Class Introduction
06:16 2Two Exposures Explained: Ambient & Flash
09:13 3The Triangle: Aperture, ISO, Shutter
10:00 4Overpowering the Ambient Light
07:30 5High Speed Sync
11:26 6Shutter Priority Mode
04:13 7Manual Mode
12:24 8Color It
06:55Lesson Info
Light Modifiers
light modifiers. We have several. So one of the things that is as key to light is the size of the light. The size of the light matters. A small light source creates very hard light. You get shadows that just stop. There's no, uh, no room for that shadow to sort of dissolve away. Right? And so what we want to do is you want to create a larger light source. So, Sarah, can you pop out here just for a second? Um, I don't recommend doing this with someone you don't know, but so, Sarah, come on. I'm going to show you why this is the case to stand right there. If I have a small light source like this very small light sources, it's about the size of my finger. Not even as big as that, Right? So if I'm pointing this at Sarah, it's extremely directional. The light can't get around anything, right? And so what it's gonna dio is just gonna smack right on to her face and we're gonna get these hard shadows. We aren't gonna have any light falling underneath her chin because it's so directional. There...
's just like going right at her right, If I were it to take that same light source and able to make it a larger light source like this so much larger. That is what I'm now doing when I bounced. The life is now light isn't coming straight in anymore. Now, light is coming from a couple different directions, and I'm able to get a little bit more light underneath her chin. And that light is going to defuse that shadow to make it a little bit softer. It's gonna kill that shadow if I then make that light a little bit larger like this. Now look how large that is in comparison to this guy. Much, much, much larger. And so now what the light is going to be doing is that light can come around, Sarah, right? And so it can add light behind around. And it's gonna if their shadows back here is going to start dropping those shadows out. So instead of just a hard light will be much softer light. And that's also an umbrella. Also, get that very much larger. So thank you for that. Now the other thing that is important to note with with light because the sun in the sky. Does that give us hard, lighter, soft, light, hard, really hard light. How large is the sun and compared to the earth? Really big. So why is it that this big source of light gives us such hard light? Because it's decided the size of because it's way over there, billions of miles. So what happens is if you have a very large light source like this really close, don't freak out and you keep moving that farther and farther and farther away. Then what happens is the effective size of this light become smaller and smaller and smaller. And what happens is that soft light that we used to have right here it becomes harder and harder and harder and harder in the farther away you get, the heart of light gets just like the sun. So we pulled the sun over and cooled it down and put it right here. Man would have soft light. This flash is amazing and we're gonna show you right after the break. Why it's so amazing. It's a little bit different than are other speed lights. One. You can see that it's got a larger reflector. The other thing that it has. It does the twist and bounce and all that kind of stuff. It also it's sort of beefy. See that said, the flash tube is a little bit larger, a lot larger. It can have different modifiers that go on that. So a reflector just like a studio. Strobe, We've got a little soft box somewhere that pops right on there that you can have. You can do a bare bulb adapter. You has a little bounce thing. You can mount these in the corners of difference buildings and stuff. So a lot of wedding photographers, when they're going from a brand specific speed light to not brand specific, what they're doing is they're jumping Teoh Quantum.
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