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Using Hashtags To Grow Your Business

Lesson 20 from: FAST CLASS: Your Social Media Bootcamp

Jasmine Star

Using Hashtags To Grow Your Business

Lesson 20 from: FAST CLASS: Your Social Media Bootcamp

Jasmine Star

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20. Using Hashtags To Grow Your Business

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Using Hashtags To Grow Your Business

Now this is the question that I got asked the most on social when it has been gets the hashtag hashtag when she beat Hashtags. Now remember how we said we're building the social? We're building the creativelive Lego boot camp, right? Everybody wants to go to how do I get my business? I don't want it. I didn't want to tell you how to get your business found. Because if getting more followers was not getting you more business, why would I help you? How to get more fall. Right? So now we have, like, a shouldn't perspective shift. Okay, So using Hashtags to grow your business and get drink Fuller's, we're gonna get into that video now. Now that we have targeted our dream customer created content for them written captions in a way that capsulize your voice according to categories and topics that are reflective in a division of our brand. We've planned out a month of content in just a couple hours because you have a streamlined way to find our words, our ideology and connected people in a wa...

y that they talk back to us. How could we get our post scene by more people well, that raises to this section. We're talking about hashtag strategy, so I don't believe that there is a right or perfect hash tag. But I do believe that we could be a lot more strategic with her approach. Earlier, we had mentioned the hashtag butterfly. Working is start honing that vision in Queen. I just feel like I'm looking. You have said there is no there is no blame. We have a ton of room to grow. I want to do this because who doesn't love a good cocktail? We're gonna have our five part hash tag strategy cocktail five parts. Here we go. Instagram has been totally open and okay with us using 30 hashtag People like you shouldn't use all 30 Instagram's come out and said, No, you can use 30 hashtags. Make sure they make sense in the photo, so not as a joke. But there wasn't a hash tag in the photo itself. It could potentially penalize the photo because Instagram has noticed that people are trying to use Hashtags to get their photos seen by more people, even if it's not applicable and instagrams whole trajectory and goal is to be relevant and applicable to people who are searching for that thing. Which is why we shouldn't hash tag Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and like LeBron James if What? We're taking a picture of a hot dog. So we've got to be a lot more strategic about that. So I prefer that of the 30 Hashtags we break it up into five parts something to dickensa consideration. And the first of the five hearts would be searchable terms these air What you think you were Dream customer was searching for Now you know her Now you've created content for her. Now you've spoken to her now the idea would be sure There are reasons why somebody comes on Instagram that she could find your stuff. Ah, we have to think that there are women. There are men. There are customers going to instagram looking for something specific. This is what this segment of Hashtags will focus on those people who know what they're looking for. Uh, when I was focused on wedding photography, I would get my wedding photos and out hashtag them According to what was in the photo hashtag Vera Wang hashtag Manila Blahnik hashtag Pini BK hashtag Brooks Brothers Because there were customers who were going to instagram to see hell. Brides were wearing Vera Wang. How grooms were wearing Brooks Brothers. So I was hash tagging according to what was in the photo. That's what made my photos stick out in the hashtag because other people were to hash tagging Vera Wang and ain't no Vera Wang in it. So those were trying to track brides who had no idea what they're looking for. I knew what my brides were looking for was targeting high in client who would go to Instagram looking specifically for Vera Wang attire. If I was Baker, I wouldn't just hash tag cupcake, right, Because there are millions of hashtags for cupcake, you can find derivatives cupcake Recipe Cup Stick cupcakes to Graham Buttercream Sweet tooth. All of these things could be things that somebody are searching for. The still related to the thing that I'm doing. Second type of hashtags. So this is our five part cocktail location searches, location searches. This goes back to thinking of geographic locations for Facebook ads and instagram ads. Location searches are absolutely incredible. Absolutely so if you can think of beaches that you think your customers are going to lakes that they're going Teoh, Bahamas that they're going to We could start hash tagging location. So hash tagging are powerful things for powerful for things, people in photos in a specific location. So even though you are not in that location, your clients are Where did she tagger other photos? Did she dio tag it? Because once you know, heard you tag, You can add that to your photo on your account of where it's at and you'll be found in geo tags that are completely appropriate to location. This is how we're gonna be really strategic with putting your business in that type of demographic and clientele and have it be pertinent to the photo. Third component of a hashtag cocktail would be geographic searches. Now, geographic searches are gonna be great for people looking for businesses based on a city or a state. We've done that before, personally searching for sins and stuff. Exactly. So we know that they're powerful. So an example of this is J. D. And I go to New York City quite often. We will always search NYC Copy Shop New York Coffee shop. This is what will guide us to where we want to go. So we done the searches multiple times. This search yield is us at Loch Hello. Coffee shop in Manhattan. And we when I was there. Hashtag NYC Coffee, Manhattan Copy Shop, NYC copy shop, NYC coffee shops Because they're both different entries and people are searching for them differently. New York Copy Shop. I ended up finding lock alone by way of a hash tag. We went there. We geo tag hashtag and tag. At the time, luck alone had 66,000 followers. They repurpose their photo on their feet. So whenever you have the opportunity to create content relevant to that, they will repurpose it. You give them good content, man. They will repurpose Used the last of the fourth part of this five part cocktail is industry searches. So this is where people are like I don't want my peers and want me competitors searching for me in hashtags. But these are gonna be great if they're specifically related to your industry and they're used by peers or counterparts. I recommend about 3 to 4 industry related hashtags. Why? Because you could be squarely positioned to do collaborations with other businesses in your industry. So, uh, these were going to be probably searched by by other professionals. But I have found that when your hashtag with your industry, it is a great way to get noticed featured, and you can create sponsorships, alliances and referrals. So I have had the opportunity to collaborate with a lot of great people. Just because I used the hash tag and you're like built finds kind of like, Oh, I didn't know this person existed. I didn't know what they were doing. Oh, I didn't know they had such a big following. The last thing, which goes back to something Aaron and mentioned of this fight part cocktail is the hashtag size. So hashtags. With more than 500, we'll make it difficult to get your post noticed, because if people are using the hash, I quite often Li like often Lee opt in your post will get dropped quicker. So I prefer to use Hashtags with less than 500,000 posts, at least for the majority of my hashtag selections. That's not to say I won't use big hash eggs, nor am I saying you shouldn't, but if all of your all of your hashtags have millions or hundreds of 809 100,000 you're gonna get lost much quicker. So the smaller the hashtag, the more likely your post will be discovered in that particular search. So something to keep in the back of your mind. So your homework is to create 30 hashtags for your categories and then if you guys want, has extra credit creating derivatives. So if you have, like your seven categories right on and then Egypt, you've topic so, like, let's say a categories or why. And then you have, like, your Children, your husband, your dad hypothetically, right? Well, it would make sense, toe have specific Hashtags kids like, you know, boy, mom, or, you know, double the trouble or whatever the case may be. And then you have like, um, like, your dad feels like Daddy's girl Daddy, entrepreneur, whatever it is, right. So it's like, I'm not going to change all but you could kind of have little small tweaks that would make it pertinent. Anytime you talk about your dad, your kids

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Ratings and Reviews

Katrina Julia

GREAT class! I LOVE learning AND applying from Jasmine from IG, Social Curator and here on CreativeLIVE! I immediately started applying key things to expand my IG + social like stories + tips (already doing reels consistently) + setting up my launch plan. In less than 1 week already seeing over 2,000% reach and over 4000% growth in accounts engaged! Whoop whoop! Highly recommend all the things!!!

Rachel Tenney

This is by far the best social media class I've ever taken, and I can't believe the price tag! I've spent way more on many other courses that can't even compare. This is truly a whole blueprint and so well produced. I love Jasmine's humor and down to earth strategy. One of the best business purchases I've ever made!

ayman sadiq

thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more info. please keep sharing.

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