Body Language Quiz & First Impressions
09:54 2Elevator Pitch Clinic
02:41 3How Body Language Changes Perception
07:35 4Microaggressions: Decoding The Face
10:09 5Microexpressions Continued
05:53 6How Your Body Reacts
05:14 7Power Body Language
08:06 8Perfect Elevator Pitch
16:29Lesson Info
Body Language Hacks
this section has all the little tidbits and tips that I couldn't quite find a place for the rest of the course. They were my favorites and I couldn't let you go without them. So number one, the differences in the sexes. I wanted to talk a little bit about the difference between male and female body language. Everything we've talked about so far has been very unisex. Right? We've been talking about things that both sexes can use. This is the section where I'm going to differentiate what men and women do differently naturally. Remember this trivia that we did on the first day, which sex is statistically better at reading body language. Women, Yes, it is. Women and researcher Monica moore found that men often miss a woman's first three courtship signals. The reason for this is because the way that their brain views body language is different when women are in MRI machines and they are reading body language. They have 14 to 16 different areas of their brain that become active. So they use ...
a lot of their brain to read and interpret body language. When men, you look at these same videos and pictures, they use 4 to 6. That's one of the reasons why they don't necessarily catch all those gazing signals. But luckily what we've been doing the last few days, um you are exercising that area of your brain. So you know exactly what to look for us. You will not miss any of those courtship signals after this course. First a flipped wrist. So, have you ever looked at the difference between the way a man and woman smokes most men smoke like this. Mhm. Right. That's how they smoke. Women will typically flip their wrist out. Yeah. Right. And they'll sit and they'll stand like this. Even women will talk like this with their wrist exposed. They'll listen to you with the wrist out. That is a feminine mode. And the reason why it's so feminine is because when we expose our risk, does two different things first, it exposes any pheromones that come out of that very thin soft skin. So when we want men to notice us, even other women to notice our pheromones, we have our risk exposed. The second thing that it does is this is a very vulnerable area of our body. We have major arteries here. We don't have a lot of muscles. And you can't fight from this position unless you're doing a heel palm. I did I did by language self defense for a while. But really it's hard to fight from this position. When you fight the ideal fight stances, you have your wrists towards your body and you show that this can take a lot more physical blows. So when you do this, it's considered feminine because you're saying I'm submissive. That's actually why it is feminine is you're saying I don't need to protect myself. I have men who protect me. That is the reason why that women will expose their risk more often. It's seen as feminine and submissive. That is why I'm not going to pass judgment on these. I'm just sharing what they are uh second and exposed neck. So women, I talked about this a little bit earlier will flip back their hair right to show the area of their neck. Men find women's next very sensual because they release form pheromones from that area. It's very soft and it shows the curvature of a woman's face. The curvature of a woman's face is very different than a man. They she usually has much more rounded features and the reason for that is because she has high levels of estrogen and she wants to show men look how round and fertile I am. That's how she shows that with her neck. Um The other thing that women often do that most men can't do because of the way their hips are built is they do what's called parallel crossed legs. So have you seen women do this? I don't even know if I can do it in this chair. It's basically when women sit and they tilt their legs, they cross their legs and then they tilt them off to the side so they're parallel across. Men have a very hard time sitting with their legs so close together and tilted that way because they're just not built. Their mechanics are not built that way. Um it's not so comfortable. So men find that they were, they asked men to judge women in swimsuits and women in different seated positions and men found parallel cross legs as the most attractive in a seated position because they can't do it. It also shows the curvature of the hips and swimsuits. Women like to see women in swimsuits front to front. Men actually like the side view so they can see the curves of the boobs and the, but yeah, it was like, glad I didn't curse there. That was good. So um the male body language cues are so broad shoulders and this doesn't necessarily, of course it's the actual size of your shoulders, but also how you hold your shoulders. Men typically will walk much more broadly. They, that's why they beef up there. Um What is this triceps? Yeah, they beef up this so that they can't even put their arms down. Have you seen weightlifting men who are like so big that they can't even put their arms all the way down. The reason is because it actually makes their shoulders even more broad and that is considered very masculine strong jaw. So the higher testosterone level a man has the more square his jaw is, it's the opposite of that round soft female jaw. So men will emphasize their jaw with chin jets typically when they're, when they're in um courtship behavior. No, hey babe, right, they jut out that chin to show that testosterone, which shows that there would be a good mate to have. And lastly one thing that men do way more than women is territorial claims, Men will double that up. This is why men will put their hand on the lower back of a female JK always talking about this the other day. That is claiming territory. That is saying whether it's romantic or not, I would like to take care of you, I want you to feel safe around me. That is claiming territory to say I'm okay watching over this. And they also do that with objects. Men will much more often lean on a bar like you much more often will see a man standing like this at a bar, he's claiming this territory. Women will usually stand right next to the bar. They very rarely will take that lean and then take up all that space. Men also always have their feet up on your couch and your coffee table. They can't help it. They can't help it. It's because they want to claim territory. That is a masculine behavior. And then lastly, they will drape their arm over the side of a chair or this, but the back of a woman. Male or female actually, they'll just drape their arm over. Women very rarely will sit and drape their arm around the back of the chair. Very rarely. Men relax that way. It's the way that they claim territory and feel most masculine. So those are a couple of different, very basic difference between male and female body language. I also have a bunch of videos on the website on male and female body language. If you want to delve deeper into that science and learn how to turn for women, turn your female and male body language on and off depending on the situation, how to know when someone is into you. So this is uh like a day long in my attraction course. But the reason why I put a small section of the business courses, because it's very important if you're in a professional setting to know if someone feels more than professional with you, right, you want to make sure, you know, you're picking up on if you're and women typically actually both men and women know this right there. Like I think this person feels more than just professional relationship with me. Now, you know exactly what to look for to see if that is actually happening. So, men, when they are trying to attract someone actually when men are both trying to attract men or women, Okay, So both, they try to get taller, they try to get bigger, they try to get broader, They use the law of space as much as they can. And this makes total sense, right? If you are a man and you are trying to find a mate, you want to be seen as strong. That makes total sense. And so they get bigger and lots of different ways they claim territory. So they drape their arm over the shoulder, uh they put their shoulders back, they hold their head as high as possible. They take much bigger strides and they swing more with their arms. Actually if you watch gorillas do this, not that men are like gorillas, but if you watch them you'll see it. It's kind of that kind of, it's not gonna that's not just gonna stop that thought because it's not gonna end well. Okay um women and self touch. So when women want to want are attracted to someone, they typically self touch more. The rate in which they touch their hair, their face, their skin, their hands, their legs and their bosom increases bosom. My mom says bosom boobs, let's stick with that. And the reason for this is because it releases pheromones, right? So as they touch different areas it releases the scent of their skin which is attract attractive to males. Second when we touch ourselves, it makes other people think about touching us, right? So when you show a queue of rubbing your neck and other people think about what it would be like to touch your neck, right? So women know this instinctively and it's halliday peacock to attract men. That's something that women do. So men, if you are in a business environment and you see that all of a sudden, you know, a woman is really touching herself. She's very flirty, she's leaning forward, she's stroking her shiny hair. Unless that you see her do that with everyone. She just does that with you. That could be a little bit of a red flag of why is she doing that? It could be subconscious, she might not even realize that she's doing it both. Both. There is heightened levels of touch that is both self touch and touching others. So themselves, hair, lips, chest. Those are usually the areas that both men and women touch and you so not only do they touch themselves, but they also reach out to touch you more. Remember that law of touch that we learned that when we touch someone it builds oxytocin. So if you see that people are touching you much more, they're touching your hands, your wrist, your low back. That is because they want to feel that oxytocin bond with you. Again subconsciously or consciously, we typically like to touch them more when we are attracted to them. Yes. What lastly they get closer to you. So we talked about distancing behavior during lie detection that when we don't like something, we go back, we do the exact opposite. When we like something we lean forward, we get as close as possible. So they will usually go into that intimate zone
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