Backside of the Canon 7D Mark II: Left Side and Playback
Lesson 7 from: Canon 7D Mark II Fast StartJohn Greengo

Backside of the Canon 7D Mark II: Left Side and Playback
Lesson 7 from: Canon 7D Mark II Fast StartJohn Greengo
Lesson Info
7. Backside of the Canon 7D Mark II: Left Side and Playback
Canon 7D Mark II Overview and Basics
15:04 2Fundamentals of Photography Review
07:10 3Basic Controls of the Canon 7D Mark II
03:59 4Mode Dial of the Canon 7D Mark II
21:58 5Top Controls of the Canon 7D Mark II
36:13 6Backside of the Canon 7D Mark II: Viewfinder
18:51 7Backside of the Canon 7D Mark II: Left Side and Playback
12:14 8Movie and Live View Mode of the Canon 7D Mark II
12:51Autofocus Area of the Canon 7D Mark II
16:17 10AF Area and Quick Controls of the Canon 7D Mark II
10:14 11Left and Right Side of the Canon 7D Mark II
07:57 12Bottom and Front of the Canon 7D Mark II
11:25 13Lenses and the Canon 7D Mark II
15:26 14Canon 7D Mark II Menus: Shoot
53:05 15Canon 7D Mark II Menus: Shoot4 Movie
11:48 16Canon 7D Mark II Menus: AF1 - AF5
36:14 17Canon 7D Mark II Menus: Playback, Setup and C. Fn1
20:19 18Canon 7D Mark II Menus: Custom Functions
22:40 19Canon 7D Mark II Camera Operations
10:02 20Next Steps
02:54Lesson Info
Backside of the Canon 7D Mark II: Left Side and Playback
Continuing our tour of the back of the camera let's work our way down the left hand side picture stiles, this is for people who are shooting j pegs and you're going to see this they're going to common theme that we're going to have in the rest of the class it's a little bit different for operating this camera from a j peg setting versus a raw setting. If you shoot raw there's, a lot of camera manipulation modes where the camera will go in and manipulate your photographs in some way or another, and they make no impact if you shoot rock now, if you're going to shoot j pegs, you're gonna want to pay attention to these modes and get him adjusted to the way that you want to shoot. So the picture styles is the processing of the image. How much contrast saturation color kind of the final look of your images back. Twenty years ago, we would shoot kodak or fuji film for a different look. In this case, we can change the picture styles. Most of us are going to want to get a nice, clean, basic loo...
k out of their image without too much heavy handed adjustment, because a heavy handed adjustment here might mean that we can adjust our images less. Later on, so for instance, we have a portrait sitting, which is very, very neutral in its colors. The landscape said he boost the colors and have a movement more saturated, and so you wouldn't wanna have your camera in the landscape mode for shooting portrait. And so if you're going to shoot a wide variety of subjects, I would say auto is not bad because it will just adjust according to what it thinks is necessary standard might be even better because it's going to be consistent in all the photographs, another option might be going with either faithful or neutral, which is a very kind of flat, neutral tone that you can adjust later in photos, off light room or whatever program you happen to be using. Now, we do also have some user defined one, two and three months, so let's just say that you shot the sports events for your kid's high school and you send all your photos in to the athletic department and they said, wow, these photos, they're great, but they're not looking quite right for us and we need him all adjusted, and you're thinking, well, I don't want to go photo shop all my images, maybe if I just boost the colors just a little bit. Not as much as the camera would in the landscape mode, but I'm choosing my own amount, and then that would be right for their use is that you have without going into photo shop so you can create three different user to find stiles. If you do shoot j pegs and you need to output really specific looking j pegs for particular purposes and so you can create your own, and I'll show you how to do this when we get into the menu section section on how to control this next up, I'm going to jump down a few buttons so that we could just talk about playback all at the same time. One of the things that you may have noticed on your camera is that a bunch of buttons have blue labels on them or blue writing on this indicates that it deals with playback, so anything with blue deals with playback, so go ahead, hit playback, find an image in your camera and kind of follow through all the different things you can do, so scrolling to the next image and previous image is pretty easy. You just use the back dial on the back of the camera. The top dial will be used for jumping ten images. And this is a great, great way for jumping back real quickly or forward row quickly and the neat thing is is that you can re program that top dial to do something different other than jumping ten images you could have it jumped by days of the month, so for instance, if you take a month long vacation, it doesn't take you forever to go back to the beginning of your trip to show somebody photos from that you could have a jump by rated images only looking at your three star images, for instance, you can zoom in on your image to check sharpness once you've zoomed in, you can use the little toggle switch in the back the little joystick for checking out different areas of the frame. Whether you're going to check for dust on the sensor or you just want to check for sharp it is in different parts of the frame you can use that to just scroll around the image. You also have the option for rating pictures how much you like them and I always traditionally thought that this was a really dumb idea to have on a camera because it's a small screen it's a bad way to judge whether you took a good foot or a bad photo, you need to see it on a much larger viewing device and I still maintain that that's true but the fact of the matter is sometimes you're waiting in airports and you've got nothing to do, and you want to review your images and you kind of know which one's air good. This gives you a head start on the editing process, and so if you did something and you go, you know, this is the shot, and I know it is you could give it two or three stars, and that rating will carry forward in other photo programs like photoshopped light room in various programs from adobe and microsoft that deals with pictures, and so that carries forward and is a great way of making use of your time when you might not have access to your full on computer. Or if you just want to remember this shot had something important about it, and I just want to indicate it's something different than everything else we have the little two blocks next to each other, which is a two image display, which is an interesting way for you to go in and compare two images side by side. So, you know, I took a couple of photos before this class. I wasn't really planning on this, but let me show you what this is in here, so let me get playback, see what sort of images I have. And we'll try to find something interesting here, so we've got our creative live logo here, so what I'm going to do next is I'm going to hit the two up display and now there's information down on the bottom, the cube button and the set button are going to be used for a variety of functions. The set button allows me go to the second image, and now I can scroll around and find a different image, and if I want to go back to the first image, one of the things that I could do it if I hit the cue button that actually locks him in together, so what I'm going to do next is I'm going to zoom in and I'm going to use my toggle switch to check for sharpness let's see if this is sharp here now, I could go and if I hit the cue button, it'll zoom in on the second image. No, actually it's locking it in is that image. So I did that incorrectly. Let me try this again. I do make mistakes quite frequently. Get set, go to the other image I will hit q and it will match what the other screen on the left was doing. And so this is normally going to be much more useful when you take two images of a similar subject, and you want to check to see which one is sharper or better. And so the key things is using the set to go back and forth using the cue tto lock that positioning in. So for instance, if I go back to the full image on the left and I hit, and then I need to come over to this one I hit q, that should bring us back to the full image right there, so great way for comparing a side by side image works really good if you're shooting portrait of somebody and you want to see which one is the sharper of the portrait, you could then raided his two stars, so nice little ways of editing in the field, not the best device in the world for doing it, but pretty good. Next up, of course, we have our garbage can button, but with a camera like this, why would you ever throw away any of your images at ten frames a second? You're going to end up throwing some away it's b better not to delete in the field, there can be an occasional communication problem between cameras and cards. I haven't heard of anything with this camera, but on cameras of the past there have been some people who've been bleeding a lot in the field and going back and forth with that sort of communication on the card, deleting information off of it can sometimes cause a communication problem, so I tend not to do that very much. Every once in a while, I take a picture of the inside of my camera bag, and I just don't want to ever see that picture again. I'll delete it right away, and I have not had any problems, but for most of my deleting and editing, I say that for a computer with a decent size monitor. Next up, the info button, as I said, you could hit, you never hurt anything by pressing the info button. If you want to see a little bit more information about how you took that photo, hit the info button, you get your shutter speeds, your apertures, you're so what format, what card? It's going tio lot of good and important information there, how many pictures you've taken? What picture is this of that? Those of that grouping of photos hit the info button again, and you'll get one of the more elaborate displays on the camera. Now, one of things that you could do is you can go in and choose what type of history graham display you have, I like looking at the red, green and blue despite it gives me more information and is visually a lot easier to look at than the standard history ram so I like the rgb hissed a gram. I'll tell you how to turn that on when we get into the menu section new on this camera is a little scroll bar and the use of the multi controller or the joy stick on the back of the camera and you can scroll through. Watch this scroll through all sorts of data there's our normal hissed a gram and here's, how are white balance might be tweaked a little bit it's not in this case, and now we can look at how this camera is being tweaked as faras its picture controls and it's pretty neutral. At this point, we look at other information that we have set on the camera color space and exposed long exposure noise reduction mohr information about how our camera is set and back to our shutter speed aperture eso information. And so just be aware with that. Let me do a quick little demo, even though I spent probably six hours building that in the keynote always nice to do it live so let's, go ahead and play back an image in the camera, and so I'll hit the info button appear to get to this other display screen notice the scroll bar over here on the right the little indicator down at the bottom indicates that you could scroll up and you can scroll down through different sets of information so now if you said well I want to look at the brightness hissed a gram as I go through images you can see that brightness sister gramick said no wait I need to see this other information right here is I scroll through images you can just have it scrolled there and you can see what mowed your camera was in when it shot those photos and everything else that's going on about it so nice new device this is different than any other cannon camera that has been out the past and this is probably how all the future cameras are going to work and so you can kind of get used to it because it's it's a nice little system for being able to see the right types of information as you're scrolling through images wow you are in the playback mode you can hit the cuba and the q stands for quick control and this allows us to go in and make a variety of setting. So tell you what let's do another live demo of this and so let me I go back to the playback mode and here's our exciting image of the fast start outline that comes with the class and I'm gonna hit this again and let's hit the cue button, and you'll see that we get a whole host of other options here. And so what I can do is I can use the little joystick to go around. Continued going up or down, left and right doesn't work the other than changing that the particular feature. And so here what happens when I turn the front dial? It jumps by star single picture ten hundred pictures, goes by date folder, movies, stills or protected images, and we're going to talk more about all of these as we get into the menu system. But there's a number of them here that are just simply as shortcuts that you could get, too. So that was once again we were playing back an image, and then we'd hit the cue button, and that gives us a quick menu of some things that you might want to images that you're playing back. And so we will talk more in depth about those but that's. These thie quick preview on the quick control playback.
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Ratings and Reviews
Kanoelani Patenaude
I am a pro photographer in my dreams, where I know the in's and out's of my camera; however, reality proved differently, as real life would tell you, I was a deer caught in headlights just looking at my new 7D Mark II. I am a photographer enthusiast without the skills, but a lot of love for the moments one, or the profession/hobby of it can capture. I mostly shoot my husband, friends, and community surfers in the lineup, and of course, my children, who rarely sit still. Thus, I switched from Nikon to Canon, venturing on the 7D Mark II for the grand reviews of how stellar of camera it is for action shots (surfing, and kids, this was a no brainer). That said, and overwhelmed with the way beyond my skill set, but noted desire and aspiration to grow, I made the purchase, and sought help rather quickly as I wanted to feel confident with what I was utilizing to capture the best memories possible. I came into this CL course knowing the "on/off" button, and "auto" shoot mode. I came out of the course feeling like the pro in my dreams, and ready to shoot manual. John's teaching style is on point, and his detailed visuals are a huge plus. So impressed, I purchased, John's photography starter kit, and was even more blown away. My first shots post that course, I thought were great for my first educated shoot, and shockingly, I even received and email from one of the sponsors of the surfers I captured, asking if they could use my image for their sites and publications. Not bad for a newbie. Though, my intent was never a business purpose, I did not know if I should charge a small fee, or give it for free. I don't mind free as it's not my business, yet I don't want to ruin it for any photographers in town doing the same thing that are charging. Perhaps another course to help me with that. I highly recommend courses by John Greengo! Thank you so much, John!
I bought my 7D Mkii the week it was introduced as an upgrade to my old 20D. I immediately noticed what a huge step up it was and to be honest was a little overwhelmed by all of the options and customisations available. In the year I've owned it I've managed to pick up a lot but I still felt there was a lot in there that I wasn't making the best use of. John's course has filled in the missing pieces and I now feel a lot more confident that I will be able to get the best out of this amazing camera.
J.R. Link
John's coverage of the Canon 7D Mod II was excellent. It helped immensely in understanding the myriad of choices available in this camera. I would recommend this course to any user of the 7D Mod II. camera. The only comment I would make is that it might be helpful if John didn't assume that we all are sports photographers. Some hints for other types of photographers would be a great addition to an already excellent course.
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