Class Introduction
04:35 2Common Myths & Unknown Truths
08:08 3The Road Ahead
05:22 4Find Your Passion
03:18 5Part-time, Full-time, Employed, Partners?
03:41 6Stop Wasting Time & Money
04:02 7Your 12 Week Roadmap
04:23 8Mind Mapping
02:25Select a Focus
02:51 10S.W.O.T. Analysis
04:14 11Strategy & Long Term Goals
03:42 12Values, Vision & Mission
05:40 13Quick Break for Econ 101
08:14 14Your Target Market & Brand Message
07:12 15Your Client 'Why'
02:26 16Document the Client Experience
04:47 17Business Administration Basics
08:56 18Book Keeping Management
05:23 19Create the Logo & Branding
03:21 20Three Pricing Methods
10:18 21Package Pricing Psychology & Design
02:03 22The Listing & Classified Hustle
04:51 23Make Instagram Simple
05:57 24Your Automated Pinterest Plan
03:16 25Content Marketing & SEO
06:03 26Your Content Road Map
06:41 27How to Craft Your Content
05:37 28Internal Linking Basics
03:21 29What is Sales? Show Me!
05:02 30The Sales Process
03:23 31Always Positive, Always Affirming
02:03 32The Second Money & Dual Process
05:51Lesson Info
Internal Linking Basics
Internal linking basics. We're gonna talk about linking now, so everything up until this point was figuring out the category that we need to place our website in, the keywords most appropriate for that category, and how to write the content around that, right? Now this is the piece that all the search engines need to navigate through our work, and also to figure out, what is the authority of this website? How good is this website? The first piece is internal linking basics, this is the links on your site, so understanding how a search engine crawls, your page is gonna pass a value to another page. You can think of this as word of mouth. That's the easiest way to think about it, one page is giving word of mouth to another page. Hey, check out this page, it's good. Just like you might give word of mouth to hiring a friend who you know does great work. That's what an engine's gonna do, and it's gonna go follow that link and it's gonna go to that next page, it's gonna look at that page. So...
, we need our site, the homepage is gonna be the most linked, it's gonna have the most value, and what's gonna happen is the homepage, if that has, if that is the biggest presence and the biggest value, whatever the homepage refers out to gets the next biggest referral value, right? Think about it as a cup of juice. Your homepage has the most juice, one big glass of juice, if you have four sub-pages and you link four sub-pages, you give all four of those an equal portion of juice. And then if they give eight sub-pages their juice, they're giving one quarter to each of those sub-pages as they go down, right? So you lose juice as you go down. Like similar to a referral, that's why it's easy to think about this as just simply a word of mouth referral. Your homepage has the most juice. The link value will decrease as you go further from the home, and this is the fundamentals of how this works. It actually works this way internally and externally, and we're gonna show you how. So what we need is for, the homepage is obviously gonna link to the tier two pages, right? Those are usually in the menu. The tier two pages are usually in the menu bar of your site. But what you want is any time you wanna throw additional juice to a niche, a niche page, you simply put a footer up on your site and you throw value to these other pages. Now you're sending your homepage juice down to these other niche pages. Is that kind of making sense? So the example of this is if you look at the Lin and Jirsa footers, from our homepage, what are we sending value to? Resources, favorite vendors, OC venues, LA venues, tutorials, we're trying to give juice to, especially that vendors and venues pages, we're trying to give them lots of link juice because any time somebody's searching a vendor or a venue, we wanna be number one, number two, number three up on that organic search. So we're sending juice from the homepage over there. Same thing here, you drop into .com forward slash Orange County, and at the bottom of this footer we start giving juice to all of our tutorials, like all of our FAQ's, wedding resources, and advice.
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