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The Secret Of Growing On Instagram

Lesson 9 from: FAST CLASS: Your Social Media Bootcamp

Jasmine Star

The Secret Of Growing On Instagram

Lesson 9 from: FAST CLASS: Your Social Media Bootcamp

Jasmine Star

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9. The Secret Of Growing On Instagram

Lesson Info

The Secret Of Growing On Instagram

yesterday I made the mention of dashes versus dots, and I thought it was very common. But this is me again. Lily Padding over ideas. So let's go back and close the loop on instagram stories. When you post a story one story on the top of the pay on the top of your phone In the story, it will appear as one singular line. When you post two stories, you then get two lines when you post three stories, then it turns into dash, dash, dash and the more stories you add, the more lines dot dash is that appear. But then all of a sudden you add so many stories that those dashes turn into tiny little dots that's only referring to. So if you have dots at the top of your instagram stories and you notice that people aren't watching, it's probably that means you're posting a little too much. Now that is just a general overall idea...

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Ratings and Reviews

Katrina Julia

GREAT class! I LOVE learning AND applying from Jasmine from IG, Social Curator and here on CreativeLIVE! I immediately started applying key things to expand my IG + social like stories + tips (already doing reels consistently) + setting up my launch plan. In less than 1 week already seeing over 2,000% reach and over 4000% growth in accounts engaged! Whoop whoop! Highly recommend all the things!!!

Rachel Tenney

This is by far the best social media class I've ever taken, and I can't believe the price tag! I've spent way more on many other courses that can't even compare. This is truly a whole blueprint and so well produced. I love Jasmine's humor and down to earth strategy. One of the best business purchases I've ever made!

ayman sadiq

thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more info. please keep sharing.

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