Class Overview
27:21 2Top Deck Part 1
32:16 3Top Deck Part 2
16:36 4Back Side Part 1
30:26 5Back Side Part 2
31:55 6Sides, Front, and Bottom
17:12 7Lenses
11:52 8Shooting Menu
29:33Lesson Info
Class Overview
All right, welcome everybody to the fuji sixty one fast start in this class. We're going to go in through the fuji sixty one from top to bottom, from inside toe out, we're going to going through what everything does and how best to set it up for the different ways that you might be using it now when this camera came out, it was the biggest case of first love that I've ever seen as faras most people's reaction to the camera, they introduced it, and there is just a huge fanfare on it. It was kind of strange because the camera didn't really bring about any great new technology there's some through things in it that are a little bit better or somewhat cutting edge, but nothing absolutely revolutionary, and I think it might have come a little bit in the wake of the fuji d f or excuse me, the nikon d f nikon introduced the df camera, which had this old traditional style to it with a lot of knobs and levers on the camera. And for many people, that didn't quite live up to the hype on this is k...
ind of what a lot of people wanted, and so those who had fuji or those who are interested in fuji, said thiss is the perfect. Well, camera and so I've been using this camera for for several weeks now and have to say that I'm very impressed with that. I really like it it's a nice size it's a great smaller size camera for anyone who wants something smaller than the traditional mike on and cannon slr now this class here is not a review and this is just a few of my words and thoughts on the camera this is this is a class on how to use it, so if you're if you're looking for view on the camera if you went on the internet, you could probably find about one hundred people reviewing this camera so that's what we're going to do, we're going to be going through this camera the idea is to figure out the major functions of the camera and figure out how to get the highest quality images from this camera so let's, go ahead and dive into this camera so the fuji x t one here is kind of the outline of what we're going to be dealing with going to goethe just a little bit of overview of what this camera is over some basics of photography it's not a photography class but there's a few things we just want to straighten out and they were going to be spending the majority of the time going over the controls and then diving through the menu system and then ending on the operation kind of the setup of the camera for different types of situations something I haven't mentioned yet is that with the purchase of the class there is a download of a pdf which is kind of a outline of the classes you're walking through it. I know there's some people who like to take note it's when they take class and this would be the perfect item to have in front of you while you're taking notes because a lot of the sections are outlined in here is, well, assimilate stray shin's in here a couple of things I want to note off in here that I kind of like is that as you get towards the back, there is the entire menu system on one single page and on this I also have my recommendations for or how to make settings within the menu city according to kind of basic needs or maybe even more advanced needs. But I know a lot of you have your own specifics on how you want to get things set up. You may want to take this out in the field, so I have a page just after this exactly the same thing but without my recommendations so you can write in your favorites settings and fold this up and put it in your camera bag if you want to and then for people who are also kind of getting into photography at the very last page I have recommended camera setting so if you're shooting action photography or landscape photography, for instance I have, uh, kind of a little paragraph about the main setups that you would want to have on the camera and where you would have many of the different controls and we'll be going through this in class as well it's just kind of nice to be able to have something on paper to take out the field and throw in your camera bag if you want, so that little outline comes with the purchase of class all right, so let's get into this so if you have a few g x t one and you opened it up out of the camera box, you probably got a fairly thick instruction man you with it and this class is not a complete replacement for the owner's manual, but for most people the owner's manual will be kind of shoved to the side and if you do want to look up a specific point of interest, you can do that it's just that the owner's manual is a bit dry and it tells you what things do, but it doesn't tell you why you would want to use it and hopefully we'll be addressing that more clearly in this class. Secondly, this class is not a photography class, and so if you are looking to learned photography you want to learn about shutter speeds and depth of field that setting the ice so in your camera this is the wrong class I'm sorry to say this is a class of very specifically on this one camera and so if you do want to learn photography there's a number of great classes that we have here a creative live and I'll talk about a couple that I do as well that you might be interested in but this is something that we're going to stay really focused on the fuji x t one in this class so fuji is kind of new on the scene in this realm of marylise cameras but they've been around for a very long time like many of the other japanese manufacturers they got started back in the thirties and at first they just started making basics they started making film they did get into lenses and glass but they do have range finder cameras going back to nineteen sixty eight when they started making a medium format range finder cameras and they have probably the most interesting collection in the largest variety of cameras of any manufacturer that I know of on the planet because they've made thirty five millimeter cameras they've made medium format they make lenses for large format cameras they made panoramic cameras all sorts of strange things now as digital started coming around they wanted to get into the digital game but they didn't really have the hardware to do it. So what they did is they purchased nikon cameras from nikon, and then they modify them with their own imaging sensor because they have very good image sensors from day one because they had a little bit of a history in the video market and these cameras, which were the fuji fine pics cameras used nikon lenses, and in the early two thousand's, these cameras were known for having really good color and for being very, very good and image quality, but they were a bit funky in their operation because they were nikon cameras with these fuji modifications, they were a little bit frankenstein cameras, you might say, and so they had a serious of cameras, the s one, two, three and then they jumped to the s five, and these use cameras like icons in sixty, the eighty and then the d two hundred, and then they modified him with their own proprietary digital sensors and so forth and so on. When nikon really came in strong on digital, their cameras weren't selling too good, and they discontinued that siri's, and they kind of didn't have any cameras around for a while and then in two thousand ten, at the photo cain, a trade show that introduced the x one hundred and boy, people love this camera because it really looked it felt like an old style camera, but it had some very cutting edge new technology it came out and it really became a mainstay of a lot of serious photographers as a simple little travel camera, and so they basically built on that and they made an interchangeable lens version of it the extra one and thus got started the whole x system here that we now have with the x team what? And so they have a nice little line up of cameras and that was just a little bit of a foodie history, and I do want to go through that because I've seen some comments in the online forums that fuji is copying likea or some other company, and the fact of the matter is is that they've been around a long time and they've been making cameras of this style, so this is not unusual for them in any case at all so specifically with the x team won what's new and what's great about well, the first thing is is it's fuji's first weather resistant, interchangeable lens camera and that's kind of a new area for them they have a new high magnification viewfinders, so viewing through the camera is very important this I've mentioned in many of my other classes and the viewfinder on this one is arguably the best or at least one of the best on the market today and it really makes shooting with his camera much better than on previous cameras the sensor on it it's not very new because it was used in previous fuji cameras but it's using a sensor that has a different array of pixels on it and if you'll notice on screen, most cameras use what are known it was known as a bear system and it uses an alternating red green and red blue lines of pixels and the problem is is that you get a marais problem if you use this and so they went to this ex trans see moss sensor and you'll notice that the red pixels in that top illustration are a little bit more random and so you are less likely to get any more a problems or kind of weird jag ease on certain types of patterns and so it's using a revolutionary different type sensor and I have to say that I'm quite happy with it as well it's a lot of people are that has gotten a lot of very good reviews in general it's a small camera with a lot of manual controls it's the first time I've seen a camera with an s odile on it and a shutter speed dial in a dial for exposure compensation as well as an aperture dialogue on it in a long time since the days of film cameras for the most part pan fuji is new to the scene. They got kind of a whole new system over the last four years, and they're really bringing out some nice fast lenses and some very high quality lenses, and so their system is still relatively small. They still have some gaps in their land system, and I'll get into later in this class and very specifics about the lenses isn't once that I really like and how much they cost and and what they have and so forth, but they have a very nice collection of lenses, and so the lens snobs out there should be quite happy with fuji because it's really good now I've done some tests, and while this is not a review, I tested this against my cannon five d mark three and I'm shot straight up side by side and the cannon does have better image quality than this, but it's by a a very small margin and it's small enough that I on my last trip to cuba, took this rather than my cannons because I knew that the image quality and the performance of the camera was nearly as good and want to make any significant difference in my shooting, and so I'm more than happy to substitute this for other traditional year. When it comes to image quality it's just so close and the size is so much smaller it's a really enjoyable system toe work with and so if I'm just walking down the street I can walk around with a fairly small camera bag filled with lenses and it's not going to break my back and I could do it all day long that's one of the great things about this new smaller size system so the fuji system has grown quite rapidly from their first expro what? And we have a collection of load a higher in cameras and a growing collection of lenses as I've mentioned and so the x team one fits fairly high up in their scale right now in fact there's a number of people who have been shooting with the ex pro one they're pro camera and they've switched over to the x t one just because it has newer technology and at the time that we're recording this class were kind of expecting an ex pro two to hit the streets sometime in the future to be announced not too far off and so the x t one is their highest level camera with an all electronic finder it does not have the hybrid finder of the expro what now? If you do get into the instructions, you'll notice that there's a bunch of care and handling warnings and once I have here in red or kind of interesting don't use the camera in the bathroom or the shower. It is a weather resistant camera it's not waterproof it's not designed to go underwater unless you have it in a waterproof housing. And so you do have to be careful about extreme rain. Do not use this camera while walking or driving, which I think is a is a very interesting one and injury could result by those struck struck by an ejected card. I found this extremely hard to do, but maybe you should wear some safety glasses when you were exchanging the card out of the camera. Not sure very specifically it does say it is a weather resistant camera. It is dust resistant. It is water resistant and that's what? Fuji states now beyond that they don't give specifics like you could be out in the rain for half an hour defense and how hard it's raining depends how hard the wind is blowing. Now you do need to have a weatherproof lens for this to be fully functioning over the entire camera. And at the time of this reporting, there is only one lens there's a couple on the horizon that are going to be waterproof. They're not yet introduced and on the streets yet s o that eighteen to one thirty five is the on ly lens that they have that's waterproof at this point, but be careful with your camera nonetheless, I don't have a problem taking it out in the rain. I just don't like to keep it out there for too long a period of time, and so they also have a little warning in there about do not use this video product near water, which is kind of I don't know if the editors did not check that this one in particular was a weather resistant camera, but you'll find some conflicting statements in the emanuel, but the camera is whether resistant. All right, let's, make sure that your camera is ready for today's class. You should charge and in star all the battery that camera takes about with the battery. I should say it takes about two and a half hours to charge and you should get around three hundred fifty shots with each of those charges. It depends a little bit on use. Make sure that you got a lens on there. Got a memory and there we're gonna take some practice pictures. Potentially turn the camera on. Now on the lens. There's going to be an aperture switch. Most likely now some lenses you just turn the aperture ring to you get to the a setting, and this means that the aperture will automatically be set for you on the shutter. You adjust that with the top dial on the camera, make sure that is in the a city then go ahead and take a picture and so I'm going to do that on my camera so on the side of the camera I have a little switch that I'll flip to the a city and then I'll make sure that my shutter speed dial isn't and can't I'm just gonna go ahead take a picture of you make sure my camera's turned on make sure my camera is working properly it's going to focus and there we go and thank you very much so right here is working hopefully your camera is working now with this class we're going to dive into something very complicated very quick and that is a firmware check because fuji is known for updating their firm where very quickly and this is a little bit of an aggravation but it's also kind of nice because they listen to users and they hear feedback they're like this is kind of funky fix this fix that there's a little problem here and the engineers get in there and they fix it and they put a new firmware up on to the their web site that you can download and so what you need to do is you need to press the display button as you turn the camera on so let me do this on camera here in front of me and so you can see exactly what I'm doing and so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna press down and hold the display but as I turned the camera on I leave my finger on it and here you can see the firm where that I have with this particular camera right now and so the current firm where as of the recording of this class is one point one zero which means when it came out it was one point oh and they've made a small adjustment which is now one point one now there is also firm were listed for the lenses that you have on your camera now on screen you'll see the complete list of lenses that they make and what their courage firm where is so if you want to check with that firm, where is go to fuji film dot com go to their support in contact page and you'll need to download the updated file and it's gonna be a file that gets downloaded to your computer you'll need to transfer to a memory card, put the memory card in the camera and followed the instructions that they have at their website now on screen is a long link and this link will take you to fuji's website that shows you what the current firm where is for all their cameras and all their lenses and so we'll leave that on screen for just a moment I know it's a bit of a pain to type all that in, but we can probably put that in canada, you're just gonna jump in with something. Well, I was just going to say, updating my firm where is not something that I always think to do? Certainly not for lenses, right? How often would would you recommend people look and see or what? Tell us what they had manages for people who are likely are for updating from where will there are two different cases. There are ones where it's just kind of nice extra stuff that they've added into the camera, for instance, on previous fuji cameras, they've improved the focusing they've made the focusing faster and so that's not something you have to have. But if it's a free upgrade it's not that big a deal, and with fuji, I would say that you should probably check every six months. If you're you know, a real hound on this, you'll check every two months now. The other thing is, is that as they come out with new lenses, they, for instance, this camera doesn't know about some new lens that fuji has yet to design, and so this camera may need to be upgraded to use those new lenses. And so that part has been a little bit frustrating to me because if you buy this new lands and you put it on this camera and it doesn't have the right firm where the camera will not work and so in that case, if you haven't older fuji camera and you bought a new fuji lynn, and there isn't something working it's probably a firmware issue, and so in that case, it's imperative that you go in and do it so that's something to to know about as we get into the cameras, and so I'm gonna turn that camera off and we're going toe just go through a few basics. And so for those of you who been in photography for a dozen years and you know everything about shutter speeds and apertures, you can fast forward through the next five minutes. I just want to go through some real basics, and this is from another class that I teach here, a creative live called fundamentals of digital photography, and this is a downloadable class at this point and it's kind of the basics that every photographer should have, no matter what direction you want to go, if you're going to shoot sports or fashion or weddings. It's it's just the basics and so let's just kind of go through these basics as they relate to this particular camera so this camera does have interchangeable lenses which is nice because we have a lot of very high quality lenses and in the lenses is an aperture which is an opening that varies in size and so this is the first way that we can control light in this camera if you could look down the barrel of the lens as we change the aperture in this case we're closing the aperture down each time we close it down one stop one set of numbers here it lets in half a cz much like as we open it up it's letting in twice a cz much like with each of these f stop settings. Now these settings control not only the amount of light coming in the camera but also the depth of field or how much is invoked. Focus what's the front edge and what's the back edge of what's in focus and in this example you can see those red hash marks over on the right indicate the front edge in the back edge of your depth of field what's in focus, you'll notice the numbers at the near and far into the ruler are slowly getting mohr and maurine focus until we get down to f twenty two where we are at maximum depth of field in this particular example now his light continues in on the camera. It goes straight to the image sensor and this is automatically feeding information to the lcd on the back of the camera so that you can see on the back of the camera what you are pointing it at now. It also sends the information to the elektronik viewfinder and this viewfinder, as I said before and I will say again, is one of the best on the markets, its largest it's, very detailed it's, very easy to see. And so that's, what you're seeing in the viewfinder now, right on the sensor let's. Take a closer look at what's going on when you take a picture here, because normally the sensor is exposed to light so that you can get an image and composed with the viewfinder. But in order to take a picture, we need to use the shutter curtains. And there are two parts there's the first curtain, which needs to close first so that the sensor can prepare foran image. And then the image actually starts from that first curtain opens. And then the second curtain closes stopping that image, and then the second curtain needs to open again so that we can see through the viewfinder, the electronically finder again, so there's a lot of movement going on. With those shutter blades in there now that shutter speed is the second way of controlling how much light gets into the camera, and so we're going to have a large variety of shutter speeds, and if you were to set a shutter speed of two thousandth of a second, we're going to be able to stop very fast motion. For instance, a whale breaching out of the water five hundredth of a second is good for stopping fast human motion one hundred twenty fifth of a second is more of your standard pedestrian shutter speed for, say, stopping camels walking in the desert. Once we get below sixty, we're going to start getting into slower shutter speeds where we're going to seymour blur, depending on how fast our subjects air moving in this picture, I used a tripod, and you could see that the bridge is sharp and the people are moving at one eighth of a second if you want to get those blurry shots of waterfalls or rivers that will be done at around one full second and you can do nighttime photography if you want to leave the shutter open for thirty seconds and do some light painting, as I did in this case in death valley and so that's shutter speeds that you're taking place right in front of the sensor. And so that's just kind of the basics of how your camera is set up it's a little bit different than your traditional slr now one of the most important factors in these cameras is the size of the sensor and there's a lot of different cameras on the market that have a lot of different size sensors and the fujian uses a reasonably large sensor but it's not the largest and it's not the smallest and the compact cameras used some very small sensors and we're not even gonna worry about talking about him here. The largest of these sensors is based off of thirty five millimeter film it's a good standard for many, many years and photography and it was very convenient to change over from film to digital when we had full size sensors. And so this is what is known as a full frame censor. It just basically means that it's a thirty five millimetre sensor in size and it has a crop factor of one point a which means it's the same size as thirty five millimeter. The fujii camera uses a sensor that it's just a little bit smaller and it's twenty eight millimeters corner to corner rather than the forty three millimeters which I think is an easier way to compare these sensors it's also known as an a p s sensor or one that has a crop factor of one point five so it's a little bit different in its lens choice than traditional film cameras or full frame cameras, cannon on their cameras uses something very close, but just a little bit smaller. The a p s c sensor before you run around with the camera around your neck or your shoulder, make sure that the strap is connected properly, and one of the things is just to make sure that the tail in as you go through the camera strap, is on the underneath side. So that pressures on the topside, making sure that it's locked in, and just another little simple basic here, holding the camera. What is the correct way to hold the camera? And I know a lot of people will grab the camera with their thumb on the bottom side. It feels kind of comfortable, but that is thie, incorrect way toe. Hold your camera, let me use the camera in front of you just to kind of show you why that isthe see, a lot of people will grab the camera, and they'll do this because it's, just that's, just the way your hand comes up to the camera. Problem is, is this leaves your elbow without any support, and by putting your thumb kind of on the top side of the lands and hold it like this, it brings your elbow down to your torso so that you can hold the camera steady or in your hands also, if you get one of the longer lenses you can turn start supporting the camera with the base of your hand and you'll have more fine tune control with your fingers on the focusing and or the zooming or the aperture and you're not trying to support the weight of the camera in the same way and so it's just a little bit easier way of doing that finally, as we go through this class, you're going to need to consider auto versus emmanuelle. How do you want to set something up? Because this camera has a lot of different controls that you can let the camera figure out or you can figure it out yourself and a lot of these air completely independent so you could do focus automatically, but you could do exposure manually or vice versa, and a lot of this is simply just going to depend on your time, effort and knowledge of what you're doing. So hopefully by the end of this class, you'll have the knowledge on how to handle your camera manually. But from time to time, I yes, even I will throw my camera into an auto mode just because I need to get something done really quickly and I just don't want to deal with setting anything manually and so I think being able to go back and forth fluidly between automatic and daniel means that you've really got to know your camera quite well, so if you would like more information on the stuff that we've been talking about for the last few minutes, you might want to take a look into the fundamentals of digital photography class because that's got plenty more information in that regard, but you can always just search for john gringo on our website when you go to the catalogue and my goodness, and you haven't seen that classic earlier, you said that it's the basics it's, not just the basics. The fundamentals are way more than the basics, john. And every time I watch that class, I learned so much there's, always something to learn. Yeah, probably shouldn't call it the basics, because when we go into till shift lenses and visualize all sorts of crazy, I mean it's so many hours of content it's really critical that if you want to be into photography, that you watch that it's it's, the base of knowledge that helps you get to where you want to go in whatever direction of photography cool we're thinking about making it as a prerequisite before any other class, you can cure a creative life, you have to take this class well, a lot of people have taken that, yes, thank you very much for a lot of people, true
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I've purchased a number of John's courses and recognise how well he delivers complicated facts. Having just purchased a new X-T1 buying his fast start class was an obvious step, especially having looked at the manual. It was really well presented and made the switch from Canon so much easier. The inclusion of the notes was an excellent, additional support.I set up the camera as recommended and took it on a photo-shoot with my camera club a few days later. The content of the course and the settings suggested made the day. Now that I understood the camera it was easy to use and delivered great results first time. The course was the best 'accessory' I could have bought. Creative Live and John are a fabulous resource and so reasonably priced.
Jim Panzer
Great course, I received the X T1 and the first thing I did was see to if there was a course on CL I could use to get more aquanted with this awesome little machine. I have seen other course from John and he really knows his stuff, this one was no different. As a late comer to this camera, it would be nice if CL could update the course by adding a video going over the big 4.0 firmware updates, as that's the current one now. Thanks CL and John for helping me feel more at home with this camera!
Debra Robert
Great class! The learning modules are well structured and allow enough time for the viewer to absorb what is being shared. After completing the course I feel much more confident in understanding the X-T1, not a comfortable as with Canon (yet) ... there is definitely a learning curve moving from DSLR to mirrorless. So wish I would have taken this course a few months ago! Thank you!
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