Class Overview
27:21 2Top Deck Part 1
32:16 3Top Deck Part 2
16:36 4Back Side Part 1
30:26 5Back Side Part 2
31:55 6Sides, Front, and Bottom
17:12 7Lenses
11:52 8Shooting Menu
29:33Lesson Info
Sides, Front, and Bottom
All right, we have finally finished the back of the camera. Let's, go around to the left side. See what's over there. Okay, so there's, a little door that opens up and we have a microphone and remote jack. And this is where you can plug in your fuji microphone or other microphones and be aware that it does take a fairly small two point five millimeter jack, which is smaller than the standard jack that is used for microphones. So if you're like me and you got another, I got like, a little sign heuser that plops in there. I had to get a little adapter so that I could use that microphone with it, but it also can be used with remote in there are some non fuji made remote pse, and here are a couple of the ones that I found a cannon makes when it's the rs sixty three. It sells for about twenty two bucks, and you can maybe find this velo rs seeing one I too on, and it sells for a near eight dollars. And so if you want to remote, you can plug that in the microphone, jack, but you do need to go...
into the cameras shooting menu and adjust whether that is set for the microphone or the remote in that case. Next up is thie, htm aiport which if you want to look your camera to an hd hd tv you just plug through here it's an h g h d it's a mini hd my out on lee there is also a micro usb port this is where the fuji remote the r r ninety plugs in now I don't have the other number but there is another fujii remote that you don't want to get if you want to use the fuji remote it's the r r ninety for this camera speaking of the side of the camera if you want to download your image is the slowest way to get them into your computer is to plug your camera in with that usb port a much better system that I highly recommend is some sort of card system memory card reader we to plug into your computer and these air really nice there not much money they work the same with macs and pcs there's no software to download and they're very very quick and of course if your computer has an actual slot on the side of it that's even better yet because you need even less stuff toe work with and so that is preferable than precedent than plugging the camera in to the computer itself as we move around to the right hand side the only thing that we have over here is the memory card door it takes thesixty your digital of memory cards and there's a few different things on these cards that you should know about first off the size of the card is pretty obvious s d s d h c and xy are different sizes of cards that you can use on dso choose whatever size it's necessary right now my favorite size is thirty two gigs because that's big enough that it's going to handle any single day of shooting and might actually last me a fool a week of shooting depending on how much I'm shooting and so I'll never need to run out of space I don't know what I would do with a card in much larger than that because it just never used the space next up is the bus speed of the card and this is the first camera on the market to use this new faster you hs two bus speed and so as you can see on screen the cards will have a second set of pins for transferring information and so this camera can use these new faster bus speeds now the actual speed of the card will be rated here in this class rating speed class and as you can see there are multiple different speeds that you can get that basically tells you how many megabytes per second it can work with and the new u hs two cards are going to be much much faster as we go forward here but for this camera I would probably recommend class ten or faster cards in them for use with video and for shooting sports action in the high speed mode let's look at the front of the camera and we have our front controlled ill we have our function number one button in the front of the camera which is currently set to the bracketing in advanced filters and so when you press this button it's going to allow you to go in and adjust, what are you bracketing now? Earlier when we talked about bracketing I said that exposure bracketing would be the most common bracketing and I think that's where it's set to start with but you could do is so and then we had somebody who was asking the question earlier how do I get it to do film simulation bracket e well, this is where you would set that up and function one is your shortcut buttons, so if you do that on a regular basis that might be pre programmed just for you. Now if you don't like what this button is set out, you can go into the setup menu and you can adjust what this button does and I don't change bracketing very much so I think after this class I'm going to go adjust my camera to something that I think is more relevant to the way I work I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that, but okay, we have our lens release button that we need to press to turn the lens on and off. You can see the elektronik contacts that you want to make sure are not obstructed or damaged on the camera. We have our sensor in the camera, sixteen megapixels, then we have our focusing mode. We have the options of manual, continuous and single and single and manual is where most people are most of the time between those two and that's why they put him on the extreme. So let's talk a little bit about the focusing mode on this camera, so single auto focus is where I think most people are going to be perfectly happy operating this camera, the camera will focus on the subject in the middle of frame or wherever you have the brackets set, and when you leave your finger halfway down on the shutter release it's going to stay locked in on that subject, the other option is to send it over to continuous, and this is where the camera will track subjects that are moving. And so this is great for sports and action photography. Now, as we talk about this, we need to also be talking about where in the frame where we're focusing, because it's also related, so we're choosing the focus area and remember, we chose this by pressing the downward button. At least that's the way it's currently programmed and then adjusting the frame size with the back dial and we can go in and change the f mode and it's kind of strange because we have focus mode and a f mode, and I think they've kind of screwed up the naming system on it. They need to have something else because there's too many modes running around, so in the a f mode we can choose either one bracket area or everything in the frame. Most of the time I choose just a single area so that I could direct where that focusing is being done. You can control that in shooting menu number one, the autofocus setting area. Now, if you are in manual focus, one of the nice things to do is magnify. I stood a little demo earlier in the day, using the focus assist to magnify and so that you can see if you were manually focusing on a subject. And so one of the things that I also like about the camera is that there is an option called focus check, and what happens here is that as soon as you touch the focusing ring in manual focus, the camera will jump to it's magnified view so that you can focus and then when you press halfway down on the shutter release, it jumped back to show you the full area and you don't have this turn on, so I'm not going to a demo on this right now, but it's a very handy thing for anyone who really wants to manually focus and get things critically correct. Now some people might have a problem with this, and I've gone back and forth whether I like the story don't like this because it jumps you into this magnified focusing area, and you can't see everything in the frame, so it is good just while you are focusing one option that will work very well for some people is the dual display and this will on ly work when you're in manual focusing. So if you have your camera set in auto focusing in you're wondering, I can't get my camera to dual display the camera has to be in manual focus for it, and this will work for some people because you can see the whole image and the magnified image all at the same time. Now, my favorite thing about manual focusing is that the a f l button on the back of the camera now becomes a back button auto focus option, and so I leave my camera in manual focus virtually all the time, and when I focus, I just press the fun button to focus that way I don't need to do focus lock anymore, I focus on my subject with the thumb I repositioned and recomposed my subject and impress the picture and if my subject doesn't move and I don't move I can continue taking pictures because I know that I've already have the camera in focus from when I press the button the first time and I think this is a great system for anyone who likes back but focusing I think for beginners it's a little hard to get used to because you got two buttons you gotta press the back button and then you gotta press the front button each time you take a picture but once you get used to that system it's a really good system because it allows you to compose a little bit more freely otherwise you're having focus lock and recompose every time you shoot and so I'm a big fan of this now if you want to you can change where you are focusing with the back button by moving the focus frame around justus you would as if you were also focusing and you can change the size of the frame as well and so a lot of different focus controls cameras very good at this auto focusing a lot of different customer ways to customize the focusing to your needs and so I think they've done a very good job on this camera on that matter next up on the camera we have our pc flash think so if you're working in the studios and you have traditional chords that you want to hook up unscrew this and plug on in one one eightieth of a second is your mac sick? You can try to to fiftieth see if it works it might we have our lens mark for aligning our lenses? And then we have a little lamp in here that turns on as an auto focus assist, which I'm not a big fan of, and I'll show you how to turn off in a moment but also comes on when you are setting the self timer to let you know when the picture is actually going to be taken. If you do want to turn off this auto focus setting because you are a private investigator sitting in a darkened car, shooting pictures of people across the street and you don't want lights on your camera, broadcasting your position, you can turn that off in the shooting menu. Let's move around to the bottom of the camera, we will see our serial number, you can record that for insurance purposes. Strange position for it. But this is where the speaker is in case you're wanting to play back movies and listen to the sound on him, standard quarter twenty tripod sock it's going to work with all standard tripods and model pods, and the little device that I talked about earlier on my camera is the hand grip the m h g x t and I'm going to show you are going to go to take off my tripod here so let's take off the tripod. And so what this does is it gives me a little bit better grip on the camera over here, and one of the things that I love about a camera is a camera that I could hold in my hand and support like this and a lot of cameras just don't have a grip. Now, there is a little extra grip back here that you can see that gives me a very secure grip, but I can hold it here, and it balances itself in there and it's only being able to do it because it has this extra little grip on it. And so it goes along the bottom. It is kind of nice in the bottom because I do have access to my battery and here comes straight through the grip. It also re centers the, uh, tripod socket directly in line with lens and so it's very much lined up right in the middle of the frame. So if I'm doing a panorama, things been around properly, and if I could go to a profile, the only see if I can very carefully hold the camera so that you can see well, there we are, you can see that this has an artist, swiss cut plate to it so if you want to mount it on an arc a swiss style head which is a very common type of tripod it slips what happens is ahead as it hold it hold sit here like this and you basically just slide it in on the tripod and it slides in and locks right there, which is a great system for mounting tripods really write stuff kirk photo are a couple of manufacturers that make these arkus swiss makes him and there's a bunch of other manufacturers that make tripods. Now this tripod here just spends into the bottom which you can also put on this so you can leave this permanently attached. It gives a nice grip, you could mount it, you can get access to the batteries. And even when it's on a tripod in this case I still have access to my battery door even though it's on a tripod and so that is going to sell for about one hundred thirty bucks. And for anyone who likes that little better grip, I think it's a great little system they have on there now in the bottom of the camera there is also this little rubber cover and it's a grip connector so that you could hook up and even fans here vertical battery grip for anyone who shoots a lot of vertical, so sports photography, portrait, photography if you want to hold the camera and more comfortable position, you could get this vertical grip, which is very nice. It sells for around two hundred fifty dollars, and I saw recently where they were selling the camera and they were giving you the grip for free as a bonus. It was a promotion that was going on that may not go on for very long, but I kind of like the small size of the camera, and so I and I don't shoot enough verticals toe warrant needing the grip and so that's, why I've gone with just the handgrip and not the battery grip. Ok, on the battery? One of the nice little things about this camera is that it has a little orange alignment mark, which tells me how to drop battery and to the camera because sometimes you're kind of looking doesn't go this way or that way. And so fuji's made it very easy to load the battery in there just a little bit quicker, a little less checking. When you do that, the camera comes with a little charger. I'm not a big fan of the charger because you have to have a long cable plugged into it, I wish they had the pop out plugs, the travel chargers that most or at least many other manufacturers have it will give you a green light when it's charging and then it will just turn off when it is charged. If there is a problem, it will blink at you. All right? So just a few rapid fire questions when we were talking about dynamic range r j sylvester ask, does d are also affect raw files on that? I'm trying to remember on this one, you know, let's answer that question when we come back shirt, I want to I want to do a double check and be absolutely sure on this one sounds good, all right, a question from a cbn why can you put self timer on a function button? And there is there a way to make its dick after you've turned the camera off when we're talking about that earlier? Yes and no, you know, so yes, you can put it onto a separate button, and so I use it a lot, so I'm going to re program it, I think to the wifi because they don't use that very often, but when you turn the camera off, it resets itself, which is a little aggravating because I do normally like to turn the camera off because of the sensor that turns on and so it's a conflict of things that are going on and so on I feel your pain so there's, no self timer on a function. But, yes, there is a self timer on a function, but but but it resets when you turn the camera off. It's not cool, fuji nothing illegal. All right, cool, one more quick one with a dslr. You can use back button, focusing in c mode by keeping f l pressed for a moving subject, or by pressing and release for a stationary subject. Is there something similar to that on fuji? Yes, so that back f l button can be programmed when you're in the manual mode to either be single focus or continuous focus, and I'll get to that in the menu setting, where there's a setting, where you get to choose which one you want.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I've purchased a number of John's courses and recognise how well he delivers complicated facts. Having just purchased a new X-T1 buying his fast start class was an obvious step, especially having looked at the manual. It was really well presented and made the switch from Canon so much easier. The inclusion of the notes was an excellent, additional support.I set up the camera as recommended and took it on a photo-shoot with my camera club a few days later. The content of the course and the settings suggested made the day. Now that I understood the camera it was easy to use and delivered great results first time. The course was the best 'accessory' I could have bought. Creative Live and John are a fabulous resource and so reasonably priced.
Jim Panzer
Great course, I received the X T1 and the first thing I did was see to if there was a course on CL I could use to get more aquanted with this awesome little machine. I have seen other course from John and he really knows his stuff, this one was no different. As a late comer to this camera, it would be nice if CL could update the course by adding a video going over the big 4.0 firmware updates, as that's the current one now. Thanks CL and John for helping me feel more at home with this camera!
Debra Robert
Great class! The learning modules are well structured and allow enough time for the viewer to absorb what is being shared. After completing the course I feel much more confident in understanding the X-T1, not a comfortable as with Canon (yet) ... there is definitely a learning curve moving from DSLR to mirrorless. So wish I would have taken this course a few months ago! Thank you!
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