Increase Income: Your Nonverbal
Lesson 10 from: FAST CLASS: The Power of Body LanguageVanessa Van Edwards

Increase Income: Your Nonverbal
Lesson 10 from: FAST CLASS: The Power of Body LanguageVanessa Van Edwards
Body Language Quiz & First Impressions
09:54 2Elevator Pitch Clinic
02:41 3How Body Language Changes Perception
07:35 4Microaggressions: Decoding The Face
10:09 5Microexpressions Continued
05:53 6How Your Body Reacts
05:14 7Power Body Language
08:06 8Perfect Elevator Pitch
16:29Lesson Info
Increase Income: Your Nonverbal
So we're going to start with a loss of body language, this is number 15, the law of income, so the law of income says that a nonverbal edge increases your earnings. Um and I'm gonna go into exactly what this means and this makes logical sense, right? The whole course we've been talking about how nonverbal is this missing ingredient that most people go into income opportunities with just their words, they think about what they're gonna say, how they're going to convince someone to buy something from them and that's great, but that's only a third of your ability. It's like going into a meeting with a client blindfolded because you're not using the other part of your senses. So adding the nonverbal increases your sales because you're literally using more of your natural abilities. So a really interesting study looked at sales personnel and they found that after only two hours of training, which is longer than what you guys have already had so far in this course, after only two hours of tr...
aining, sales personnel were able to double their sales by specifically being able to use to skills. First is spotting micro expressions that was the first thing that helped them increase their skills because second was displaying the ideal nonverbal. So once they were able to spot a micro expression on a client on a partner on someone they were pitching, then they were able to correctly show the nonverbal to match to make them feel comfortable trusting to make you seem more credible. So it's that two part process and that's exactly, we already talked about finding micro expressions. This is so important in the first foundation to this. Now, we're gonna be talking about how to display your ideal nonverbal. Um I love this quote by dale Carnegie, dale Carnegie, how to win friends and influence people. He has amazing insights on the psychology of people and he says this amazing quote, you can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people, then you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. This is the classic mistake we make when going into sales, we go into sales thinking how can I get them interested in me, right? How can I get them interested in my product, my service, I want you to switch that we approach sales in a very different way we approach it is. How can I get more interested in them? Right, so step one is to get interested in them. And here is how you do that. Nonverbally Ok, this is called the head tilt. The head tilt is the non verbal sign for I'm listening. Like if you were to ask someone, do you hear that? Most people go what? And they tilt their head to the side to listen. We instinctively do this when we're trying to listen or hear something. So this is what we can use or with clients to show them. I am listening to you. It's a secret weapon. However, this is the law of the spectrum, right? If you do it too much, you look like a crazy person, right? So we always want to find the sweet spot. So it's a soft head tilt and you also don't want to do it continuously. Right? So it's only used on those specific moments and I, when I'm with a client, I think to myself, okay, when are they opening up to me about their real needs? That's when I use the head tilt. This is a non verbal underlying, right? If your client is opening up to you about their needs, this is exactly when you want to show them. I am here for you. I'm listening. You have all of my attention. So you want to use the head tilt sparingly. You don't want to go to extreme. You want to hit that sweet spot. Step. # two is get confidence. This is my favorite. Um, I've developed something called the five second flex. I had a lot of students tell me that they love power pose and they love their launch dance. But there's a little bit more when it comes to sales, you have to do a little bit more than that. And how do they remember? So what I developed is this acronym of the five second flex. These are five. Think in five seconds you can easily do each of these things. So find your position is the first thing. So that is your launch position. So if everyone wants to actually stand up, I know you guys are taking notes. So if you guys want to stand up real quickly, um and get into your launch position. So our launch position is the position that makes us feel the most confident that we do naturally when we feel good. Right? So the first part of flex is find your position, l let yourself be open. So any time. So this is just a reminder. You have any pens, you have any binders, cups, you just opened up to open up your chest, Open up your head. So you always already great. Right? You say nice and open, right? And that when you go into a salesman, you want to show I'm not hiding anything. E elevate your game. So this is when you think, can I power gays. Is there a head tilt that's needed? Using some of those cues that we've learned that can really elevate you to show you. Mean is this could be reaching out to them using power gazing or using the head tilt during their positions. And the last one is exhibit emotion. Show them you care. So this is as they're speaking, you can nonverbally nod. Yes, I hear you. You can say I get it. Tell me more. So it's exhibiting emotion so that you're not just standing there by yourself. You're working with them. That is the five second flex that you can do very quickly. And this brings me to my body language law number 16. The law of the ripple effects. So if you bring out your laws of body language, this is in your free bonus materials. Uh the law of body language, your body language affects your performance and your clients performance. This is a really interesting one, because most people think that if they elevate their game, that just helps them sell more, what the law of the ripple effects says is that actually if you elevate your game, you also elevate your clients game that when you do better, they do better. Step number three show charisma through movement. So I know we have a couple of dancers in the room, so you guys will love this section. Started talking of all about movement and charisma. This is my body language law number 17, the law of movement in your laws of body language and the bonus materials, purposeful movement makes you relatable, charismatic and powerful. And there's a reason here where I say purposeful because not all movement makes you more influential, but the right kind of movement if you can harness it, right, does amazing things for your charisma levels when we look at who is charisma and who's not Karisma, who's charismatic and who's not movement is one of the things that we look at. So let me explain how that works. Here's what you want to avoid. Okay, here's the movement that doesn't serve us first is self soothing behaviours, A self soothing behavior is a body language move where we're trying to comfort ourselves or calm ourselves down. Self soothing is literally when we're trying to soothe ourselves, they're also called pacifying gestures or calming gestures. The reason that we do this from an evolutionary perspective is when we were infants and we were upset, our mother is usually padded or calmed, are rubbed, are back to calm us down. So we still do this to calm ourselves down. So as much as you can, as much as you can, you want to avoid using those self touch gestures, hopping and swaying. So this is the movement that we don't like as we talked about earlier. This is like adrenaline leaving our feet. So when I do this and I talked to you, it's extremely distracting for your brain, your brain cannot focus on what I'm saying. Um so it's a way that we get our nerves out again. It is a low power body language. So that's why it's so important to get into that launch stands to make sure that you're not hopping and swing because otherwise you send off those low power signals and in sales you need to make sure the you show confidence because if they even smell a whiff that you're not confident, they don't think they can trust you with their project, right? They need to feel like they can trust you with it. The last thing is fidgeting. So this is an aspect of self soothing, self grooming, drumming, tapping, and cracking, right? So cracking our knuckles. I will tell you one thing that I have been, I've almost mastered it. This is something that I used to do all the time. I used to roll my wrists when I talk, I would crack my wrists. Um, and I have worked really hard to not do that because it is a low confidence behavior. That was a nervous gesture that I did. Um and fidgeting and we'll learn tomorrow during lie detection. These are also fall into lying red flags. So not only do you show low confidence to clients when you're doing this, you also spark there red flags that they think that you're not telling the truth, which is the absolute last thing you want them to think when you're pitching. So let's talk about what you should do, what alpha behavior is. So, an alpha is the natural leader of a group. And this could happen. This could happen in social situations, in business situations. Typically it is the boss, but not always. This is the body language of leaders you often see in an office is actually, there's a social alpha. There's someone who's sort of the friendly, friendliest person in the office who everyone's friends with. And there's also the financial boss, the person who doles out the money. There can be two or even three alphas, but typically there's one in each area. So here are a couple of things that alphas do right with movement, which I want us to do. They use expressive gestures. They use their gestures very purposefully, they only do them when they mean something. So they don't randomly talk with their hands and gesture as we learned earlier with the elevator pitch. They know exactly when they're using those nonverbal gestures because they express a very specific point. So I wanted to start practicing. That's why we were doing our elevator pitch earlier knowing your points and having the right non verbal expressiveness for those points. Um, step four is to be persuasive. So we've talked about how to be, how to be interested. We've talked about charisma, we've talked about confidence. Now we have to talk about how to be persuasive. Here's how you do that. Nonverbally. The best nonverbal trick you can use for this is the lien. So the lien does three things first, it is great for emphasis. It is like a nonverbal bold or a non verbal highlight when you lean in on a word, everyone waits to see what you're gonna say, right? That's what happens when you lean, nonverbally people get very excited to hear what you're gonna say next. The second thing it does is it's great for agreement. So if you're in different zones and you lean forward you get a little closer to their next zone and that's a way of showing, I want to be with you, I want to be in agreement with you. The third thing is for partnership. So it shows congeniality to be persuasive, we have to show people that we want the same thing. That's what being persuasive is all about and that is about being interested in them, right? You're saying I want what you want right now. Body language law number 18, the law of leaning purposeful leaning shows engagement and charisma, this is a super tool, right? If you can use leaning right is a superpower and it's very natural. We do this naturally. Anyway, you'll see that when people, like whenever I met a bars, I try to watch people do their, when they're flirting back and forth. I'll notice when both people are into each other, when they're both slightly leaning into each other. We do this naturally, we want engagement. So to bring it into the professional setting and keep it professional, you can do that to emphasize your words. Again, there's a spectrum, right? If you spend the whole time leaning, the whole effect is negated, right? And you also want to watch and see if they lean back. Okay, that's my little ninja tip. I don't know if I had that special ninja picture for you, but if you lean forward and they lean back, you need to immediately go into report building behavior. They are not on the same page as you, that is a non verbal cue of I don't feel this, I don't want them in my zone, right? And especially if you're across the desk from someone, it's not a space thing that's like a nonverbal, mentally, I'm not into it, right, so that you can watch out for.
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