Increase Your Joint Mobility
Lesson 6 from: FAST CLASS: Maintain Your Body for Long Lasting Health & MobilityKelly Starrett, Jill Miller

Increase Your Joint Mobility
Lesson 6 from: FAST CLASS: Maintain Your Body for Long Lasting Health & MobilityKelly Starrett, Jill Miller
Mobility Indicators & Adaptation
16:47 2The Fundamental Principles of Mobility
23:44 3Mobility Exercises For You To Try Right Now
17:14 4Kelly’s Rules To Increase Mobility
23:08 5Muscle Dynamics
19:19 6Increase Your Joint Mobility
13:49 7Physical Fitness for Creatives
17:18 8How To Sit & Sleep Better
08:44Lesson Info
Increase Your Joint Mobility
we're worked away through our system. We've got this good concept now of okay, I have to map this motor control. And the difference already in your spinal positions and in head positions is dramatic. Your shoulders are back. Your feeder straight. I see you standing up and sitting down differently, which already self corrects for so many of the basic problems that we're seeing day to day we talked about. Okay, I just get into a position I can contract. Relax my way through that shape. I don't know any other thing. Don't have any tools. Then we were like, Hey, maybe I'm gonna have to re kind of distributed to change some of those sliding surfaces. How my tissues air sliding over another had gills. Brilliant work about some Definitely in the trunk in the spine, changing the breathing mechanics. And that leads one more thing on our list. You guys remember what that was? Was the last fourth of the system joint capsule and when it were knowing, is that that joint capsule that bag of connecti...
ve tissue could become very stiff. And remember, yesterday let's do this again for those people who are just joining us you take your fist and put it inside your shirt. That's a really great model for what your joint capsule does. Now imagine I've got you moving correctly. I'm very organized and the soft tissues air working. And I've got those muscle fibers that are consulted over another movement. Great. But all of a sudden the bag itself is stiff. So if I wind up into a good position, I create that torque I add that tours into that sack of capsule where become stable. If the joint capsule itself isn't pliable, inflexible in supple than what I end up happening restricting that range of motion, I get that phenomenal. We talked about where the joint hinge on the door is tight and creating a little pile of hinge dust. So what are my options for dealing with that? Well, we believe is that if I think about the joint only drive a really simple joint for you guys and we're gonna build on these layers of kind of understanding. This is a really rudimentary joint, and what's gonna happen is we tend to think about this joint is having a single axis of rotation. What's happening is that the limb in this case would be. My arm is moving what we call a physiologic range of motion. So my arm is going up over my head and subsequently we think about having a single axis of rotation as if I was putting a pin or dowel right in the middle of my arms spun around that dough. Okay, that's one model, but we've learned that there's another model. There's another element to this road, this this movement. And that's rotation, that I don't become stable until I add this other element of rotation to the capsule so I can mobilize any position that I want to. Unless I add that rotation. Understand? I'm never going to fully get the most out of the joint, and the joint will never be in its most stable or most efficient position. That's what we have to have this rotation and we don't think about it. No, I said yesterday that so many of the cuse me used in athletics elbows in these out armpits forward break the bar. They're all concepts about rotation jumping, land break block, right? It's amazing. Wax on, wax off. How much you know, rotational movement. We talk about is human beings. We're sort of rotary engines. That's a way of thinking about it. So we explain this with some of the shoulder stuff. For example, people were complaining yesterday, I may have some risk pain. Well, it turns out, if I put my arm over my head, you can see that that rotary engine effects all of the systems that my elbow collapses a little bit. The wrist collapses in because it's not just a hinge. It's a rotary hinge. So I've got to account for that second accident rotation. But really, what we know is that there's another translation. There's another motion inside the joint, and what actually happens is that I have two axes of rotation and combined. One rotates and the other translates. And so what's happening is the arm comes up. The arm has to spend to be stable in the socket and translates forward. So the problem with this skeleton is a model is that I can hinge and I can rotate. But because the axis of rotation is fixed here, I end up always slamming into the roof off the shoulder joint or the roof off the hinge joint of the the the hip joint. And what's happening is that if I don't account for that motion inside the joint somehow or my joints are stiff that I'm always gonna be at square one. And when I'm stiff, my body creates more stiffness and what we need to do. Remember at first rule some things in the wrong places. Put in the right place. It's not moving. Let's get it moving. That makes sense. So if we stepped away from pain and just simply talked about, can you do the things that humans should do, then this is one of those ideas, and we need to account for this joint capsule in our thinking now, a lot of really smart people have been working on this for a long time. This is a theory, right? The osteopaths out of the UK, where distracting and pulling joints apart for as long as they have been people pulling on joints. If you read the the kind of modern translation of 300 right, the gates of whether gets a fire, is that what it is? And they talk about, like each soldier had an attendant who rubbed liniment and massaged out the tissues to get them ready for battle. I mean, people have been doing this for a long, long time. So what ends up happening when you see a chiropractic physician or a physical therapist or an austere path is that this person is trying to affect the motions, the intra articular motions of the joint. We're trying to restore that normal joint motion off. It's not work. It's not moving. Get moving. Well, what we're talking about. It's the specific small and internal rotations on. We have a couple ways of doing that. I can either pull the joint surfaces apart, and this gapping creates an opportunity toe unload this joint surfaces. So let's use a hypothesis. Let's say that my mom is complaining of a very arthritic hip. Could I somehow use a very technical device like a rubber band and help my mom to pull those joints apart a little? But yes, And that joint distraction is one of the fundamental techniques of restoring a lot of the normal motions of the joint. So if I'm having a really arthritic or junkie hip because of had a lifetime of abuse tends to get angry at me, there's even some new So research that came out one of physical therapy journals that said that joint distraction actually helped to restore articular cartilage surface is how weird that you didn't have something that was constantly being crushed under pressure all the time, that things could rehydrate and reap. Refuse. Right? Then we think about this when people take glucose. Amine glucose amine is assault. It's a called it. I think it's a glucose amino black, and I probably got that wrong. I'm not a chemist, but what happens? It's assault that goes into the hypothesized, goes into the surface of the joint, this articular surface and that salt pulls in more water on. Then that water creates a little bit more of fluffy surface so that I can better create better, resist compression and better resist deformation. So let me give you another reason why I should be drinking water. I saw you look for the water I see you ride. Have mind control powers, is that if you're dehydrated than those surfaces are more susceptible to the ravages of arthritis and less able to handle that deformation. So one of things we know is that we need to pull those surfaces apart and people with arthritis we need to have the spongy surface is an easy way to restore. That is to get people out of weight bearing and create a distraction. The joint pulling the joint surfaces apart allows me to start to restore those normal motions. Now, if we take that concept of from scale too Hey, if I just pull little traction through a joint, right, a normal enjoy not I have necessarily had a hip are total hip replacement, something like that. But if I just put little traction that joint even then it's appropriate. Then what we find is that people start to feel immediate relief. Can we spend that up into a difficult position? So, yesterday we were talking about your overhead position, right? Can you come show us again? Right foot turned out like a duck. Kill that kid in the back. Kill it. All right, here we go. Let's go arms overhead and look at the difference Now. He organized it, but first he stabilizes. Rib cage. I didn't have to cute any of that. This time that is set was a coach's movement. Like good weaken. Set it. Forget it. Right So now we're starting to see better range of motion here, but full range of motion for this thing. Put this hand down is all the way full rotation and straight up and down. And you have to remember, Does it look like the leg and see? Is he bent like a banana? Yes. So keep a rib cage down. There we go. And then if the alarm is straight in line with the leg would have full range of motion. Should be If I was gonna do a hand stand, that should be the same range of motion shouldn't. So now let's apply this concept. How do I mobilizes the position of restriction? What position do I want to change? And then can I apply the same technique? So go ahead and wind yourself up into this band for me. We're gonna hook through, and all we're gonna do is pull the joint surfaces apart, given try. It goes over hooks. It backs it up, pull some tension in this thing. This thing weighs a lot. Okay? Now, what he's done is that he's pulled created a little traction or distraction surface in the joint. Let's have you, uh you switch hands for? So we could get on camera. Better come over this way. Just change directions, But then change sides. That was great. That was clever. Okay, Now what's great here is that, like the 10 minute squad test, if you are swimmer or you're someone who has toe work overhead all day long like you're painting the roof. Exactly. If you're painting the roof or lifting things up onto a shelf for living, do you spend any time with your arm over your head? Yes. No, What we do yesterday? 10 minutes. Squat test. Can you imagine an analog for your shoulders? The 10 minute overhead test? Well, the difference is that if my tissues a restricted, I may be putting my shoulders into a bad position. But by creating this distraction in the joint, I can start to restore that normal motion while he spends time in this position. Can he contract? Relax here. Like that basic shape? Yeah. This makes it easy for him to do that. What muscles? They're gonna tighten up everything. Right? So he stiffens everything. The problem is, is he in a good position of bad position? Why? He's not externally rotated. And that's why rule number three is what now? Hold that position. Rule number three was always mobilized in a good position. Do you guys remember that? So, is this a good position or it so open position isn't It's an unsteady position. So what we need to do, it's having get into a stable position. The problem is, can I reclaim that good position from a bad position? Nope. So I need to have him come out of tension, come out prioritized the stabilization movement. First I break the bar before I bench press. Right? I get stable. Sure. My feet into the ground before I sit down on the toilet. And now put that arm of your head. Oh, that's a little bit different experience, isn't it? Now look at the rotation. Watch what happens when I released trying o a lot of tension ahead and regroup that this time you're gonna take your own hand and flip this up if his elbows bent. What does that mean about a shoulder? Not in a good position. Almost a straight. You can use your other hand. Hold that and put your arm over your head. Now we have a template. And we can understand what's happening by straightening the elbow. And now we're biased All the tissues, and you can start to see. Do you think him rolling around back here might improve this position? If it's like a Tim Panic remembering right, I should not be able to play the drums on his muscles back here. Could his tight Draco dorsal orthe oracle lumbar fascia contribute to his lack of overhead positioning? Sure. Could upstream on this side make a difference to this position? Yeah. So what do you do? Is he would buy us that position and lay down and work it out. And the key is because I'm thinking about the system. I'm capturing all the rotational ask aspects of the joint, capturing all the layers off the way the fashion was designed to be loaded. And I'm putting the joint to a stable position. And why? Because you understand the primary principle about the way the BIS organized. And so that means that you never have to guess or understand the anatomy because you know the position. You know what the functional outcome is. So he's trying to spend two minutes here. He could just tug on that tissue. He also contract. Relax. It kicks your leg behind you, kick your leg behind you, and then behind you over here. Does that make it more awesome? Oh, and what we done? I've just tied this aspect of the system into it, having it just put more tension into the latte. And so you'll dink around with this. We have a technical term we call messing around. And as long as the shoulder is in a stable position, I'm not going to see problems. And if he is paying, resets gets out. Are you having pain? No. No, it feels a stable. It feels like a stable organization. Come on out. Real quick. Dismount. Good. I know it's legit. Now let's go and put arms overhead facing the side. Let's see, We notice a difference. I decide both arms up. Uh, can you see a difference? Yes. No, I'll give you a hint. Answer is yes. That are missed further back. Pull that. Farmers will go for the back. There it is, And his brain didn't even know he had that range. And this is why it's so important that we're changing this. But we also change. The fundamental understanding of the movement is that if I didn't understand how to move, then I press and guests and go back to my crappy macaques. But what we have is and if you go for head on, you can actually said he's trying to compensate even more with this elbow. It's different. Arms, elbow, straight elbow straight. Now pull the arms back. You can see look different, side to side. Yeah, demons out.
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