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Tools and The Options Bar

Lesson 5 from: FAST CLASS: Photoshop for Beginners: Essential Training

Mark Wallace

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5. Tools and The Options Bar

We explore the Toolbar and the tools that are most commonly used in Photoshop. We’ll also learn how the Options Bar and the tools work together as a team.

Lesson Info

Tools and The Options Bar

Let's take a look at the toolbar and the options bar and understand how those two things work together. So, on the left hand side of the screen you can see that we have all these different tools here on the left hand side. Now there are six basic categories of tools loosely speaking. We have tools for selecting things, stuff like this. We've got a little marquee tool so we can select different areas of our image. We have crop and slice tools so that we can crop out areas of the image that we don't like. We have our retouching tools. So these are things like the healing brush to fix skin blemishes, things like that. The clone tool to go and take something from one part of the image and put it somewhere else. We have our painting tools. Those are brushes and paint buckets, stuff like that. We have drawing tools. We've got a little pen tool down here. We've got a text tool so we can add type and things. That's great for thumbnails for YouTube. And then we have our navigation tools. So lik...

e our little hand here to take a look at what's going on here, maybe zoom around and zoom out. So all that navigation stuff. And then we have annotation and measuring tools. And so, those are tools like this little eye dropper here and some of these things that pop out. Something that maybe the scientific community would use, in addition to some of us photographers as well. So if we go back over here to Photoshop and we click on a tool, you can see that this little arrow tool up here, if I look at this, you can see that we have how it selects either a layer or a group or the transform controls. All these things are up here. But if I click on this little selection tool, those options change. So the option bar is context sensitive. It changes based on the tool you have selected. So each of these tools have options that tell the tool how to behave.

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