Photographic Characteristics
06:36 2Camera Types
02:53 3Shutter System
08:51 4Shutter Speed Basics
10:06 5Camera Settings Overview
16:02 6Camera Settings - Details
06:05 7Sensor Size: Basics
16:26 8Focal Length
11:26Practicing Angle of View
04:49 10Lens Speed
08:53 11Aperture
08:15 12Depth of Field (DOF)
12:32 13Lens Quality
06:56 14Light Meter Basics
08:54 15Histogram
11:38 16Dynamic Range
07:15 17Exposure Bracketing
07:59 18Focusing Basics
12:58 19Manual Focus
07:04 20Digital Focus Assistance
07:25 21Shutter Speeds & Depth of Field (DOF)
05:08 22DOF Preview & Focusing Screens
04:45 23Camera Movement
08:13 24Focus Stacking
07:48 25Lens Adaptors & Cleaning
08:24 26Flash & Lighting
04:37 27Tripods
14:03 28Cases
02:53 29Natural Light: Mixed
04:10 30Sunrise & Sunset Light
17:14 31Silhouette & Starburst: Sunrise & Sunset Light
05:25 32Golden Hour: Sunrise & Sunset Light
07:42 33Light Management
10:06 34Speedlights
04:02 35Built-In & Add-On Flash
10:37 36Editing Assessments & Goals
08:48 37Editing Set-Up
06:49 38Importing Images
03:49 39Culling Images
13:47 40Adjusting Exposure
07:53 41Remove Distractions
03:52 42Cropping Your Images
09:43 43Angle of View
14:25 44Framing Your Shot
07:17 45Foreground & Background & Scale
03:41 46Rule of Odds
04:50 47Visual Drama
12:20 48Elements of Design
09:14 49Texture & Negative Space
03:47 50Black & White & Color
10:23 51The Photographic Process
08:58 52What Makes a Great Photograph?
06:39Lesson Info
Camera Settings - Details
memory cards are obviously necessary for story in images on our digital cameras. What's gonna happen is that they're going to go into a folder and into another folder. And what happens when you delete those photos is it generally will start a new folder and store those images in there? And then when you delete those, it starts another folder? And what happens after a long period of time is you end up with a clutter database of empty ghost folders and file directories that you're no longer using and its potential that it could cause a communication problem with your camera and your camera might just go card error reformat. Okay, then you're in trouble. Got to take that card out. Download those images. Put another card in, which is one of the reasons why I say Always carry a spare memory card. Even though you may not run through the 1st 1 in full images, you just keep it there for emergency replacement purposes. So what you'll need to do in your cards on a regular basis is to format the ...
card. What this does is it deletes the photos, the ghost folders. The data directory gets rid of everything on the card so that it's basically a clean slate that you're starting with. And so I reformat my cards generally before I go out on any shoot or any sort of tour or vacation or trip, because I want to leave the house with a fresh set of places to put all my pictures and that that helps maintain the life of that card as long as possible. You want to be formatting on a regular basis. If it's July, I do not want to see Christmas photos on your camera. All right, you should have downloaded those pictures long ago. Don't leave them on your camera for a long period of time. It's just waiting to get lost or have something happened to it. You need to get it backed up as soon as possible. In your camera. There's gonna be an option for formatting the car. Don't do it right now unless you're sure that there's nothing on that card that you want. This is something that I If I go out and shoot, I'll come back. I'll download my images. I won't reform at right then something may happen with my computer and I could go back to my camp. I'll wait to the next time I go out and then I'll check. Yep, I've downloaded these and then I'll reform at the cards and clean everything off one of the other little minor things in your camera. But it could be important later on, especially if you're trying to restructure when everything happened is the date and time. And so this is something that you need to go in and you need to adjust for daylight savings and those little time changes. And when you travel to new time zones, you're gonna want to adjust that, so that when you're shooting photos, you can go back. Ah, yes. I was up at seven in the morning, shooting these photos and then at lunch, we shot those photos that sticks with the metadata that is attached to the photograph. You don't see it in the photograph, but all the file information it's located in there, it could be very helpful. Firmware is the software that runs the operations of the camera, and from time to time these software engineers make a mistake or they come up with a new feature. And if you want to get a new firmware version for your camera. They are often issuing updates. Some companies do it more than others. Sometimes it's for things that just don't matter, like a spelling mistake in a foreign language that you're never going to use. Sometimes they add in features. There's some companies Fuji that adds in maybe too many firmware updates. But they add in cool features they just have a camera that did not shoot four K video. And now it does, because they just added a free software, which is great customer service, making my camera better as time goes along. And so go to your camera manufacturers website. Look up your camera. Look up! What? The current firm where is I'm not gonna go into how to check it on your camera, but generally it's gonna be in your menu system somewhere and see if you have the current firm where if you don't, you can get the new firmware for free, go to the website and follow their instructions about downloading it to your camera. All cameras these days have custom functions. Boy, when I think back to the the original days, the cannon Eos one first camera ever had custom functions. things you could tweak this way or that way. Now, let's see. I'm trying to think the Nikon D 500 had close to 300 custom functions in the camera. As far as why functions I call him custom functions, but their functions different things that you could tweak and adjust in your camera. And so there are all sorts of ways that you could tailor your camera. You know, you can take a camera like this one here. This almost all these buttons are re programmable on the camera. Do you want to press this to focus? Do you want this to be the self timer? Do you want this to be your meter in or do you want that to be your meat? Every and all of us are going to be a little bit different. I mean, kind of need thing is that if all of us had the exact same camera and customized it, everyone's camera would be a little bit different, because I like doing this with here, and I go into this one all the time. And getting the camera customized to you is like getting your own home and decorating it. It's like this is how I like toe live. This is me. This is tailored for me and so I encourage you to get in there. We don't have time to do it now. There's far too many cameras and far too many custom functions. But there's a lot in there, and there's a lot of things that you can check out and customized the way you like to work. This is one of those for gotten controls. A lot of people don't even know. Surprised how many people don't even know that their camera has a Diop to control? I go, Yeah, if you turn that dial, it makes it clear when you look through the viewfinder like Oh, good, I thought I was going nuts here. You want to adjust this viewfinder so that the text data in the viewfinder, the numbers and any sort of text generally on the bottom is going to be nice and sharp. Don't worry about what the lens is focused at. Its that data of information in there. You want that sharp. If you have that sharp, you got it in the right spot and you can leave it be. I've just found that these get bumped from time to time. They need to make better locking, turning Some of them are pretty good. The Nikon ones are pretty good cause they pull out, they turn it and then they lock it in. Now, if you happen to share your camera with somebody else, good luck. Because you might be arguing over where that dialled gets put.
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