Small Business Failures
11:34 2The Business Plan
11:28 3Four Types Of Business
10:34 4Creating An LLC
08:16 5Domain Name And Operating Agreement
08:45 6Obtaining A Federal EIN
13:15 7Sales Tax
08:51 8Employees And Contractors
11:34Contracts And Electronic Signatures
13:55 10Releases And Permits
05:31 11Relevance Of Copyright
08:35 12Copyright Registration
11:55 13Copyright And Infringement
09:19 14Licensing And Transferring
11:26 15Accounting And Goal Setting
11:36 16Financing Your Business
10:37 17Bookkeeper Vs Accountant
06:18Lesson Info
Creating An LLC
So let's set up a business right now. Now here's my disclaimer Missouri Loc may not be right for you. You may wish to seek legal or tax advice before setting up an out of state entity. This is a demonstration of how to set up an LLC online. It does not constitute legal advice. If you set up an out of state entity, you have to take steps to register the foreign entity in your home state. If you set up a Missouri Loc for your business, you do so at your own risk. So with that understanding, go to S. O. S mo dot gov. Alright, get your credit card out, Get ready to spend $50 if you want to do this. Otherwise feel free to internet. Go to your Home State's website and you can walk through this process um and see how it works on your website, Washington has a great one, California has a great one. Generally the secretary of state or the corporations division of your home state will be where you want to to be starting a business. Oh my goodness. This seems very customer service friendly regist...
er LLC. Everybody see that relatively easy. I am going to click upon it. This is much easier than healthcare gov. All right, so the filing fees, 50 bucks. It's available for domestic Missouri LLcs. That's what this is. Uh, we're not registering a foreign LLC because this LLC is actually going to be located in Missouri. Um, and again, this is public information. So everything that you put on here will become public information and you don't have, you do have to have an email address. So we'll click here to begin the registration and we're off. Yeah. So again, let me expand this. The filing fees 50 bucks. And we have to pick a name. What is our name? Jim, Blue steel photography. One word here. How about this? We'll put a capital S B L U S T. You like that? I like that a lot. And space photography now in Missouri you have to put L L C L C or LLC after it. This next one deserves some discussion. If you have a multi member LLC, you may in planning for uncertainty. Want your company to have a sunset on it. Maybe you want the company to end in 10 years or five years or two years or it can be perpetual. Sometimes it's nice to pick a sunset date in there just to say, look, you know, just a gut check this company is going to end on such and such a date unless we decide to keep it going and amend the articles of organization later on. But generally perpetual is the default answer, but you do have to pick one. All right, okay. There is a little disclaimer down here at the bottom about not able to access images using Firefox, blah blah blah. Um, I am using Firefox. We'll see what happens. Hit the proceed button. Alright. The next thing is please select the type of registered agent you want. Do you want an individual to be a registered agent or a corporation? It is required. So we'll pick individual here in a box comes up now assuming that you don't know anybody in Missouri other than yours truly craig Heidemann. If you're gonna do this and actually pay for it, you're gonna have to go to the website and retain me as the registered agent. You don't have to you can go use one of the other outfits that I mentioned or anybody else that's in Missouri. Don't feel any pressure to use me. Or you can wait and do this later on and just walk up to the end where we hit the pay button. But you had to pick a registered agent if you are going to pick me, this is what you put in craig middle name, our last name, Heidemann. Um, and that will get no no period after the are. Um, and then we do an agent search and I'll bet you I pop up well there I am and pick the one with no period after the our it's the first one. It's got my law firm address on there. We're gonna select that. And so that's who are registered agent for blue steel. Photography is gonna be again, you can pick Ct corporation systems, but you do have to pay them. It's improper to pick a registered agent before they've agreed to act for you. So you have to pick the registered agent there. It's again super simple. Um then we have to put in the name of our organizers, that's what you are. You are the organizers. So for your name you put in your name craig um your last name and you have to have an actual street address. We'll put 1 11 West broadway. Does that address need to be in Missouri? Know me anywhere you want? Great thank you. It should be your address where you might like to get mail at. So pick, it has to be a street address. That's where you put your address. So here we go. We're back to Missouri and we've previewed that we're gonna be blue steel photography. Any lawful business managed by our members existing perpetually. The effective date is gonna be the date of filing. The agent is me and the organizers. The organizer is me. I click continue now. We have this electronic signature page. We're gonna acknowledge that we've got the perjury going on authorized that you're authorized to execute the document. And then I'm going to provide an electronic signature. Here's the electronic signature. It's the signature of an individual. I am craig our Heidemann save it. And then I've created me and I go to the payment section. All right guys, you've done this screen 1000 times, right? So it's processing whatever if it doesn't go through Daria, could I use your credit card? I knew we were friends. So anyway, while that's processing what's gonna come up next is the articles of organization. That is the birth certificate of my company. Okay that is the birth certificate of my company to show that it exists and that it's real and that its online. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to pull it up on Firefox because it said there might be a viewing issue but it's in pdf form and that shows that my company has been born. Okay. I've just gotten word back from the Secretary of State of Missouri that my registration Zoe is complete. Let's see. They've charged me. They were very happy jim to take my money. I'm sure they were. And did you see how fast they took it bam I'm gonna pop up the LLC registration and it is loading and look what I got. I got articles of organization for blue steel, photography. Yes. Uh huh. Um I get to do any lawful business. Um, registered agent is me. It's member managed its perpetual and it's signed and look what I got suitable for framing. They'll actually mail me this. It's my certificate of organization. Doesn't that look official Now, seriously folks, let's have a little heart to heart. Is there any reason that anybody that's competent enough to do the mathematical calculation to figure out how to combine an F. Stop with the shutter speed or how to draw a path around a complicated object. Couldn't do this. I mean the barrier for entry Valerie is saying I couldn't do it. No, you can do it. Even you Mallory come with me. Come with me. Thank you. Thank you. There's hope anybody can do this. Okay, So now we've got an L. L. C. And whether you choose to redo a Missouri LLC or Washington LLC or one on the planet. Whatever it's easy, it can do it. You can do it online. The costs are gonna vary. Um So now we've created it. So what do we get to do now? Well now we exist. Alright now we exist
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