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The Sales Process

Lesson 30 from: FAST CLASS: How to Start a Photography Business

Pye Jirsa

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30. The Sales Process

Lesson Info

The Sales Process

Let's talk about the sales process. This is where I want you guys to mentally take yourselves. The sales process is; one, identify the customer's problem and need, two, develop a value proposition, three, present how the solution fits, four, close by making the ask, and (indistinct), bless your heart, but where did we hit any of these? (audience laughter) Don't feel bad. This is literally every single one of us. You were just bold enough and brave enough to stand up here, which means that you're gonna be the first person that takes all this to heart, so kudos. The sales process; this is 100 years unchanged. This goes back to John Henry Patterson. He's considered the pioneer, the father of sales. I have a story to tell you guys. This is back in the 1890s when this sales training that he developed came out. That's what this is from. All of us learn sales incorrectly. This has been out forever, yet all of us don't understand it. That's funny. "Don't sell the steak, sell the sizzle." Elmer...

Wheeler. We're gonna go back to the sales process. I'm gonna add two simple points. We're gonna put two minor tweaks into this. Step zero, because this shouldn't have to be said. What's step zero? It's to build a rapport, to create trust. I have done the door-to-door sales thing two times in my life, for a total of almost four years. One time it was selling religion. I was a missionary for two years. One time it was selling steaks, one time knives. I've sold a lot of things door-to-door. Step zero is always number one. By the way, you know what one of the toughest sell of anything is; religion. That is by far harder to sell than anything else in this entire world. But man, I learned a lot about people, and relationships, and understanding, and love, and no matter what is said on the other side of that table or on the other side of that door, you show love. That's the only proper response to any result. Whether it's a client saying no, whether it's a door shut in your face, whether it's someone asking if they can get a better deal, the proper response is love. Number one. Build that rapport, build trust. That's zero. Number one is then identify what the hell it is you're selling. What is their need? What do I want? That's where I want, Aaron, you to ask. Tell me something about yourself, or tell me something about what you're looking for. Figure out, pull them out of that ... You are there to serve them. Guess what; they're meeting with you because you have a service they freaking want. It's not about you. At that point, we're gonna develop a value proposition, we're gonna present the solution, then we're gonna close by making the ask. This is the other one I'm gonna add in there, which is follow up, because so often that's forgotten. Follow up is a necessary piece.

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