Planning A Month Of Posts In One Day
Lesson 21 from: FAST CLASS: Your Social Media BootcampJasmine Star

Planning A Month Of Posts In One Day
Lesson 21 from: FAST CLASS: Your Social Media BootcampJasmine Star
Lesson Info
21. Planning A Month Of Posts In One Day
Promise Of This Class
08:10 2Class Introduction
02:35 3Identifying Your Dream Customer
08:15 4How To Engage With Your Dream Customer
06:15 5Assess Your Marketing And Engagement
12:14 6How To Find The Gap In Your Market
07:51 7How To Create Real Time, Behind-the-scenes Marketing
15:37 8How To Guarantee Social Media Success
08:30The Secret Of Growing On Instagram
00:55 10Branded Photo Shoot Tips And Tricks
12:01 11How To Start Building Your Brand On Social Media
12:29 12Social Media Aesthetics
05:01 13Branding Photoshoot Reveal
09:44 14How To Plan, Organize, And Create A Month Of Posts In One Day
02:44 15Why Facebook Still Is A Powerful Platform
13:40 16How To Use Direct Messages - Turn Followers Into Customers
09:38 17Creating Your Direct Message Strategy
03:45 18Getting Results From Your DMS
03:15 19Photo Shoots - Product & Family
10:14 20Using Hashtags To Grow Your Business
08:15 21Planning A Month Of Posts In One Day
14:40 22Your 45-minute Social Media Workflow
10:50 23Take Action
04:19Lesson Info
Planning A Month Of Posts In One Day
we get to reveal how are business owners did poor things after just there on them for a while and say, Hey, guys, you have the tools you have. The resource is we laid it out. How much of this worker you're going to do? We're ready to do the heavy lifting. So welcome back after plenty of cups of coffee, I'm already losing my voice. We've been talking so much staying oblate, getting the job done. But I'm really excited to reveal that are amazing. Small business owners have organized, planned and executed a month of social media posts in one day. So welcome back and we're going to get into the good stuff. Do you guys run into any roadblocks? How are you guys feeling like, Let's just dish it. And I told him this morning that I didn't want to talk to them. I, like, walked in. I was like, high. Don't talk to me. I was totally rude, but I was like, I want to get your real genuine your action, like on camera. And just as we sat down, Erin says. So do you want us to like say that it was all lik...
e, wonderful and I was like, No, I want you to see your true give it stuff. Tell me exactly. Let's work through that because people at home are feeling going to feel the same way. So we're going to dish the goods. Okay, so let's start with Caitlin. All right? So my life, two main things as I walked into it like, Yeah, I got this. I sat down and I, like, blinked on. And so I was up all night. Five were game on it. So I guess, like, my questions were like, I don't feel like it totally sounds like me all the time. But I know that I have to get my voice like still and find that client. So I feel like that's, like, the awkward stage. And this month will help. No, Like, what's bringing in people in what's not? What? Your biggest exercise is not gonna be less social media. Yeah, it's not captions. And it's not about photos, because I will go last night and I thought of you and I thought to myself, If Caitlin wants toe win, Yeah, Capeman can't be Caitlin of today. Yeah, so, um, I had once heard somebody say that, Um, perfection is a disguise for procrastination, and we never think that way. We think that we trying to like no, we want to get perfect. But perfection is completely subjective. What you think is perfect. I could look at and say That's mediocre, something that you just put out haphazardly. I feel with that and say that it's perfection. Okay, so do I think that all 30 people in this room, and like the 14 or 15,000 people watching online, are gonna go home right now. Imposed a month of content in a day? Probably not. I wanted to show it was possible. Sometimes we need people who prick us from behind to make us jump higher and run faster. I showed people again and again how I created content in four months and one day, and it wasn't enough. They said that works for you. And so what I decided to do is like I believe it works for anybody, and we have proof that to business owners did it for themselves in a day. And then we have proof on the inside of social curator that we have women who spent one date and build out two months of content. Now we have people who spend one day a week to plan three days of content. That's fine. I have no horse in this race. You're gonna find your cadence. All I'm asking you is that in order to save you time and stress, you must create a plan, That's all. You're gonna find your cadence And I'm going to explain to you, Mike Agent, every single month, dry planet, an entire month of content. Sometimes this month, as we're going into recording, we just came off a massive promotion for social curator. I then came in to Creativelive and creating a ton of content. I returned home to speak at the girl loss rally in Los Angeles. And then two days later, I'm leaving town. That is not whatsoever for the faint of heart. And I do not have time to just casually strolling to my phone like, Oh, my life is so fabulous. I'm totally gonna be posting something. No, Going into this month, I sat down and he said, This is going on this day. This is going on the state. This is going on this day. Did I shoot everything no. So a real time example is when I looked at my content calendar, I said On day one, I have to post a photo of the pre shoot we did in May to be featured in June. I planned a full month of content. If I know it will be very busy and I can't connect with it. At the end of the day, I'm gonna show you what I do on the regular. And it's 45 minutes a day, six days a week. Okay, now, at the end of this, what you just saw was this hoping for big things. All of us are waiting on bated breath. And I have to say that we worked with two very different types of businesses. And wherever you are in the spectrum, I need to take a second and let you know the bigger your business is, the more successful the more team members, the more followers you have, the a little bit, you're going to need a lot more concerted effort to change where the boat goes. Okay. We were working with two businesses. One was like, Ah, power motorboat. And one was like a cruise ship. It takes a lot more time to redirect a cruise ship. And so if you're watching at home and being like, how long is this gonna take me? It depends on the size of your business. It depends on the size of routine, and it depends on the overall strategy. So we hoped that big stuff would happen for them, but we didn't know. So the thing as we get into the results is that just because they had a planning strategy did not mean we guaranteed success. And just because you go home with a plan and strategy and you plan your content and you're doing the thing because you do, that does not mean it is a guaranteed success. Every twist of the dial is one step closer to where you want to go. Now. The only thing that we could do to measure success would be to understand engagement and on. Earlier in the session, we talked about how we think about engagement and to bring everybody up to speed. Engagement is likes on a post plus comments, not your own comments that are left divided by your number of followers times 100. So what, we're gonna go into right now is a video gauging what we want in the future toe happen in regards to growth and engagement. Go to that now. Good news is that you guys have done the heavy lifting like this. You guys have done like the hard. Everything else is a coaster ride down for the next 30 days. So the things that I want you to focus on growth and engagement. So now they have a plan. Now they've envisioned. You guys were tweak, and I love that you couldn't find your find your way. But the thing I want you to focus on is growth and engagement in the way that you're going to get growth and engagement is that you are going to give the type of engagement that you want. And the way to the Elberton works both on Facebook and on Instagram is that when there's, um, conversations, they will appear in friends of friends feeds people, see conversations that are happening. Oh, who is this person that left a comment on my friends account and oh, in the when you go to like the explore tap certain postal pop up based on interest. So there's a lot of stuff for you guys to do. So your main goal, Nothing of the plan done is go home and I actually get to work. So as we kind of focus on your average rate of growth, So we talk with people and they're just like, I want more followers. I want 1000 hours. I went $10,000. That's great. But let's actually do a little bit of math to ground. We can actually think is like healthy good growth. Now this is not growth for a video going viral. This is not a photo like this is We're talking about good, healthy group. I really get slow. Growth is good growth. Yeah, let's not. Let's not like this class does not promise you 1000 followers And let's be very clear about that. People say, How can I gain hundreds of new followers in one month? Well, let's get into a little bit of mask. Let's do an example with Carly. So the question that I ask business owners is who are you trying to attract this question over one every time I have a conversation? Good news for us already went there. We know Christine Lazy. That's who we're trying to attract. But for Carly, she was focusing on attracting. A female was 27 years old, She's single, and this female is, um, just starting a blogger business. So she's getting into like that. Branding social media, education, space, I said, Great, I said, How do you want this person to feel the question that I asked you guys yesterday's What do you want your followers saying about your accounts? Do I see this pattern like this is the way my brain works? This is the framework. This is what we're laying its and want people to say What? What is that? And Carly to find that as when she lands in my sight. I want her to feel excited, to start to see a starting point, to grow the blawg business of her dreams and know that isil courses on blogging and branding. Cool. Now we know who we're targeting now. We know you want them to feel let's get into this I said, What's going to make it a win for you? She says over the next 30 days, what I would consider a win on Instagram would be number one increase my followers to 3000. That would be a 500 follower increase and number to increase the number of meaningful comments on my photos coal. But that lets ground this like let's just see what's actually possible. So the average Instagram follower growth rate is 3.2% per month. Okay, now we can now just map. We can dive into it. So according to Devi influencer follower, growth rate is ah, little on the slow ran anything from no growth to 2.5% growth is for his poor. Somewhere in the middle is 2.5 to 5%. That's where the vast majority of people are residing between 2.5 of I percent good growth, very good growth rate. These are people who are creating content brand new on their own. On the getting skeptical viral, you're hovering on the 5 to 7%. That's where people who are just like next level growth for us. We're gonna aim between it 2. and 5% on average, 3.2%. That's gonna be the number that we are gonna be focusing on. So I said Carly. How many Instagram followers do you have now? She has 2515. And so the average growth rate, according to 3.2% would be 80 followers. Her predicted followers by the end of the month would be 2595. We miss her goal, but she pulled out a goal out of thin air. Like unless you were doing something so massively different That 3.2% is where we're gonna grow. Since now, average Facebook growth rate is 0.64% per week. So if we use this type of mass I went through and quickly ransom numbers. So projected growth rate for Highway three would be 84,000 149. Now, these were based on the numbers that I had when we were first started, connected with each other. I grabbed that used these numbers. Facebook would be 24,223. Now this growth rate, this is consistent growth rate free. All that would be projected. But you guys have learned a lot more. You would have a lot more strategy. You have a stronger foundation so I would love if you guys in kind of like marinate for a little bit and say Huh? What you want, What do we really want? Like do I do I think you guys get 150,000. Anything is possible. But can we beat this number? And if we can, How is do we think we computed by So give you a couple seconds to fear that for a projected growth for into go tied market here's the thing. There's no shame in this. This is no, I was like, Oh, good. I mean, I like okay, so big, like just basic on math will be a growth average growth three would get 10 followers. And on Facebook you would have three people like your page. We know we're beating that We know we're being that. So now, like I'm a firm believer in dreaming Big dreaming huge happen your feet on the ground to Yeah, like so Ah, what we have in our business is good, better best goals, right? So what I would love for you guys to do is figure out some good, better best goals. So are good, Better best, and let's have a BA like how many likes would be like per post on average. How many comments don't want will come a growth rate. Are we looking for So what we just did 30 days ago or it's been 30 days and some change, but we only measured it between 30 days. So in a matter of days we had projected growth rate for indigo tied market. This is where we started 30 days ago. We had said she was going to have Instagram followers and three Facebook followers on her Facebook page. That was what was projected. The actual growth rate in 30 days was 272 followers on Instagram and 11 followers on Facebook. Yeah, um, that's why I don't ever want somebody to say I don't have enough hours. It's impossible for me to be seen. We have somebody who proved that 272 people saw her account and said, I want follow and I wanna learn more from you. But here's the freaking crazy thing. She got three new clients in 30 days. Now I want to be ah, 100% disclosure she had was fostering a client prior to her coming into creative life. But he ended up closing the deal when she got home to clients. Brand New came to her within the 30 days and hired her for her services. And some of her previous client had said, Can you start managing our social media because you're it looks really great. This is 30 days. This is from a girl who sat on a couch and said, I'm so worried that it's not gonna be perfect. Projected growth for highway three Now they already started. This is their cruise liner, right? Like they have what most people want, right? Like Dan girls. Where you guys going from here? Uh, 84,149. That was projected and projected. Facebook was 24,000 223. I am so impressed because they beat this projected growth rate. They've gone up in 30 days, 84,800 followers on Instagram. And look at the jump on Facebook. Y'all. This is where we thought there mama's were to begin with. They didn't pick up 0.64%. They picked up thousands over 27,000 people. Now, in 30 days had increased on their Facebook page. That was Yeah, no kidding. That was huge. That was That was huge. So remember when I started and I said, Imagine having a dead Facebook page where nobody's talking back to your not getting any engagement. And on the first day back, you get 15 you get 15 likes and 10 comments within an hour of posting. That was a very clear, universal indication on Facebook, saying They're still action here for them. Is it for your business? I don't know. But what we can say is that for them they grew the fastest on a platform that they weren't even leveraging.
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Ratings and Reviews
Katrina Julia
GREAT class! I LOVE learning AND applying from Jasmine from IG, Social Curator and here on CreativeLIVE! I immediately started applying key things to expand my IG + social like stories + tips (already doing reels consistently) + setting up my launch plan. In less than 1 week already seeing over 2,000% reach and over 4000% growth in accounts engaged! Whoop whoop! Highly recommend all the things!!!
Rachel Tenney
This is by far the best social media class I've ever taken, and I can't believe the price tag! I've spent way more on many other courses that can't even compare. This is truly a whole blueprint and so well produced. I love Jasmine's humor and down to earth strategy. One of the best business purchases I've ever made!
ayman sadiq
thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more info. please keep sharing.
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