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Head Position

Lesson 7 from: FAST CLASS: The Business of Professional Headshots

Gary Hughes

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7. Head Position

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Head Position

now here is the key to headshots. Um, there are lots and lots of ways to do this, but I want to iron this into the three main head positions and what they mean. Okay, you have to identify the two shoulders. When you're shooting with the body off center, there's the far shoulder. And then there's the camera shoulder, and tilting the head to one of the other creates a completely different feel of the image without changing anything else about it. So this is tilted to the far shoulder. This is gonna be more assertive. Mawr dominant. It's gonna be potentially more aggressive. It could also be more insightful, more interested. You understand what I mean? So let's look at the next one. Typically, this would be what you would call a masculine head position, because this is what you would do with men more than women. But it works for women quite well. As you can see, um, here we go straight up. When the head is straight up and down, you don't have to have head tilt in the image. But I would en...

courage you that it with the right person, it can change the feel of an image straight up and down is a very, like, no nonsense. I'm here to have my headshot done. Nice to see a sort of way of looking at camera shoulder. You see the big change when you shift your head to the camera shoulder, It's open. It's friendly. It's available. Approachable. And typically, this is what is used largely as a feminine post. I've seen it work for men as well. But by and large, when you're shooting people, if you photograph a man and you do this with his head, you're going to make him look less manly. Okay, that's just the way this Let me get a great example. Sheldon, come on it. Come on. Right here. Okay. You don't need a microphone. We don't We don't need We don't need you to talk. I just want to use your head. Okay, So watch this. All right. Sheldon, I want you, Teoh, Turn your body this way. I want to point your toe at me. Good. I won't just put those thumbs in your pockets right there. Good with me. I want us. We're gonna do this together. This is the far shoulder from your angle of view, right? So let's go ahead and tilt your head a little bit that way. You go like this? Yeah. OK, now, if that's your angle of view, that's all right. Right. Now go like this Hager village like it becomes It's a lot more open. Thanks, man. You're OK. It's a It's a totally different feeling. And all you did was move the head. So let's practice this real quick toe. There are three axes upon which the human head can move. Probably more for some people, but three basic. All right. And I have created infallible hand gestures to help people do that as long as you do it in conjunction with mirroring their movement. So I give people this speech in a session when they come into the studio, and Okay, I'm gonna put you in the exact position I need. And then the only fine tuning I'm gonna do is I'm gonna probably have to move your head just to get the right angle. There are three ways you can move your head, and here they are doing with me real quick. You can move your head like this. Good you ever had like this good. And you move your head like this. Good. See? That's it. So now if I want your head in position, Okay, guys, tell you had this way. Bring your chin down a little bit and turn your head, just like that Boom. Everybody did it exactly right on the first try. Three axes, three hand gestures. One, two, and three. And that's it. And now you could get somebody's head into the right. Anybody can do it the first time. All you got to do is displayed confidence. Use the hand gestures, make up your own if you want, and do it with them. And it's really, really easy. When you realize what body Macau body mechanics work, it becomes less and less mysterious. How to get people the way you look. Get the head the closest thing to the camera and then understand what you're saying with the position of the head. All right. If somebody has a little more weight on them and you bring that shin down too much, you're gonna make that double chin more pronounced. Or maybe if they don't have one, you make it even looked like they do all right. So if you want somebody toe, have that you lift their chin and you lead him into you, so it stretches amount a little bit like there's really not a lot of mystery to it. There are a few key things to do to make people look really, really good.

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