Class Overview
27:21 2Top Deck Part 1
32:16 3Top Deck Part 2
16:36 4Back Side Part 1
30:26 5Back Side Part 2
31:55 6Sides, Front, and Bottom
17:12 7Lenses
11:52 8Shooting Menu
29:33Lesson Info
Well I wanted to jump back and answer a question about the dynamic range option because there is this dynamic range one hundred two hundred four hundred percent and yes you can shoot it in raw and I was just throwing the camera through a few little tests here and there's a good little okay it's not a great picture but let me just show you on the back of the camera and example of the difference and so in this example here you khun first off see that I am shooting strictly in raw I went with eight hundred s o fifteenth of a second of four point five and this image you can see these blank ese are showing you areas that are overexposed and so what I did is they then adjusted the dynamic range which is currently at one hundred two two hundred and you can see that we've lost a lot of these blank ease that were on the wall that we're over exposed and so it's kind of collecting a little bit more information in the highlights it's not that much difference when I go to four hundred but if you al...
so look down here at the bottom of the history graham as I changed from four hundred to two hundred you'll notice that bump was a little bit further to the right and here one hundred the spike is way off to the right so go back to two hundred and four hundred so you can see how it's kind of compressing the tonal range at the cost of shooting at ice so eight hundred rather than two hundred so there's a bit of a compromise in there and so one potential option for some people is just to leave it at I s o eight hundred and shoot from there on up and you're going to suffer a little bit of image quality on everything but you'll gain a little bit back in dynamic quality dynamic range excuse me ok so the next section we're going to be getting into is dealing with the lens and so let's take a look at some of the lenses most all the lenses are going to have this little aperture mode on the switch on the back of the camera in the back side of the lens excuse me and we've talked about earlier many of the lenses have an optical image stabilization that's what they call o I s and so you can leave that on or off I would turn it off when you are using a tripod because we don't want to have any movement at all if we have a good solid piece of equipment holding the camera steady most of the lenses will have aperture rings aa lot of their lenses are zoom lenses but there's a number of fix lenses as well if you're going to focus that's usually the ring out towards the front there is a hood mounting system, and each lens has its own very specific hood for it. In fact, they even list which lenses they're good for right on the front of him. I highly recommend using them as much as possible to deflect light as well as to act as a nice little bumper on the front of the camera. Different lenses will have different filter sizes the eighteen to fifty five, which is one of their more popular lenses, uses a fifty eight millimeter diameter filter. Now let's, take a look at some of the lenses that are available. First off, they have a couple of budget zooms and these air the next least expensive of their lenses. Their lens set up from fuji is definitely not on the cheap side it's on the slightly more advanced side, so the sixteen to fifty is one of their simple basic lenses. It has a nice range it's, relatively relatively slow an aperture. They have a telephoto lens, which is actually their longest telephoto lens at this time, and they're used to lenses they're going to sell for about four hundred bucks apiece. For the more serious user they're going to look at, the more serious zooms, the eighteen to fifty five I don't like the fact that the aperture changes from two a to f four, but the image quality is really good the size of the lens is really nice and small and I suppose they could have just made it f or consistent but they give you the option of being able to shoot it to a if you're down it eighteen millimeters which is nice the ten to twenty four millimeter lands which is what I actually have over here and the fifty five, two hundred these the two lenses let me talk about the ten to twenty four this land's optically is really, really good I like this lends a lot I shot it straight up against the cannon knew sixteen to thirty five f four lands and comparing the two images the whole cannon system is a little bit sharper than the fuji system but you would expect that with the full frame sensor but it was less so than I imagined that it might be s o it's very it's competing very very closely with that. I did shoot a picture just about a week ago with this at nighttime into some street lamps and I was getting a very nice star pattern from it due to the blade, the number of blades and the way they fall in there but I was getting just a lot of kind of strange flare in there and so there might be some flair issues in very unusual situations with it but I really love the f four on this is just and awesome lends the fifty five to two hundred little bit larger lands optical quality has been very good I've been really happy with this lands on dso I don't like the fact that the aperture I wish they could have just made it in a four aperture but they have kind of this funky three point five to four point eight which not my favorite but for a travel wins I think is really nice and when you reverse the lens hood it's actually a very small lands and so it's it's a nice little system the three little zooms that we got here. Okay, so there's a lot of letters that you might notice in here and so here is the key to understanding fuji lenses as faras whatthe letters mean and what they are for and so I'm not going to go through each of these they're fairly obvious, but just be aware that each one has their own designation now one of the newest type of lenses is there whether resistant lands and the only one they have on the market right now is the eighteen one thirty five and so it really becomes a mouthful of letters because it's an r l m o I s w our lens all right now they will be bringing out two new lenses that our weather resistant to sixteen to fifty two point eight and a fifty five to one forty two point eight we expect to see those entering the market over the next twelve months or so now one of the things that have got a lot of serious shooters very excited about this camera is that when it was introduced as faras the fuji x system it was introduced with three prime lenses and they have continued to add to those prime lenses very quickly filling those little niches that a lot of photographers want here in the wide setting the pancake wide is a favorite of a lot of people because it's a pretty good deal for somebody who wants a really small lightweight lens for optical quality you're going to be hard pressed to beat the twenty three millimeter one point four lands that one's one of their more recent ones just really nice designed very good optics on it great for street photography travel photography which is where this camera really excels they don't have a lot in the way of telephoto lenses but they did recently bring out a very fast fifty six one point two lens that has got a lot of rave reviews and has good won a number of awards because it has been a very favorite lands now fuji is not your only option but it is your main option they also have lenses available from zeiss that will auto focus on your camera and operate fully functionally and so they have three different lenses here they're going to be a little bit more than the fuji lenses isis always known for their great lenses that they've been making for many, many years and fujii also makes an adapter the inn mounted after so that you can use like a lenses on their camera. In fact, they even put a foot extra function button right on the adapter, which can act as another function button on your camera. And so for anyone who uses like a lenses that wants to put it on a very modern fuji camera, they can do so with this adapter. If you do, you will need to dive into the shooting menu number three to adjust the mount adapter settings so that whatever lends you have on let's see you have a thirty five millimetre lens you can program in that you have a thirty five lens on the camera, and then that information would go into the metadata of each image. Now one of the great things about fuji and I don't know of any other company that does this quite and so clear a manner that fuji does is that they let you know what lenses air coming up, what are they working on what's next to come out? And so they issue a roadmap telling you what lenses they're going to come out and when you can expect to start, see them introduce and so lenses that are going to be coming up beyond the two weather resistant zooms that have already talked about is there going to have a high speed wide angle lens it's going to have a twenty four millimeter equivalent angle of you? It's supposedly is going to be a one point four happen chur they also have a super telephoto that we don't know the numbers on yet, but a lot of people are expecting something of a one hundred to four hundred millimeter equivalent linz but we don't know what aperture either. They're also working on a one thirty five millimeter lens. I think it's going to be a ninety millimeter f two now occasionally things change from their road map and they come out at different times where they've changed one feature, another of its so this is not a product introduction, but it's kind of a good indication of where they're going and what you can expect and how long you can expect to wait. So fuji kudos for that nice job. All right, could we take a few lens question the astros texas straight from land shots, too is wondering which is the better lens for macro and portrait's the fuji fifty six millimeter, one point two or that zeiss fifty millimeter two point eight? Well, the fuji fifty six one point two is not a macro if you try to focus up close with it, I don't recall what its minimum focusing distances but I would guess it's probably around four feet or a meter and a quarter or so which is not going to work out very well for macro and I do not know of anyone making extension tube's to make it focus closer and even if it could it may not optically be great for that and so I would look at either the fuji sixty or the zeiss macro for kind of that combo duty great and another question is would you recommend purchasing an adapter to use your nikon lenses on this camera? Well, I love the idea of making use of other equipment and getting the most out of it however I really like a system that just works without any complication without a kinks without any hassles and I have not experimented with the adapters for other lenses there obviously you're not going to get auto focus but as far as setting the exposure it's going to slow you down in many different ways and some people absolutely love taking that it had taken advantage of that and using it and works for their type of photography and I find that perfectly understandable it just doesn't work for the way that I use the camera and so I kind of shun all adapters I like things to just work right without any fuss
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I've purchased a number of John's courses and recognise how well he delivers complicated facts. Having just purchased a new X-T1 buying his fast start class was an obvious step, especially having looked at the manual. It was really well presented and made the switch from Canon so much easier. The inclusion of the notes was an excellent, additional support.I set up the camera as recommended and took it on a photo-shoot with my camera club a few days later. The content of the course and the settings suggested made the day. Now that I understood the camera it was easy to use and delivered great results first time. The course was the best 'accessory' I could have bought. Creative Live and John are a fabulous resource and so reasonably priced.
Jim Panzer
Great course, I received the X T1 and the first thing I did was see to if there was a course on CL I could use to get more aquanted with this awesome little machine. I have seen other course from John and he really knows his stuff, this one was no different. As a late comer to this camera, it would be nice if CL could update the course by adding a video going over the big 4.0 firmware updates, as that's the current one now. Thanks CL and John for helping me feel more at home with this camera!
Debra Robert
Great class! The learning modules are well structured and allow enough time for the viewer to absorb what is being shared. After completing the course I feel much more confident in understanding the X-T1, not a comfortable as with Canon (yet) ... there is definitely a learning curve moving from DSLR to mirrorless. So wish I would have taken this course a few months ago! Thank you!
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