Class Introduction
06:16 2Two Exposures Explained: Ambient & Flash
09:13 3The Triangle: Aperture, ISO, Shutter
10:00 4Overpowering the Ambient Light
07:30 5High Speed Sync
11:26 6Shutter Priority Mode
04:13 7Manual Mode
12:24 8Color It
06:55Lesson Info
Light Metering
we're gonna do everything on manual 100% on manual. This. You know this getting this down, It doesn't take very long. You can figure this out in an afternoon. Just shooting. And once, you know, this is so, uh just will free you because you'll know exactly what your exposure is every time, and I will just work, work, work, work. So what we're gonna do here is we are assuming that the ambient light is not going to be a part of this photo. Okay, that's what we're assuming. We're going to overpower this ambient light. And so to make this work, Sara, I think I'm gonna have to have you over here. So every conceive what we're doing, And then when I put this sort of to the right of you so that these cameras can sort of see what we're doing here. So what we have here, let me first talk to you about what we have going on here. This is a canon five. A T E. X to this could be an SB 9 10 It could be any flash. It doesn't really matter what it is, but we've said it and I'll walk it over here. So you...
see, we've said it to full manual mode. So I push the mode button so I can push mode and it goes to full manual mode. We have a Nikon flash. Can you bring one out? I can show you how to do that. So just pushing this mode button takes us to full manual mode. Right now, it says one slash one. And, um, let me going to grab one of these and then I'll grab that one, Um, and then maybe even the SB as well. So, by setting, it's a full manual. This 1/1 means full power, 100% power as much light as this comm possibly pump out by pushing this a little set button that starts to flash. And now when I move, it left. It says 1/1 minus 0.3. That means that's 1/3 less light. I hit it again, 0.7 2/3 less light. I go one more half power, and I could just keep dialing that down, down, down, up, up, up. So that's how I change. How much light is coming out of my flash and all speed lights. Have that gonna grab yours. So this is a totally different light. I've never seen it before. SB 600 and I've not worked with one of these before, but I can show you may be that it works. All turn it on. Here we go. And let's see if we have full manual of maybe we Yeah, I hear mode. So I'll push mode. Look, it looks the exact same thing. 1/1. I can push minus and you can see that it's doing the same thing in 1/2. Negative 7/4 power. 0/4 power Negative. Three negative seven. So it's saying Eighth power eighth and 1/3 8th and 2/3. So it's just less power, more power. So we're just taking the light up, taking it down. That's how that works. Very, very simple. The next thing we've done with this flash is for doing this in full manual mode. And so we decided to use a radio trigger for this. Now, we could have done this with the line of sight infrared if we wanted to. We just wanted to mix it up a little bit. So it is way have a pocket with plus three here, Um, and for everybody that wants to know when you can buy these. I think they're in stores this week. I don't know. So if you're wondering, I think they're out there. We got like, you've got some earlier, and all this does is it will send a signal through this cord, and it will tell the flash to fire. That's it. That's all it will do. OK, so, um, when it goes like this, it fires. That's it. So I will be able to tell this flash of fire. So all this flash is doing now? It's not doing any t tl metering. The ninja has retired. It's doing exactly what I tell it to do every time. Okay. Now, if we really wanted to be awesome with this, what we would do is we'd put an external battery pack to really lock things now. So we're not gonna do that right now so we can keep things a little bit simple. Okay, So what I want to do, we want to get this to f 10. Is that correct? Always said all right. Something to get my populism. So this meter by the way, has this little module in it right here. This little module is a pocket wizard, so it's a radio trigger. So when you see me firing the flash from this, what's happening is there's a little radio inside there that's telling that to fire. There's a mode on this meter. I go over here, says Flash. It's just a little flash. Um, and what that does is when I push my meat oring button. That's a button on the side here. That's how you measure the light. Notice that this is flashing this little, teeny little teeny thing right there that's flashing. And this is called, um, auto reset Cordless flash metering mode. Yeah, that took me a long time to memorize that auto reset Cordless flash metering mood. What I call it is you condone Do this without accord. That's what that means. So what it means is, when you push the button, the meter just waits for a flash to fire, and when a flash fires, then it'll take reading. So to prove this, what I'll do is I'll take a transmitter here, so this is sit on the right channel, yet let me see your Yes. So we're not getting it. I have my flash time to turn off after it's not used. It was timing up, so this will trigger that flash. Okay, so let's get in external battery packs. It's a little slow. It's a little slow. So what's happening here is watch. This will show you this on this camera. So I have this light here. Turn this so it can actually see. Okay. I told it toe. Wait for a flash. It's just waiting around flash fires. See, it sees it and understands it. If I go closer flash fires, you can still see it. So it just waits around for a flash to fire. And when it does fire, it shows up there, okay, to go coals or to her right on her face. And not a two meter the flash. You're still have to do. Yes. So when your meter ring with a light meter like this, it is me during the light where it's falling. So if I am entering her face, I can't meet her it over here, because that's not where the light is. I need to meet her right here. And the Loomis fear this little white dome has to be pointed right at the position of the camera. So if I am taking a picture over here where Josh is Okay, so I'm gonna take the picture right here when I meet her. The light. I need to meet her. The light right where my camera is going to be. So not this way. Not that way. Not down on over here. I need to be right here. Right where my camera is. Okay, Now, there's some more advanced metering modes where you can put the limits for down and meet her specific lights to get ratios. We might get into that tomorrow, but for now, if you're just starting out and you're doing portrait's underneath the chin right at the camera. Okay, so I'll do that, man and that meters at what? 99 f nine. It's what that says. We'll show you guys right here. It shows f nine. Okay, so, f nine, if I set my camera, F nine would have a proper exposure. But what did we want? 10. Okay, so the question is this. Can I go anymore on this flash? No, it's as bright as it composite glee go right now. But I can do this. Can push it closer. Let's see if pushing it closer will get us to 10. I am this meters at 13. Yeah. Inverse square lies going on here, so that's a little bit more. So I'll just back it up just a little bit until we get into F 10. Right? 11. Right now. Push it back a little bit more. 10. We have 10. Okay. Now, you still following me? Good, cause I'm gonna have a meter. Um all right, so now what I'm going to do is my light meter. I had it set to a 2/100 of a second. My cameras in manual mood. I haven't set to 200 of a second. I mean it F 10 my apertures at f 10 my light meters at 100 my cameras at 100. So we've set all three points of the exposure triangle. All right, let's take a picture. I'm not tethered. I should be tethered. Um, so I'll take a picture once I'm tethered and we can show you, but this looks like fresh. Ah, fresh. You have a question? Okay, let me take this one picture very quickly and we'll see. If my settings are correct, they are. And that great. I knew that it would work because the science proves it, and you can see that I have this picture that's properly exposed. It's probably exposed every time. We have nice soft light and it just it's right every time.
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