Lesson Info
29. Neural Filters
How To Open Files
01:10 2Using The Home Screen
01:49 3Exploring The Interface
02:36 4Understanding Workspaces
03:04 5Tools and The Options Bar
01:56 6Finding Hidden Tools
02:31 7How to See What You’re Working On
06:19 8Selecting Things
07:06More Selection Tools
10:34 10Testing the Magic Wand and Quick Selection Tools
03:55 11The History Palette – Undoing Things
02:47 12Menu and Item Shortcut Keys
02:28 13Non-Destructive Editing
02:14 14Working with Layers
09:11 15Groovy 3 Exercise
10:38 16Layer Effects and Styles
04:25 17Layer Masks – Karen on Beans
06:41 18Using Adjustment Layers
04:36 19Using Filters
03:06 20Advanced Compositing Using Layers
07:42 21Non-Destructive Editing Techniques
03:17 22Understanding Smart Objects
05:16 23Smart Sharpen
04:36 24Understanding Histogram
04:08 25Adjusting Curves
03:46 26The Healing Brush Tools
07:28 27The Clone Stamp Tool
05:24 28The Burn and Dodge Tools
03:41 29Neural Filters
07:52Lesson Info
Neural Filters
So let's hop over into Photoshop. We're gonna open up our portraits here. So the first portrait we're going to open up we're gonna click file and then open. And then we have Cammy skin. Let's open that. It's gonna open Adobe camera raw. What we're gonna do is we're just going to open this so we're not gonna do anything in camera raw here. We're just gonna take this as it is then let's go and click open and then we want to go and open another image here. It's called Fanny Fanny Belladonna a very popular model in Paris. And we're going to open this without making any adjustments and then last but not least, let's go in and open Juana.dng Again, we're not gonna make any adjustments. We're just gonna open this from Adobe camera raw. Okay. The goal of this session is to do some skin retouching to fix some issues with skin. So the very first thing I want to do is go over to Cammy skin. I'm going to unlock this layer and zoom in to 100% and we can look at her face. She's got fantastic skin. A...
nd so my preference is to show freckles on models because that's how skin looks. But in this instance what we want to do is demonstrate the filter. So we're gonna remove the freckles and then make her skin sort of Instagram porcelain good. So what we wanna do first here is let's create a separate layer. So I'm gonna hit control J and click retouch. So we're gonna go in with our healing brush tool here and we're just gonna use the spot healing brush tool. And then I'm gonna go in very, very quickly. And I'm just going to brush out some of these little freckles here, tun, tun, tun. And there you go. So we've just done that very, very quickly. All right. So now what we wanna do is we wanna maybe take her skin and fix some of the blotchiness of the skin. Her skin looks really good, but we can make it look artificially good. The way that we would do that in the past is really time consuming. We don't wanna do that. Now we want our computer to fix this for us, so we're gonna use neural filters. So what we're gonna do is gonna go up to filter and then click on neural filters. Remember you have to have an internet connection for this to work. Okay. So I'm gonna disappear from the screen so you can see what's going on here. You can see that we have a bunch of different filters that are available. So some of these you might not see in your on your computer. It might have a little icon like this, a little cloud with an arrow. That means you have to download it. So just click on that. It will download and install that neural filter. We wanna work with skin smoothing. And so all you have to do is turn on skin smoothing. This filter is gonna automatically detect where the face is and it has already fixed her skin. It's already done. Okay. Let's talk about how we save these changes so we can save these to a new layer, but the thing that I think is the best thing to do is to do a duplicate layer, masked. Let me show you why. So I'm gonna click duplicate layer masked and okay. So now we're gonna come back into normal Photoshop. Now check this out. If I turn off these lower layers this is what the neural filter did for us. So these are the changes that it made, the artificial skin that it applied. Also notice that we have this mask over here. If we click on the mask, we can get a normal brush. I'm gonna hit B. I'm gonna make this brush size, much smaller, something like that, and now what I can do is if I see something here that I don't want I can brush that out, using black as my foreground color. So I'm gonna hit D to get my default black and white colors and X to get black to be my foreground color. And I can see here on her eyes we don't need a filter in her pupils. So I can just brush that out. I can remove that. I can come over here and remove it from this eye. If I see an area where I think you know what I could use a little bit more skin retouching I can change my foreground color to white instead of black, and then I can start painting this in. So maybe over here on her lips I can start painting a little bit more. So when you save this as a duplicate layer with a mask you have all the flexibility of painting in or out whatever changes you might want using that mask. It's really awesome. Okay. Let's see how well this does on some different skin. So we have Juana here who's got flawless skin. Let's unlock this layer, go in. We're gonna double click and we have a full resolution version of her skin. So we're gonna go here to filter and we're gonna click neural filters. This is going to once again, open up the neural filter. It detects where her face is automatically. And so we can do skin smoothing. I can click on that and blink. It does the retouching. I can maybe make this a little bit smoother. It's very, very fast. Let's look at a different filter here. Smart portrait. When I click on this again, it figures out where all the faces are. You can have more than one face here. Okay. Let's take a look at one more image here. This is Fanny, and when we look this image, Fanny, I lit this from the side and so it really did not do her justice to her face but we can see we've got some skin that needs to be retouched. So what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to click on the background layer. So I'm unlocking that. And the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna remove this little mole right here. So I'm going to create a new layer and I'm gonna call that retouch. So we know that I've done some things there. I'm going to go get my spot healing brush. I'm gonna brush right here, and that is, hmm, it's gone. Uh, I've got this little blemish right here. I've got this little guy right here. Okay. So that looks pretty cool but let's take this one step further by going into filter. Now notice that we have neural filters here and neural filters here. This top neural filter, let me just show you what this is gonna do. Let me just do a different kind of filter. So I'm gonna do, ahm, let's say the lens correction filter and doesn't really matter what I do, I'm just gonna say, okay. So I've applied a filter to this. If I now go to this filter notice that it says lens correction at the top and not neuro filters. What this always is, is the top filter there is the last one you applied. So if you click this, it's just gonna apply the last filter that you used with all the settings that you used. And so that's why it had neuro filters twice. So I'm gonna undo that lens correction filter. Now let's go into filter, neuro filters here and let's see how well this neuro filter does with a difficult retouching job. So I'm gonna turn on skin smoothing, blink, just like that. And so I might make this a little bit smoother. I like that. Blur a little bit more, and there we have a totally retouched image. So here it is before and that's after. I can click okay. Now this one, I didn't say duplicate layer with the mask. And the reason I like to have the mask is if you just do a new layer, it just applies the changes but now you can't paint on or paint off any of those changes. So this is a destructive edit instead of a non-destructive edit. That's why the new layer with the mask, in my opinion, is a better way to apply that filter.
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