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Audience Growth Strategy: Visual Content Creation

Lesson 11 from: FAST CLASS: How to Build a Business While Learning Your Craft

Megan Auman

Audience Growth Strategy: Visual Content Creation

Lesson 11 from: FAST CLASS: How to Build a Business While Learning Your Craft

Megan Auman

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11. Audience Growth Strategy: Visual Content Creation

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Audience Growth Strategy: Visual Content Creation

for most of us. I think just about everybody sitting here in order to sell as much of your craft as you need to hit your financial goals, you need to grow your audience. And so we talked about five ways to build an audience for your craft. We talked about shows. We talked about stores, we talked about search, We talked about press and we talked about visual content. And because my goal with this class really is to simplify, one of the resource is you get when you purchase this class. Is this amazing? Grow your audience quick start guide. So if you're taking notes and you're following along on a couple days from now, you're like, Wait, what was I supposed to dio? This is your resource so that you can come in and say, All right, here's my checklist. I can work through this super valuable tool, and you're gonna say, Really, this is it Really? This is it. It's just repeating these things over and over and over again to make this work. So now I want to dive in and talk about visual content ...

creation. And as we talked about before, this works best for really almost any kind of product. It's sort of our catchall category. If search isn't right for you. If you can't really easily describe your product, if you don't have that kind of wow, that's such a new and interesting idea factor that gets you featured in press visual content works really well for you. And even if you have some of those things, if if you have searcher, you have kind of press were worthy things and you're like But I just think visual content is really fun. You could make it work for you in that case, too. So what do I mean by visual content? The big buzzword the last couple of years has been content marketing. So when I say visual content, I literally mean images. Simple. Is that so? It may be something that's just straight up photography. Maybe it's some kind of compiled image. Maybe it's something where you're throwing text on there. Any of these things would count as visual content, and then we're thinking about visual content. We're thinking about also where it lives. So we might be talking about Instagram. This is a few images from my instagram feed, so That's one of the big ones. The other big one is Pinterest, So those are the two big platforms that we're gonna talk about in terms of visual content marketing. They're not the only ones, but they're the biggest. They're really well student for images and and really, it's the best place to focus because they have the biggest audiences. So let's talk about how to use actually use visual content to grow your audience. And it's pretty simple, even though it's it's the pretty simple in theory, even though it actually requires some effort to execute right, So the first part is literally, too consistently create great visual content that attracts your ideal audience. You have to put the pretty pictures out there, so that's step one. And that's the step that I think most people sort of intuitively understand, Right? You get that if you're joining Instagram. The point is that you're sharing images, but the second piece and the piece that is absolutely essential is to then use proven strategies, and we're gonna talk about what some of those are to grow your audience. We talked before about how this is not a if I build it they will come if you build it, they probably still won't find you. We have to do things to get found. And there are proven strategies on both Pinterest and Instagram to help you get found and help you gain followers. First of all, Instagram and Pinterest are where people specifically go to see beautiful visual content. I mentioned. It's kind of like Facebook is the coffee shop. Instagram is the museum. Pinterest is the store you could sell from any of those places, but it's really hard to sell from the coffee shop unless you're selling coffee. I mean that metaphorically, right. The coffee shop is where he will go to catch up, get their news, interact with friends. Your art and your craft might show up there and they might think, Oh, that's cool. But they're most people are not in a buying frame of mind when they're on Facebook, and it's not where they're going to see pretty things. Facebook does not do a good job of making your pretty content look pretty. All right, So now I want to talk about whether you should focus on Instagram or Pinterest because they are two distinctly different platforms even though they both have a visual bent, they have very different strategies and managing both can get really overwhelming. So even though you're picking visual content, I don't want you to make another decision. But whether you're focused on Instagram or focused on Pinterest nowhere, Shell said, I understand how Instagram works. I don't like Pinterest. Cool. You don't have to use it. You have my permission. Okay, so you don't have to focus on both. If that's making you feel overwhelmed, that's really key, right? When you're feeling overwhelmed, remember that you don't have to do it all. This is about helping you make the right decision so you can focus. So you want to play to your strengths and we want to look at what type of content does best on each platform. And then what activities best grow the audience because there are different pieces and these we're gonna play to your own strength as a content creator. So with Instagram, it's all about the beautiful photography, right? So if you're not willing to blawg, it makes Pinterest a hard strategy. Nothing. You have to block a ton, but it is important to keep in mind that creating some content on your blog's is going to really boost a Pinterest strategy. So then the other piece is what activity best grows the audience. So on Instagram, it's social interaction. The end of the day Instagram is still social media, and that means interacting with other people. And so that's liking other people's posts, commenting on their posts, following other users, engaging on the platform. This is what grows your audience, and we're gonna talk more specifically about this strategy. But no, that in order to really grow on instagram following, you're gonna have to spend some time hanging out on instagram interacting with other people. Sometimes you're going to spend have to spend time on instagram interacting with other people, maybe whose images you don't love, because they're your ideal customer, because you know that they're a person that might buy your product. So think about what you're more comfortable with. Are you more comfortable having to produce lots of photographs and interacting? And I want to say something right here about the photography peace. Now there are lots and lots of companies where you can get stock images for your instagram. You guys are not going to use those. You know why? Because you make your own product. You're trying to sell a visual thing. So if you're committing to instagram, you're committing to taking the time to playing around and experimenting and always creating new photography, and then you're gonna be committing to that interaction for Pinterest. It's more about commitment to blogging and curation.

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