Lesson Info
8. Depth of Field
Lesson Info
Depth of Field
Depth of field, and so again you know you end up with a lot of busy stuff, the shorter lens, like a 2 to 400, and then they decided we were in a boat in the Pantanal it got closer and put a 600 on with a one four. So all that stuff in the background is still there, but it's blurred out. This is only focal plane is here so it's very short, and makes a much more pleasing image, just like the, the Puffin does. And that's one thing to remember with our new lens and our high ISOs that you don't always want all the depth of field, you know, so tack down the ISO and open up the lens all the way so you don't have much depth of field and focus carefully. This is kind of a boring Heron in the Pantanal, but, how do you make that any better? So I shot it through some green leaves, still not great, but you know, sometimes you have to think about what can you do with something that's all it is. It's a rare hair, and same way with this tiger, you know, shooting through the green grass made it a littl...
e more interesting. Um, I shot through a whole bunch of brush with a 600 on this Cardinal and it gave it that sort of Japanese look. So with long lenses, you can, you can shoot through a lot of stuff, even though you don't think you can, you try it. And some times you want all the depth of field this is supposed to be camouflage, they're colored that way, their feathers are that color. And, um, I think it's nice that he's hitting, you know, you could shoot it both ways and of course, use wide angle lenses. I don't use wide angle as you can tell that much, but these are iguanas in the Galapagos. We're going back there next year, and get down low so kind of fun. And of course, this is with the older camera, Fuji panoramic with just a lot of depth of field where the foregrounds in focus and the backgrounds in focus, of course, you got to do this with a tripod.
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