Develop & Sell a Webinar
Lesson 3 from: FAST CLASS: Start a Profitable Online BusinessLewis Howes, James Wedmore, Derek Halpern

Develop & Sell a Webinar
Lesson 3 from: FAST CLASS: Start a Profitable Online BusinessLewis Howes, James Wedmore, Derek Halpern
FAST CLASS: Start a Profitable Online Business with Lewis Howes, James Wedmore, Derek Halpern
1Turn Your Passion Project into Profit
18:05 2Create a Product that Sells
16:20 3Develop & Sell a Webinar
26:33 4Build Online Authority
12:39 5The 7 Steps to a Standout Webinar
22:08FAST CLASS: Start a Profitable Online Business with Lewis Howes, James Wedmore, Derek Halpern
Lesson Info
Develop & Sell a Webinar
we are back and we're gonna be talking about how to lay out your virtual bootcamp and We're gonna be in about 15 minutes bringing up Alicia to come and we can actually do this together with her and you guys are gonna create your own as well. but I'm gonna have James talked about laying it out first, so you can start writing down some ideas for yourself and then we'll do it together and we'll go from there. So this is where we left off and like I said for me, what always works in my mind before I do anything is, is being very clear on my strategy and so this is your three step strategy, if you want to say anything on the webinar, whether it is a boot camp, which I recommend for a first time information, but you don't already have a product. Um but even even physical products work as well. And what will really be doing with Alicia's phase one and phase two, but before the end of tomorrow, which is really exciting uh what I want to talk about a little bit right now is if we're gonna do th...
is virtual event bootcamp workshop, whatever cool name we want to give it a best seller in the weekend, you're you part of being the marketer and the creator of this experience of this event as you get to put your own name, branding and marketing behind it. So let's go ahead and take a look at some of the things that we can do to make it great because if we follow some of these steps here, we can ultimately get more sales from it. More people want to be a part of this. Um, the number one most important thing, even though I said, we don't have to really do anything work. We have to create the content before we sell it. We do want to have an agenda. We do want to map out a plan, this is gonna be a, this is going to be A hands on experience for the next 60 minutes, give or take a few minutes. So we want everyone at home to turn off everything else and follow along by either opening up a google document or a word document, making sure you're taking down notes for the exact steps that we're talking about because we want everyone to actually do this within the next week if you can. So we want you to create kind of the outline for the webinar and the boot camp and then we want you to actually take action on it because again, there's no reason to be on right now. If you're not going to take action and see some sales, see some results, we're gonna do this with Alicia and your biggest challenge for the last few years. She's had, she's been making six figures for the last few years, right since she started, but she's hit kind of a peak, right? I've hit a peak and I found that on my email list, people are emailing back, I have people from Thailand new Zealand europe on my list. And I even talked to someone on the phone Inviting them to come to a live event and so not only selling them on coming to live event, but to buy a $3,000 airplane ticket. And everyone's asked me do you have some kind of web cast, how can we make this first off, what's your products and your business? Just so people are logging on, what is it best to learn a weekend? So it's a live weekend workshop where I help entrepreneurs and thought leaders go from idea to author in two days um and have the strategy on becoming a bestseller on amazon now that they come to the workshop and then they write it that weekend as well during the weekend. Okay, so it's a service slash event and you basically want to maximize your time and the information. You have to not work as much and go to all these events but still sell the people that can't come to the events, correct? Yes, because there's kind of a cap on the live event and not everyone can afford $3000 it's a $1600 1616 $ for a weekend. I do it like in New York and San Francisco, but people that travel, people got to travel and even New York is too far for people in southern California or wherever. So what if people could do it for or less or 300 or 200 and do it from their comfort of their home, then you can really leverage your time and you're in the comfort of your home. Yeah, that would be huge. And it has a global reach because I'm teaching stuff that can be taught to more than 10, 15 people. You've got a daughter, how is she again? She's just turned 11, just turned 11. So you don't wanna be traveling all around the world teaching these workshops and leaving our home, right? So can we open up the word dot sure. We're gonna do this on the internet with Alicia and kind of get her a head start because she's gonna do a webinar tomorrow. So she's taking a lot of action. But I want you guys to do this within like a week, two weeks max don't have everything set up. So when you go home in a couple of days you can start mailing out your email list or doing other strategies. We talked about to get people on your webinar and you're going to create a webinar which were to talk about how to do effectively in a couple days and then you sell something, we want everyone to make at least one sale. And if you don't it's okay at least we took action and we're gonna tweak it and test it and make it better. So everyone at home watching, I want to do the same thing, follow along right down the step by step process that we're gonna be covering with Alicia two for your product or your idea. And by doing that we want you to take action will give you the tools, the resources and how to do this, but make sure to write this down and take action as we go. So step one, Step one is and this pretty much all I got for you is what are you selling at the end of a webinar? And so right now I think the objective for some people is to come up with something, but for you, I think it's how do we take what you've already created with your live event and turn it into a virtual event and still have that same value. So we have best seller in the weekend. So again, what are you selling? Think about what you guys are selling and then come up with the, it's 11 word with, is that really a smaller not spelling majors here? Sorry, start. Um, so, and and obviously the big benefit is that let me, let me ask you this, are they going to have a finished book by the end of the draft book manuscript, finish strategy on it. Yeah, I got ready with the bolt here. Draft book manuscript. Okay. And obviously that's, that's more of the objective. So I'm gonna put that at the front, but the benefit of what is the big, like who are you going to be a best seller? And they're gonna get more what they have their whole entire strategy become a best seller really. Something that's covered because I find that that's really important. So their draft manuscript that they can turn and put it up on the e book that night on kindle. Very cool. Um so the benefits, I have the benefits right here. Uh people want to get speaking gigs. So I find that my clients are business owners, entrepreneurs leaders, uh thought leaders, they wanna get speaking gigs. They want to appear on television, they want to attract traffic. I work with a lot of internet marketers, they wanna attract more clients and an exposure. Sure, yeah, got it and it's great you're clearing all that stuff. Um So let's talk a little bit about the format because what I was sorry for my typos, it's different keyboard or something. I don't use this american stuff. So uh talk to me a little bit about how you want to stretch it? Because what the example I gave was a four week boot camp and obviously you can't necessarily do a four week boot camp for the weekend. Yeah. How would you like to do it over a weekend? The same way I do it. So saturday and sunday workshop maybe maybe like a friday night prep type thing to get us ready for Saturday and 90 minute intro on Friday and then, so um would you do to, to webinars on one in the morning, one in the evening on saturday and sunday and sunday too? Or just do one long one? I would do it just like you guys are, so I will be one webinar one saturday, a two or three hour with a 15 minute break in between. Right? Yes. You want people to log back off and come back on you is going to keep it on? Probably well, yeah, I mean, yeah, unless unless you want to do one in the morning and then they take action and rights because there is at the back. Yeah, that's killed. So there's actually have a five step process that happens during the weekend. So we're doing something in the moment. So there's a lot of time where even during my workshops I'm sitting and people are working. Gotcha. Okay. So maybe you're looking over their shoulders and healthy maps. Morning and evening session. Yes. Okay. So there's a lot of people are doing working on their own and I'm going to suggest to you. Um this is up to you obviously in your time, but a some sort of follow up Q and a coal Q and A like a week later, a week later to see if they who maybe do a bonus for people who has actually finished it who's got it like the next step, you know what I mean? So give people maybe a discount That's 50 bucks off or something or something. Some type of bonus if they actually complete the entire book and are ready to like start getting the editor going or whatever maybe or the cover art or whatever, whatever it is to lay out how much for selling the same for. So that's where I'm kind of just thinking it's 1597 for the weekend, but it's a live experience. I mean lunch is included, there is very much like group community stuff going on but you also know that there's a lot more cost involved, like travel, hotel, the opportunity, time costs so right, all that stuff down here of what it is normally. Okay so we have a $1,500 event, $ value. And then we have, I mean how many days is it just the two days, two days, how much on average is someone spending like $300 for our for hotel? At least if it's new york. That's a night. That's right. And then like $500, So you spent and then food, it's $2500 at least for the weekend. It's 200. Yeah so they're spending a lot of money. Obviously they value what you're doing for him. Um Let's let's ask you another question when you do your first one, how many people would you like to have on this webinar on the unless you have a like a goal Like how much money you want to, you want to make with it? Well I like to work backwards as much as possible. How much money do I want to make? How about $30,000? Alicia is going to have this $297 boot camp over the weekend for 300 bucks. You learn how to become a best selling author and you have your book done in a weekend which is gonna get more press more attention, more clients etcetera should record this and then turn that into the product. That makes sense. Which she could sell for 2 97 97 4 97. She can package it differently, do whatever she wants. So the boot camp is the product for now, but then you're repackaging that product into a different format that works best for you or which works best for your audience to consume. So that's kind of like the phase one of planning. And that's to go back to keep using my example. I said for myself, what are you selling? I'm gonna sell a four week boot camp on how to build your list with youtube. What's the big benefit? You're going to build your list with one video and I'm gonna walk you along the whole process. It was my format was a four week once a week call And my price point was to 97. Great. So let's talk about the goal really quick. So you still want 30,000. That means how many sales you get to 97. What is that? What this calculator, 30 What's the math? Anyone? 30 297 times what equals 30, 100? I don't I don't know, come on 100 sales. So do you think you're gonna get, how many people do you think you can get on 100 sales equals 30,000? Yeah, if you want to get to 97. Yeah, I think I could get 100 people. Okay you can close all 100 people. You think so? Okay, that's great. I love the confidence. But uh realistically if you do that I'll be amazed and you can start teaching me something really good webinars convert around this price point. Really good. Would be 20, of people that come on live. If you get 20-25% you are in the top 1% of people that can convert on webinars If you're getting 10%. That's still really good. So if you get 1000 people on that's basically what we do is get 1000 people on and you get them to stay there the entire time. So you've got to entertain, educate, keep them hooked which we'll talk about how to doing webinars and then you get At the end of the call 1000 people still there, you get 100 sales, That's 10% right? That's still amazing For the price point from $100 to $500 when you're getting to $1,000 to $2,000. If you're closing 5 to 15% you are crushing. The higher the price point, the harder it is to close the same amount of people. It's just people don't have the money. They're not ready. They're not that interested. So the lower the price point the easier the conversions are right. But it's not really that valuable to sell something under $100 on a webinar we found because if you get them on a webinar they're gonna buy something worth more. So you want to sell something that adds a lot of value That you can sell for at least $100. And I think the most important thing is to understand there are people that can't afford whether it's financially or the time commitment to do that and so you're missing this whole a gap of of an audience and it's being able to take advantage. Like I said, you're always leaving money on the there's probably people have been on your list for a couple of years who like I can never make it. Yeah. I wish you would teach something else online that I can do at home. I've got three kids. I've got this job I've got I've got I live in europe, I can't fly. But they want to become a best seller in a weekend. But they're paralyzed cause I don't want to do it. So you're doing a disservice by not this information, you're hurting them in a sense. I know I've just in the last couple of weeks ago I talked to all these and they were like from new Zealand and Japan and they just said we can't want to work with you but I want to travel right. Exactly. So this is the way to serve you. So one more time. These first four things, what are we selling? Get very clear on what it is that you're going to offer, what are people going to pay you for the boot camp and if you already have a product to sell the product? This is I say boot camp because a lot of people don't have a product and this is the easiest way to create a product without having to clarify that one woman's question bestseller weekend, It's really best seller the weekend like home course or Exactly yeah, yeah, yeah you can do virtual and you want to call it the home study course? Yeah, whatever you guys, it's okay. Exactly. Um big benefit, the big benefit, what they're gonna do, what's the objective, why why do they need this? What will it do for them? What are they going to, what transformation is going to take place by the end of the boot camp and for you it's very, very clear we're all, we all know what it is then you want to play around with your format, how am I gonna deliver this? I'm the content creator. What kind of experience am I gonna create? We did that for you and then how much we're gonna sell this thing for 2 97 is low. It's a steal of a deal. I'm gonna encourage you to raise the prices. You continue doing these. The next thing we want to do is start talking about how we're gonna sell it. So here's what you guys do. I want you to write three headlines for the webinar presentation. Just write him out right now because we're gonna edit Alicia's right here because she's running along one that's already gonna be too long. I can't really tell. But I want you to I want you to think of three very like simple, concise, catchy headlines. That would be titles for your free webinar and everyone on the internet do this as well. So type in three titles. Again, it could be for me, I could use seven, seven ways to leverage linkedin to build your business or to make six figures a year. Right? So you can do any of these different things or let me see if I can do some specific. So we're traveling, you know, if we could do how to save uh How to save x amount of dollars, you could choose, you know, a specific amount that is real, you know like how to save $500 a month and yes it would be a good one, how to, how to travel on a budget and and live your dream like you know something like that. But throw the money thing in there, how to save money but then have the juxtaposition how to do it on a budget, but how to play full out is kind of the hook, how to live like a king and travel like a gypsy whatever. Uh For the for the for the for the apps. Um You know how to build a, even just how to how to build a six figure business with iphone apps, How to create an app in a weekend. How to create your first app with less than 500 bucks. Anything like that's going to get people excited for the video, it's your first um You know create how to create your 1st 4 videos or how to um create your first video, how to create a video that sells your products and services, or that increases sales for your products or for your site, something like that. So I think of three different headlines that are catchy and just write them out. They don't have to be perfect right now. But we want to, you want to look at the three options and we want to tighten it up. So it's really punchy. You can use simple, it doesn't have to be the long words, simple words like three easy ways to do X. Y. And Z. Numbers always help 3757 simple steps to do this right? They get something simple, whatever is gonna make people uh things easier for people, save time, make money and save money. So think of like seven ways to save money traveling the world. Simple things like that. Okay, so this is kind of like some copyrighting one on one. All right. So we're gonna work on Alicia is really quick, which says how to write a book fast, instantly book speaking gigs, become the go to tv expert, attract higher paying clients and become the industry expert and become the industry expert you deserve. Okay, so let's make this simpler and it's okay if it's long as well. But the story to make this simpler. So how to write a book in a weekend, which I think is telling it more. How to write, how to write a book in a weekend, how to write a best selling book in a weekend. Okay. To attract more clients and become the, become an industry expert. I think that's simpler for now. So go ahead and Right three headlines down and let's say here, is this how to write a best selling book in a weekend to attract higher paying clients and mainstream media period, let's just do that and mainstream press or media, whichever where we're going to say yeah for me and then let's capitalize the first letter of each word. Just, is that good headline for you? Is it too long? You have another one to see which one you like better how to become an authority in your marketplace for the best selling book. Doesn't it doesn't do the whole in a weekend thing, which is really the hook though. I think the best selling book in the weekend is what people want to know how to do that, right? But that's also what the course is. You got to give away the best stuff. So the next step is now, you know, now you're clear on the theme, the topic, the title of your presentation. What are three bullet points or things that we're gonna learn that our benefit oriented, like how to get agents, how to get the callback, how to save the money, how to book cheaper flights for why we went on linked in, I would say, how to build An email list of 10,000 people in three months. I would say, How to become the number one person in your industry in seconds, right? I would say, yeah, steve steve would have something like how to create your first video with zero technical skills in five minutes or less, right? How to, how to make videos without being in front of the camera. How to create $20,000 videos for free $50. Yeah. Right. So you like saying, Wow, I'm going to save all this money. You know what I mean? Um, how to create award winning videos for academy award winning things. Okay, so for you this here, what are your, what are you gonna learn? Um how to I think things like how to position yourself as an authority. That's what we do. I think a lot of people, for me, the biggest challenges the right title. So how to figure out your perfect title for your personality? Will you do that? It would also be so yeah, going right down how to, how to name how do you feel your book? How to create the perfect title for your book? How to create the perfect title for your book. So this is for the Webinar Call. This is a free webinar webinar. You're still going to give some of your best tips away that you're gonna give in your boot camp. Here's the thing we give away, I give away some of my best stuff. Then I just go into more detail, the same stuff in the boot camp. They're not gonna be able to remember everything, they're not getting to have, you're not going to have as much time to go in depth with each point. You're gonna give them this stuff the same stuff you give them in the workshop, But you're giving for 10 minutes as opposed to an hour and a half and walking through it and holding their hand, you know what I mean? Yes. Uh and how maybe how to rank # one on Amazon in your category. Now for you guys Stacy and swim. I mean I see a book inside of you guys for the future. Is this a webinar Or a presentation or content that would get you guys excited. And if you you don't have to lie to me, if you say no, not really, it's fine. But that's what we're looking for. We're looking for people that could have a book inside of them. Who could be like the go to travel experts for the young 20 something's and would need this information. So does this stuff start to resonate with you guys? Okay. Does some of this stuff get you excited about how you can have a book. That would be number one on amazon. What you could do to leverage that book? I think everyone Christina, I could see you having a book is like the modeling expert, how to become right, how to become this could be like to go to book that everyone is the lead gen for people to come to your site and buy more products. Right? Could you see this being interesting? Would you want to learn how you uh Position yourself as the number one modeling expert Find the perfect title and become a bestseller. Right? You can do this for apps, you can do this for wedding photography. This is the way she can frame this. 200,000 people. Exactly $10 a book staffing. All right. We've got like three minutes. so check this out. We had a weapon while you guys were doing this. We filled it all out webinar name. How to write a best selling book in a weekend to attract high paying clients and mainstream media have a little bit. I can blow it up and can you just go through and show again what you're what you've done. So, we've created that webinar name, which we just all went over. You guys created your name, you wrote it down. So here in this webinar name section, we copy and pasted it and put it in the webinar title. So how to write a best selling book in a weekend to attract high paying clients and mainstream media. Then we just went over those three benefits here to get there's going to be an introduction sentence in the description and we'll show you how this looks in a second. But basically you're to say in this live webinar or a live presentation, I'm gonna teach you someone's gonna teach you um how to do X, y and Z. Right? So how reveal their best kept secrets to creating and leveraging a best selling book in a single weekend. You could say one more sentence about why this person is credible, why you're credible. So I've helped people become new york times bestsellers with this workshop by this exact secrets. And I'm gonna reveal what they are to you here here. The three benefits why you should join number one in the 60 minute presentation, you'll discover how to position yourself as an authority, how to create the perfect title for your book and how to rank number one on amazon dot com in your category. Make sure to sign up and reserve your space below. You can say some other things about why they need to get on live. You can give a bonus, you can give other stuff for now. We're keeping it simple, you set up the time for when the webinar is, go ahead and neither do a preview or save. Just save the whole thing and then we'll skip through this. These are just different options that we kind of skip through anywhere. It's a little Yeah, but did you save it? Okay, here we are. This is a preview. which one is a right there. There we go. So when you finish that you have a special link and this is your webinar registration. So this is the page we just created everyone in order to your webinar. I encourage you guys all to do this this weekend. You can set it up now you don't have to promote it until next week whenever you get home wherever you can have a go for in two weeks, whatever maybe but created tonight. What you have to do is actually go to this website, go to webinar dot com, Write this down, everyone at home, write this down, you can create a free trial account for 30 days. I think it's like 100 bucks a month after that. But just create the free one for now and test it out. You'd have to pay anything if you don't want to. But this is what we use for all of our webinars if they're amazing. So go to webinar dot com free account, You might have to give your credit card. I'm not sure. But you don't have to charge anything until 30 days. You can cancel if you don't want to, it's fine and create the headline, create the opening sentence, the three bullets and then just have the first name, last name in the email address. You might have to play around with it a little bit to figure this all out. But it's not that hard when you're in there.
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