Assess Your Marketing And Engagement
Lesson 5 from: FAST CLASS: Your Social Media BootcampJasmine Star

Assess Your Marketing And Engagement
Lesson 5 from: FAST CLASS: Your Social Media BootcampJasmine Star
Promise Of This Class
08:10 2Class Introduction
02:35 3Identifying Your Dream Customer
08:15 4How To Engage With Your Dream Customer
06:15 5Assess Your Marketing And Engagement
12:14 6How To Find The Gap In Your Market
07:51 7How To Create Real Time, Behind-the-scenes Marketing
15:37 8How To Guarantee Social Media Success
08:30The Secret Of Growing On Instagram
00:55 10Branded Photo Shoot Tips And Tricks
12:01 11How To Start Building Your Brand On Social Media
12:29 12Social Media Aesthetics
05:01 13Branding Photoshoot Reveal
09:44 14How To Plan, Organize, And Create A Month Of Posts In One Day
02:44 15Why Facebook Still Is A Powerful Platform
13:40 16How To Use Direct Messages - Turn Followers Into Customers
09:38 17Creating Your Direct Message Strategy
03:45 18Getting Results From Your DMS
03:15 19Photo Shoots - Product & Family
10:14 20Using Hashtags To Grow Your Business
08:15 21Planning A Month Of Posts In One Day
14:40 22Your 45-minute Social Media Workflow
10:50 23Take Action
04:19Lesson Info
Assess Your Marketing And Engagement
Now we're gonna get into our marketing assessment. This is us. Now we know who were marketing Teoh, right? We're doing the big work where this is heavy lifting. I decided I'm going to start us maxing out at £ right now When you guys were like, Whoa, don't worry, it's getting easier. Okay? I go to the hard stuff, because without doing the hard stuff, you'll never get to Ultimate where you gotta go. You can't have that without a foundation. So we now know who we're targeting two who are marketing to We now know the content we want to create for them now, Uh, how do we measure our engagement? Right. How do we know we're doing a good job? Well, we measure engagement by the following equation. The number of likes you have on a post, plus the number of comments, the comments that are left, not your responses divided by how many followers you have times 100. Now we're gonna get to the exact specifics Were to dive into engagement on day three, but but generous being as a rule of thumb, average...
engagement on face on instagram is around 4.5%. And on Facebook, it's ranging around 2%. So if you run this math on your posts when I incursion will do, go back two weeks, pull out your post, do a quick number crunch. Now here's the thing. If people thought that they're gonna come and like, watch this like class and like, here's 10 hacks on how to get $1000 like No, we're doing work like we want to use social media when we got to learn how to use social media. So numbers is how we measure our engagement. So if you are not getting good engagement, it's likely for three big reasons. Number one. You don't know who you're selling, Teoh, but we already did the hard work. When you work through that dream customer cheats, you're gonna know you're selling to number two. Followers are unsure if your account is for them, right, because they like what you do. But they really can't connect the dots like what? Really Are you here for the memes? Are you here for the inspirational quotes and what are those two things have to really do with your business? They're not sure if your account for them and your content is miss or your content is misaligned. I have seen photographers who just dream about being a wedding photographer and what they're posting are pictures of sports and horses and cars and family and maternity. And they're like wiring brights hiring me. They don't know what you shoot. Content becomes misaligned. So we now know who Highway three is selling to. We now know who in to go tied market. We know Chrissy. We know Lacey. We know how old they are Now we're going to see does their social media content a tractor, Lacey and attract Chrissy. So what I'm about to show you right now is a social media review for highway three. Now, remember, these businesses put their necks out on the line opening themselves up, and I loved it because everybody in the room was uncomfortable. I want you to do the same dang thing. So we want to approach people with their vulnerability with the highest respect saying, because of you, we charge forward. We're gonna get into video right now, So we are starting with highway three. So And this is what I saw on the website. It was very clear to understand. And what I'm going to do is every slide that, um we go through is going to be how I squirrel to the page. So you started the home page, then they scroll down and I saw your product offerings to get blankets. Pets tells pillows. Then we had your story. I watched the video. I thought it was really well done. I was like, OK, I got them. Ah, scroll down. We've seen where you guys have been featured, which is social collateral validation, which is great. And then what we did is from there we scrolled down and saw shop on Instagram, which I liked, right So people will be able to see and click and all that other stuff and got to the bottom of the page. So struggle right? Got straight to the point. I don't know if I got to know you deep enough, but that's OK because you guys were products and I'm like, Okay, let a see. Let me see if I can get to know them a little bit better based on the social platforms. I went to Instagram and you scrolled up. I saw the 1st 9 photos Schooled again, it's on the second line photos. So this is what I saw as I swirled What we see on the left side, those nine voters, the first on the right side. The second goes. So I'm looking at this and I'm like, OK, well, I know what they sell. I don't know if I get the vision right, Like I don't know, like I got it. But I was like, if I was shopping for a personalized blanket, anything of myself. I think we like my dog, my nieces, my nephews, sisters like, Did I see unidentified here to say, Oh, I get what they're about? Kinda sorta you definitely pumped up. So then I decided to go Well, let me click and let me see if I can get to know. Highway three. Hashtag Saturday hashtag weekend. Hashan smiles Hashtag mommy hashtag kids hashtag baby fever and other hashtags. Second post right next to it Cuddle time with his favorite blanket. Reposed this kid in his blanket. Such a cuddle monster Hashtags, Sister, Sister, Happy National Sibling Day. We're pretty lucky to get to work every day with the person that finishes each other sentences and even dresses is saying with help planning it. I would like to point out you guys had 213 like someone and he had comments. Where does the others that was like, That's where you summer fun. Yeah, Cuddle monster. So what happens with the captions? And we're gonna get into this and we understand why it's some captains work and why they don't. We're gonna talk about the anatomy of a caption and so that now, almost in your eyes is gonna be open as to what is working and what. Ah, here's a quote. Remember that woman you were before you had kids? She's still in there to take care of her. I would like to point out that at 1590 so light, all of that stuff was funny. Quotes and mom relatable quotes get more like so many things. So we'll talk about that, Kate. We'll talk about that to last one. E. I didn't include the caption because I want to include something here, replies. We don't have replying. We should. We have to be very clear that were responding to comments as soon as possible. on that post because we don't know in the algorithm and Instagram probably won't ever say, But there is a designated point in time where engagement matters like it needs to be within the first day or two, like, yeah, sometimes, like we don't know, it could be the 1st 10 minutes they could mean for 30 minutes. It could be in the 1st 3 hours for the 1st 24 We don't know what it is, but we definitely know like the closer to when you post and you are getting that engagement and responding to that engagement. So I want to make sure that when I post I am for the next 30 minutes, I'm responding as quickly as possible because what happens is we teach our followers how to engage with our account. Let's break down from my perspective. I just went quickly through which were the best performing posts, something guys already looted. Teoh. That quote was the best performing post in by far 1500 likes and 29 comments. Another great performing post was a quote 539 and seven come, so I would encourage you to start quit creating your own quote graphics that people could share. Great. So other post that do really well, what is if you guys I mean, like, these voters air doing really well. So my initial thoughts from Instagram is that you always have great products like people clearly see it. You need to post more quotes. We just good things. We kind of talked about that strategy because that's what your audience really likes. Uh, you need to show up for you to need to show it visually in the feet. Well, I think we got plenty of contact. Wait. 30 days. Uh, you need you need clear product shots. Another link that was on your website was your facebook page turning it into your physic page now. So on your Facebook page, there are 23. About 23, likes of the time that I saw this and the first things that I do when I want to get to know company and decide if I want to follow a Facebook page is go to their about section. So sisters Aaron and Tricia, who grew up on the blacktop Highway three in a small Kansas town and are now raising a group of kids seven total and running our business together. So one thing dramatically. You went from third person, Aaron and Tricia that are confusing. Just pick one and stick eyes. Sometimes I feel like I don't know if you ever doubting but what I strongly feel is you guys have, like the homegirl effect. We want a drink. Bahama mamas together. First person works best. So we love bringing modern personalized products for everyone in your life. Check out our website. Not bad. It's not bad. What I would love to do is go back to that bio. You know, like we personalized blankets and towels for busy moms who are thoughtful gift givers. Yes. Now, what I noticed friends is does this photo and caption look familiar? Yeah, and hashtags while they function on Facebook, they don't function on Facebook. Facebook wasn't built for hashtags away. That Twitter and Instagram waas So what happens is as a Facebook viewer and I strongly let a lot of your mom's or on Facebook a lot of I Okay, so what happens is that these moms, as their scrolling, feel like you cool girls having cool conversations on Instagram and then just pushing this content over here for, you know, the older, less cool moms. Yeah, you're right. That's a story that someone's could feel. So we have to do is we have to create I'm not saying create different content. Yes. Yeah, keep it. Respecting the platform is when you're on Twitter, speak like you're on Twitter. When you're on instagram, you speak like you're in this room. When you're on Facebook, you speak like you're an instrument Facebook. So initial thoughts to respect the Facebook platform make sure that those post feel like your Facebook mama's air they're feeling gets written for them to post relevant mom content like people love that. Like what? I was looking to your host when it's about being a mom. It's great, Um, and ask for engagement and not like comment on this post or tag a friend. It's asking a question. Like, Do you want to see, like, fluffy pillow cases? Vote yes or not like those do great on Facebook to test different mediums. I see a lot of photos like, I wonder if you guys just a like a quick hand held video like eyes where in the stocker we're going to product or we're putting together our board. You guys look behind us. You print out like a few Pinterest ideas like So this is what we love to see, like, let us know what you guys think When people feel like they're part of the process, there's a higher likelihood to conversion at a later point in time. Um, and like we just said geographic specific ads, I kind of feel like I can't wait to test that it's gonna kill. We broke it down heavily, and this is the work that is going to take for you to break it down just a heavily. It's for you to take a step back and say, What does my Facebook account look like? What, what are people saying about me? And one thing I really want to highlight that we didn't get into enough is that when you say something as many times as possible on social media, that is how people begin to describe you. I have said this before. We have it on tape on Creativelive where I would stand in front of people and I have never in my entire life ever thought that I would ever be described as the word Fabulous 19 4020. The words of people aren't using The word that people are using to describe me is not the word fabulous. In 2015 and 2016 that was the word that people described me every time I stepped on the stage. Why, it is what I use in my copy again and again and again. My brides are fabulous. The day was fabulous. The vows were fabulous. I became ah, photographer associated with fabulosity because I wanted the very thing to be. I wanted that to be the thing that brides were attracted to because they wanted to feel fabulous. I could care less that somebody described me a fabulous or not. I'm OK in my own skin. I don't use that in my copy anymore because I don't need to identify that anymore with l. What does L want to be empowered? Inspirational, aspirational, confident. Look through the copy and what I say again and again and again
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Ratings and Reviews
Katrina Julia
GREAT class! I LOVE learning AND applying from Jasmine from IG, Social Curator and here on CreativeLIVE! I immediately started applying key things to expand my IG + social like stories + tips (already doing reels consistently) + setting up my launch plan. In less than 1 week already seeing over 2,000% reach and over 4000% growth in accounts engaged! Whoop whoop! Highly recommend all the things!!!
Rachel Tenney
This is by far the best social media class I've ever taken, and I can't believe the price tag! I've spent way more on many other courses that can't even compare. This is truly a whole blueprint and so well produced. I love Jasmine's humor and down to earth strategy. One of the best business purchases I've ever made!
ayman sadiq
thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more info. please keep sharing.