Segment 1 - Introduction and Overview
22:52 2Segment 2 - Top Deck: Right Side
22:22 3Segment 3 - Top Deck: Left Side
21:41 4Back Side
28:48 5Segment 5 - Live View Mode
23:48 6Segment 6 - Flash and Focusing Modes
28:22 7Segment 7 - Right, Bottom, and Front Sides
10:08 8Segment 8 - Nikon Lenses
11:40Lesson Info
Segment 7 - Right, Bottom, and Front Sides
All right, working our way around to the right hand side of cameron. Not much going on over here other than the memory cards so you can use either cf compact flash memory cards uses the type one cards, which is the thinner cards, not the older type to style on the new sd cards are available whether or not that new, but you can use one or both in the camera with the sd cards there's a lot of little nomenclature. First off the size of the card you can use, stu continues sth see or s t x c, which is basically indicating kind of the size category of the card in the camera. Then there is the bus speed, and this is a u h s one, not the new type two there's only one camera on the market currently that can use the new u h s type two, but that's the new style that'll come out that's going to have a faster, busty and then finally the actual speed of the card. The speed class is going to be listed over here, it's recommended. If you're shooting video that you're going to want to have it a class s...
ix or faster card, if you were going to be shooting at the sixty frames per second full hd, I would probably recommend a class ten card or faster and so the other little notation on the sd cards is that there's a protective switch, and if that doesn't get flipped into the downward position, you will not be able to record onto that car. It's just kind of a safety protocol if you want to lock the card after you have shot it so that you know that you aren't supposed to reform at that card. Finally, there is a custom menu that'll talk of it a tad bit more about later in the menu system. Half eleven this prevents the shutter from firing. If there is no memory card in the camera, this is kind of the equivalent of it won't let you take pictures unless there's film in the camera, and so I recommend activating this that way. You don't go out there, start taking pictures, thinking that everything's working because the shutter sounds and its auto focusing it all looks normal. It does tell you on the back of the camera, there's no card in there so that's. Not too much of an issue, it's just it's a nice little safety protocol to make sure that you don't make a major mistake like that now as faras downloading the image downloading directly from the camera through the usb cable is very, very slow, much slower than it should be on. It is much faster, in my opinion, to use a card reader, which doesn't sell for much money, or to simply plug the card into the computer itself. I think it's a little bit easier system, then plugging the cameron, and it gives you the added benefit of you could have one card downloading while another card out shooting in the cameron, doing something else at that time on to the bottom of the camera. We have, of course, are standard tripod socket for all tripods and model pods kind of standard size in the industry, we have your serial numbers, you can record for insurance purposes, your battery compartment with your standard e n e l fifteen battery that comes with it and in the menu system. If you want to see how good your battery is, either in its current charge state or its overall performance in life, you can look at that in the setup money menu under battery, in phone, there is a little grip connection where it allows you to hook up the md twelve battery, which is great for shooting verticals. If you shoot a lot of verticals, which tends to be portrait photographers and sports photographers, this is a much more comfortable way of holding the camera for a long term basis. So if you're shooting basketball and you're shooting a lot of verticals it's just going to be more comfortable to be in this position and it's a nice little device to use that uses two batteries instead of just one battery and has a double a battery holder. So if you were traveling, you were concerned about not having charged batteries or being able to charge batteries, but you had access to double a batteries. You could use double a batteries in that grip if you do use the dif or you can use the d for batteries in this empty m b twelve battery pack. But you do need this bl five cover in order to make those batteries fit properly into the cameras, so for anyone has a deformed they want tojust share batteries. You can do that with the vertical grip on the camera. With the camera you're going to get the standard quick charger that supplied with it. There are other charges that you can get if you wanted to supply constant power either for studio used for scientific purposes or a really long time lapse. You can get these power supply connectors for powering the camera with a constant stream of power from a wall outlet working our way around to the front of the camera. We have a little light on the front of the camera. This is a weak powered flashlight, if you will it's an auto focus assist, it helps out uh, just tell us when the self timer is going to fire and is your red eye reduction, which I always find very annoying I don't like having it turned on, so one of the things I like doing is going into custom menu a ten and turning this off, as I say, I like to have my camera set up in a very discreet mode. I don't like a lot of bells and whistles and lights going on and off, and you can turn this off with a ten it's a good view of our sub command dial out on the front, and then we have two buttons in the front. The top one is your depth of field preview, and this will stop the lens down to the working aperture to show you what depth of field you're going tohave at that particular time. But you can reassign this button if you want with custom menu, eh five and haven't do any one of many different choices down there below that is a function button, and this is just kind of it's kind of a free button it's your choice as to what you wanted to do and that could be adjusted with custom menu f for let me just show you a little bit more about the depth of field preview button when you are normally looking through the lands you're looking at through the lands with it wide open, the apertura is is wide open, it's possible to let in the brightest possible easiest to see easiest to focus image. When you press down on that preview button, it stops the aperture down so that you can see more clearly how much depth the fields you're going to get. So let me do this once again, and you can see the lens stop down on the left, and you can see on the right mohr depth of field and so it's, not a big deal in today's world, because oftentimes if I'm shooting a shot, we're depth the fields important. I'm just going to take a picture on the go look at the back of the camera, I'm gonna zoom in, I'm going check sharpest, but there's some times where it's so bright out that you can't see the back in your screen if you're working in the desert on a sunny day it's so bright, you're not going to be able to see any details on that screen at all. And so being able to view that in the viewfinder can be a major benefit for landscape photographers, for instance, on the front of the camera will be able to see the driveshaft this is what's, gonna power and drive the focusing system on the older a f nikon lenses these air once just known as a f not as a f s lenses that had the new silent wave focusing motoring him and so that's just there for the older lenses we have our mir for the single lens reflex we have our contacts which are connecting up to the electronics on the lens we have our lens release I'm sure you've figured out hopefully to take the lens on and off and then we have a couple more rubber covers. The first one controls the remote terminal ten pen remote so we can use something like the emcee thirty six the cells for about one hundred thirty bucks and this will have a variety of functions if you're trying to trigger the camera without touching the camera. This is the control that you want tohave there's a number of other built in kind of extra features that you get on this like a delay timer interval ometer long time exposure for instance the longest exposure that this camera khun do on its own is thirty seconds. If you want to leave it open for five minutes, you can program that end with this remote trigger it to take place in thirty seconds and it would just do that for you then once you've set that in also has a frame count on there so it's a nice little accessory for anybody who's working from a tripod that doesn't want to press the shutter release in order to touch the shutter there is a wireless remote that you can also get called the m l three it's a fairly short range it uses an infrared system so it's kind of like a tv remote I don't think it works quite a swell into bright light conditions but you can also set it up to become a trigger trap so something coming between the remote which would attach to the hot shoe of the camera and the remote something triggers that it would fire a photo so for instance like an animal crossing a game trail you could set that up and so that's one of the very need options on this you can also plug in the nikon gp one gps unit the camera does not have gps system built into it but if you wanted to added in this wood track it on the satellites and add that location information to each of the photographs that you shoot now this is something that's going to be on the hot shoes so it's difficult to use this in flash at the same time and it's gonna have a little cord that plugs in on the top we have a pc flash sink terminal so if you're working in the studio where you want to hook up any sort of external light source that synchronizes with the camera you can do so with the pc flash terminal we have a couple of little white bubbles on the front of the camera, and this is your lens mounting index. This is just where you line your lens up to turn onto the camera. Ah, meter couple ing level allows the camera to work with older manual focus lenses to help understand what aperture what's the maximum aperture on that particular lands. And then we have our stereo microphone. So we have stereo sound. Previous generations of this camera had just a mono microphone.
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Walt Snell
All of the instructors here at Creative live are fun and informative to watch and learn from. But when it comes to serious education and really getting into the detail of what you're trying to learn, I would say that John Greengo is that Top Instructor that everyone should be looking for. I have Quite a few classes that I've purchased from Creative live and I follow all the instructors pages and blogs and just continuously soak up knowledge from them... But whether you need broad instruction about a general subject like "photography" or something specific like This Course Fast Start Nikon D810, John is your Go-To guy. I also have his Fundamentals courses, his Nikon D5000 series class and his Beginners essentials class. (though I am not a beginner it's fantastic for brushing up on skills you may have forgotten) I not only recommend THIS class, but any class that John teaches. Especially his Fast Start Classes whether you're just getting a new camera model or you've had yours for a while and you want to learn more about it's capabilities.
Bente Andermahr
Thanks John, an excellent and logical familiarisation with a camera I now love and use comfortably. Notes are brilliant and offer easy catch up with bits I forget. Great knowledge and teacher.
Anil Chauhan
Wow, what a class, bit apprehensive at taking an online course but I was enthralled at the way John kept my interest and the size of the video are bite size enough to digest the information and assimilate. I bought a Nikon D810, whilst I don't profess to be a professional, I'd like to think that I'm a decent photographer and the move up from D300 was a massive decision and I always wanted to try and get on a course for that camera, but unfortunately, due to and cost in some cases it was not possible. I was determined to find something for the D810 and I came across creative live and I thought why not. I love the structure and I know more about the camera now than I did when I bought it 2 weeks ago. I watched all videos without the camera, just so I did not get distracted from what John was saying, now I will watch them again with the camera. Thank you so much for an interesting and engaging course, which was the better than being in a classroom.
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