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FAST CLASS: Meditation for Everyday Life

David Nichtern

FAST CLASS: Meditation for Everyday Life

David Nichtern

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Class Description

In today’s hectic world, our busy lives often crowd out any chance to sit still. Who has time to focus on mindfulness when there are 40 emails to write? Join Buddhist teacher David Nichtern for an introduction to meditation. David will show you how meditating for just 15-30 minutes a day will clear your mind and decrease your stress levels.

David will teach you the basics of meditation, unpacking the centuries-old spiritual tradition into a practical playbook for living a balanced life. You will learn simple posture, breathing, and directed contemplation techniques that will help you unclutter your mind and increase your energy.

Stillness is a powerful way to be kind to yourself. At the end of this workshop, you will be more present, aware, and connected to the world around you.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Cultivating Compasion For Yourself and Others
Cultivating Mindfulness E-Book
Simple Meditation Instructions for Ordinary People