whatever one you set last is the one that is set on the camera, and so they've just kind of duplicated where these are, so that you can find him easily when you're in the motion picture setting so you can see the list on screen photo styles metering, modi, dynamic digital zoom these air, all duplicate modes that we saw in one that we will see again as we make our way through the motion picture setting. So tab your way over, find your way down to the motion picture setting first up his photo style and like I just said, we've already talked about this, so you can go in and control the exact look of your image. And for those of you shooting video, chances are you're going to want to make it as least contrast is possible so that you can adjust that in po...
st depends on how much editing you're going to be doing if you're going to be doing a lot, you want to shoot very clean. Basic image in camera kind of dull looking so that you can adjust it and work with it later. If you know you're not going to touch an editor, you're just want to shoot it and have it done. Go in and play around and find what works best for you, the record mode in the camera. So this is the different video modes that we talked at length about. The main options are abc hd, which are very good for tvs, hdtvs, blue ray mp force, which work very good on the computer, easy transfer sizes and the m o v files, which are arguably the highest quality files on the camera. So as you get in there, then you can get into the exact settings with the record quality for your typical user who just wants really good, high quality video. The nineteen twenty by ten eighty is the full resolution in thirty p is thirty frames per second and that's going to match up very well with standard video that you see lots of other options, lots of other good choices in there to match projects and other cameras that you're working with. So that's, just a quick and easy recommendation, lots of good choices, as I say, next up is the exposure mode when you have your camera put in the motion picture. Mode on the dial on the top of the camera how are you shooting pictures? I know a lot of our video buffs out there are going to want to manually set their shutter speeds and they're apertures and there I esos if you're just shooting this for kind of fun video on the side, I probably throw it into the program mode and let it figure it out doesn't it does a pretty good job with the meeting system frame right? This is kind of knew this is something that is not on your typical slr that shoots video or even your other marylise camera and so I had to go down to the park to try this one out, so I got a few different videos to show you what this looks like. This first video is simply in case you don't know what it looks like when people are walking and so this is shooting at normal rates recording at twenty four frames and its storing it at twenty four frames a second we can slow the frame down and what we're doing is we're recording thirty frames a second but it's only being stored at twenty four frames a second, so it's eighty percent the speed of normal next up is we have our forty eight speed, so we're recording fifty frames per second were slowing it down by storing it at twenty four frames per second and so if you want to slow something down and you know you want to look at it in slow mo this is a good option for it and then one step beyond this is the forty percent so this is forty percent of normal speed recording sixty frames a second and it's showing it to you at twenty four frames a second you can also speed things up if you want to in this case we're recording fifteen frames a second and its story ended it twenty four and that's how it's playing it back and so whenever you play these back you edit them it is at twenty four frames per second that it is doing this you khun double the speed? Yep that's exactly how fast I run and then we can triple the speed as well. So we're recording only eight frames a second and storing it at twenty four frames and then playing it back at twenty four frames a second as well and so that's frame rate obviously that's not something that you're going to want to play around with unless you're very specifically working on a project so jeff did generally leave that one turned off okay moving our way down page to picture mode all right, this is where you get to determine are you primarily a motion person or a still person? What is the most important setting? Because what this is determining is when you are shooting a video and you press the shutter release to take a still photograph what type of picture do you get if still photography is your main key what's going to happen is that it's going to stop the video recording the images going to black out you can shoot a raw image if you want and then the video will continue afterwards and they will piece together that video with that little one second spice when you took that high quality still image if you want to put the video camera in front of the still camera what's going to happen is the camera's going to continue to shoot video in the camera will record a small j peg and so it depends on what's more important to you getting good clean video or getting on really high quality still image in the process of shooting a video and I'm just guessing that a lot of people who buy this camera video is very important that's why I recommended keeping the video in front continuous auto focus now a lot of the more serious shooters know that they don't like focus adjusting during most types of shots and so this is something that they're probably going to want to turn off and what's going to happen here if you leave this I turned on is while you are recording movies the camera will constantly be adjusting focus and that might be very good in some situations safer just photographing your kids playing around on the floor in front of you and they're moving around you don't mind the focus is adjusting in compensating with them if you're a little bit more serious shooter you're probably going to want to take more manual control of focusing metering mode we've already talked about this multiple works very good most of the time some or duplicate settings that we've already talked about in the menu the eye dynamic and the eye resolution I resolution might be a little bit more important here because under video if you want to sharpen your image depends on how much editing work you're going to do if you know that you're going to be working with a good editor and you have a lot of post help you're gonna want to leave this turned off if you're just trying to shoot and have nice sharp looking images that aren't going to be edited it all you can play around with this see if it works for your type of work that you do all right we're gonna get really geeky here for a little bit of a moment time code is a way for the camera too synchronize with other timing devices mainly those air going to be other cameras and audio devices where you were trying to sync up what you're shooting with one camera with another camera and or with a a device that is recording the audio and the way that the camera is recording a timeframe as you are shooting and so normally a lot of basic shooters are going to want to leave this time code turned off but those of you who know about it are probably gonna want to leave it turned on you can have this in a record run or a free run in the free run. What happens is the camera has a clock that it's essentially counting down all the time that the camera is turned on when you start recording it starts maybe a three or four or five minutes or an hour and it depends on how long your camera's been turned on and so you could synchronise two cameras up a little bit more easily in that way you can change the value of it. You could use the current time you could input a time if you want you could reset the time if need be a swell and then the timecode mode there is what's called a d f which is a drop frame mode and this is important for people who have a little bit longer recording times because this camera is recording at thirty frames a second. But in reality it's really recording at twenty nine point nine nine seven frames per second and if you record long enough there's going to be a little gap between what the thirty years and the twenty nine point nine nine seven, and normally what it does is you just drop a frame and there are those of you who knew more about video than I do that air, probably saying that I bungled that in some way, but you know how to use it if you need to use it. Most likely. All right, next up is recording highlights if you want highlights turned on, which are the blinky highlights that tell you about over exposure. Some people like that to warn them of overexposure aa lot of people find it distracting from framing and filming. It depends on what type of subjects and what you're shooting as to whether it's valuable or not, most people I think they're going to probably want to leave it turned off most of the time. Next up is extended telly converter, and this one works a little bit differently than the one that we have talked about previously. If you look at the censor, it is a four by three aspect ratio and there's our pixel dimension. And when you record a video, what you're doing is you're recording the area within this part of the frame and it's down razzed down to nineteen twenty by ten eighty. What you can do with the extended tell a converter is that you can use just the middle nineteen twenty by ten eighty pixels you, khun get perfectly clean, great quality video on ly using those center portions of the pixels. One of this what this allows you to do is to have a highly magnified telephoto lens. It's two point four times the normal focal length of your land, aunt and so if you were working with wildlife or sports photography and you needed a bigger lends, you've got it built right into your camera here, so it's a great option whenever you need a lot of telephoto. Just as a word of warning, this will not work in the sixty p mode. It'll work in other modes other than sixty p next up is a digital zoom I would leave this turned off as you don't want to lose quality, this is a duplicate setting to what we talked about before in the recording menu. Flicker d free d d freeze it's getting late in the day of losing my mouth ok flicker, decrease the lcd on the back of the camera and the do you find or sometimes don't match up well with certain types of forest and lights, and as you look through the viewfinder or on the lcd, you'll get a flicker. And it's just because there's kind of a mismatch between the system that's being used in the camera and the lights you can go in and adjust it to a slightly different frequency so that you're not getting that flicker just for convenience of viewing next up page for a five silent operation what silent operation is is a little different than the digital shutter we were talking about earlier what it allows you to do is it allows you to make silent controls on the back of the camera we did a little experiment demo earlier using this operation if you have a power zoom lens you're actually able to zoom the lands and they're pretty quiet so don't they don't take up too much noise but you'll be able to change aperture shutter speed exposure I sew and mike levels on the back touch screen of the camera without making any noise that's something most people are going to want to leave turned on because it's something you can ignore if you want but you can have access to if you need mike level display uh some people want to see this some people don't you could make your choice mike level adjustments are going very I think from one to nine eighteen level thirteen is kind of a good middle number to put in there it's a lucky number as well and you can adjust it as necessary according to what you are recording if you are using the panasonic microphone, you can come here in the menu sitting, and you can make a control as to whether it's a shotgun or a stereo, mike and so that's. One of the advantages of using the panasonic microphone with the headphone sound, you have the option of real time or record sound. And so the difference is if you want to record rheal time it's, basically, what the camera is listening to right now is it's. Recording record sound is slightly delayed, and it will give you the audio after the encoding process. And so if you want to hear what that encoding process sounds like, then you would switch it over to record sound. So if you have a very good headphones and keen ears for picking up the subtleties of the sound and you want to make adjustments with those theme or advance users might want records him. But for general purpose riel, time would work quite well. Next up, we have wind cut, so if you are any windy situation, you can adjust the built in microphones levels to accommodate wind. And so there is an auto setting, which is the general place where, because the camera will pick it up and adjust as necessary, or you could set it off low, standard or high according to your needs.
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Ratings and Reviews
For the time being, this may be the best way to learn more about other Panasonic models. There is very little good material on the FZ1000. This shows much of the dial and other functions. It is out of date as the current model is a DMC-GH4. I reviewed all the material available free; there are many features on my camera that are different. Johne Greengo is a phenomenal teacher! The best, clearest, most thorough and most motivating I have ever experienced. I am currently taking the Fundamentals of Photography, learned so much so far; bought the course. These "Fast Starts" are great and were mentioned in the class. Hope your camera is covered here.
Joanne Catapano
John is a great ! I learn so much from his classes, he has away of communicating that makes you feel like you're sitting in class live with him. The classes are so informative that each time I review them I keep learning more. I have the Lumix FZ1000, there is little out there. I found this class very helpful. John you are the best, keep the classes coming.
waw, I could not ask for better explanation, nor better teacher in my hole life. Thank you john for your great class. I 'll say no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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