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Your Client 'Why'

Lesson 15 from: FAST CLASS: How to Start a Photography Business

Pye Jirsa

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15. Your Client 'Why'

Lesson Info

Your Client 'Why'

This is that meaning and the experiential part. Isn't it funny that we've defined all of these things before we even do the packages? Crafting the experience. I want you guys to think of this. I want it to be short and simple. I want it to have a meaningful message to your clients. I want it to convey and be something that your company and team can rally behind, which means that before you can do this, you probably do need to have your vision and mission and core values established, correct? Here's ours. So Our Client "Why." When they walk through the door, we have these messages up on the wall. I'm gonna play a video for you guys, you can see it. On the left side, it says, "Stop. Breathe." On the right side, it says "Family, Friends, Family, Love, Experiences, Memories." When you go around the corner, it says, "Lost in the digital world" on this side. And when you step into the main gallery, it says, "Life belongs in print." This is part of the brand experience that we create when you...

come to us. On the right side here, these are all client praise and love. So as they walk through this tunnel, they go, "What are these?" "Oh, these are all of our clients and the thank you's that we've received." So it's this process. Now, what I'm gonna tell you is I want you guys to define your experience the exact same way with one, a disruptor. What the shit is going on? I bet all of you are paying a little more attention than you were just a second ago. (audience members giggling) Okay, that's a disruptor. It's something that it's so odd and unusual, it makes you stop and call yourself back to presence. Ours is "Stop. Breathe." How unusual is it to walk into a studio, and for the studio manager to say, "Stop. Breathe. I want you to look at the words on this wall." Right then, you're probably going, as a client that walks in, "Whoa, whoa, this is different. What's happening?" And now that busy work schedule, the traffic that was just bugging you all the way over here, the planning and all the stuff that's gone in the wedding and all the stresses, they kind of fall into the background for a second as you are called to presence. And that's what a disruptor does.

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