What Causes Hesitation
Lesson 10 from: FAST CLASS: How to Break the Habit of Self-Doubt and Build Real ConfidenceMel Robbins

What Causes Hesitation
Lesson 10 from: FAST CLASS: How to Break the Habit of Self-Doubt and Build Real ConfidenceMel Robbins
Class Introduction
05:11 2The Unique Challenge of Being A Creator
03:54 3Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
06:17 4The Myths and Truths About Confidence
02:19 5How To Develop Self-Confidence
03:05 6The 5 Second Rule
02:34 7What is Self-Doubt?
01:56 8Self-Doubt, Anxiety & Creatives
09:16Lesson Info
What Causes Hesitation
What happens with self doubt is self doubt triggers actions. The first action that it triggers and this is the first trap is hesitating. So let's unpack this a little bit. What are the stupid things that you're doing? The funny things that you're doing, the embarrassing things that you're doing that are a form of hesitating, so hesitating is typically triggered by uncertainty. So you feel uncertain about how something's gonna happen. And so you start waiting and you start your really busy though hesitation is a very busy activity because you're up in your head and your now's not the time and I'm not perfect. That done. You start to think about it all the time. You're who? I don't know when you're and you want your work to be perfect like this is a This is a busy nous to it, right? There's there's a pattern. It becomes a habit that this is kind of the the energy that you have that you get. You feel uncertain about something, so you go straight upstairs and then you really busy about how...
what you're uncertain about, right? But you're hesitant. You're actively waiting. You're actively deciding not to do it. Here's the thing waiting. If you're waiting to do something, do it now. OK, don't set it that line. Don't do it within 24 hours because we know that within five seconds, self doubt will kick back in. And what do you have to dio? You don't have to. You have to go for the walk. Maybe, uh, right down when you're going to do it just takes one small action forward because what happens is it breaks that habit of over thinking. That's what happens in your mind. Is that just you catch yourself waiting? So you're recognizing the trap. That's an action that you're taking. Move forward right now, the next one over thinking if you're somebody that gets paralysed by choice Joy, pick this one way. Do that. One would always start. Should I do a document on this? Should I write a book on that? Should I should I pray? Situation a price that way there is no right answer. Call somebody love or trust and ask them and make them choose and then stick with it for a week because we can't trust you to make the decision because you've got a habit of hesitating and the way that you hesitate is you paralyze yourself by trying to figure out the right decision. So if you're feels stuck if you feel, um, you know, like you're always noodling everything the smallest things delegate the decision to someone else you're gonna hate it because you're giving up control and that's a safety mechanism and then move forward. Try it for just a week like nothing in life is permanent. Seriously, nothing in life except honestly. Except for that. When you die, nothing in life is permanent. You can change anything at any time. You can change your thinking patterns. You can change. Your behavior can change who you hang out with. You always are in control. Um and you know, if you want your work to be perfect, good as gold, I guarantee you, there's got to be 15 spelling mistakes in this thing. Truly, I'm sure there are Mandy's. Like uh huh. No, keep keep scrolling cause there's one on that screen probably is there. So these are things that you can do. But again, the rial gold is in catching yourself catching that you're hesitating. What does it feel like? You're really busy, but you're shrinking. You know, you're really busy, but you're stalling your paralyzed. If those are the words that you use a lot to describe where you're at your paralyzed or stock, you're overwhelmed. Your perfectionist. God, I love you cause so am I. It's This is this is the trap.
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Ratings and Reviews
maria manolaros
Looking to build some more confidence and push through the imposter feeling I have trying to sell myself as a self taught artist. Happy to say I use the 54321 rule a lot and I didn’t know it. I call it my what have I got to loose rule. I also learned some new techniques and good “habits” to keep my day on track and prepare myself against any fear or anxiety I may encounter when powering through my day. A great motivator, Mel keeps it simple with advice and tips backed by proven scientific research . Highly recommend this
Joshua WAlters
I feel so called out! And that's a really good thing!
Faisal Sajjad
Here is Dr. Faisal Sajjad From Pakistan. Outstanding Instructions to Control Self-Doubt and Anxiety by Mam Mel Robbin. It was a fantastic course.
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