Lesson Info
Lighting 102
where I want to start is that people get freaked out about lighting, Okay? They get freaked out about lighting, and it's not It's not anything that we need to be freaked out about because it's something that you could bite off a manageable pieces. All right, so you look at the studio that they do a pull back in the studio, you'll see there's a lot of equipment up here and it looks intimidating at first. But I promise you, at the end of this segment, if this doesn't look and make sense to you, then I haven't done my job. Okay, so my goal is to make sure that you guys understand why I'm doing here and why I'm doing it. So I want to run through a couple slides really quickly. So you want to start simple, like everything I've talked about everything that I've said for the duration of this course has been start simple. Okay. And then we're gonna talk about looking at the light. We experimented earlier today about how how to read light, understand how light is falling and understand how it c...
an help be very flattering to a subject. The last thing I want is to figure out is follow the numbers. Okay? And I think one of the questions that I got earlier about light meters is if I don't have a light meter. And if I if I don't own a light meter, is it something that that I can get by? You know, And here's the thing is, at some point, if you want to do this, you're gonna need a light meter. Because if you want to repeat this, you're gonna get a light meter. And hopefully the course up to this point has been a value to you to get you to a point where you know what? Identifying the need of a light meter will allow you to continue your your your pathway into into doing motion in a more compelling way. Okay, so there's different types of lighting that we have. Okay, we have tungsten. We have. Hmm. I And then we have fluorescent and led. Now there's benefits and pros and cons toe all types of lighting. A Z you can see here. I've kind of settled on leads. I'll talk about why I picked led, but if you look at tungsten lights so tungsten lights or what you normally would see in like traditional Hollywood sets. Okay, they're big, they're hot. 10% of that light fixture of that wattage that's being pumped into that light is actual light power. The other 90% comes out in heat. So if you think about filling an entire room like this up with light using tungsten, it's gonna get very hot very quickly. And the most important thing outside of that is your talents gonna get very hot very quickly. Their makeup is going to start to wear off. They're going to start to sweat. It's just not gonna be a very pretty scenario for them. But that's the thing is you can buy Ah, lot of tungsten for very few dollars. Okay, Typically, it's very affordable by three lights for X amount of dollars, and it's pretty affordable, okay? And a lot of people actually start off on tungsten. Another thing is like as you get bigger and wattage, so you tear. You'll hear terms thrown out there in the in the in the world called one K's, two K's three K's. That's 1000 watts 2000 watts. 4000 wants all these wattage so, so much wanted. How much power is being pumped into the light? So take that 4000 watt light. 10% of that. So 400 watts is actually power is actually light. Okay, Now you go in H and my and everyone always asks me what h of my stands for, and it stands for that. I'm not gonna try it, Okay? And it's a pure light. So whereas tungsten, you know, tungsten right away because it's got that orange cast to it. Okay, It looks orange when you look at the light bulb. Hmm. I is white light. It's 5600, Kelvin. It's daylight. Okay, It's cooler to your talent. So when it's on, it's not gonna admit heat out nearly as much as a tungsten light, but it's still going to get hot. 30% of it is about light power. 70% is about heat. They're big and heavy. And the thing is, they're expensive. And h of my bulb can cost upwards of several $1000 depending on the watts. OK, if you break above their expensive. Okay, The next thing is sorry. We have led and fluorescent. Now I settle on led and fluorescent. There's There was a time that I didn't because the led panels, um or very unpredictable you it really dependent opponent manufacturer using because there's, ah lot of things you have tow have to worry about or had to worry about back then about the quality of light that you get from a lady. But the cool thing about LEDs and fluorescents is they're cooler. They run really, really cool. And I've got three lights here, that air admitting, Ah, lot of power but consuming very little wattage. All right, So, for example, that led panel they've got right here is 0.5 amps. So on a 15 AMP circuit, I could put 30 of them into a space, which is phenomenal because that's a household circuit. You know, um, that guy's only 7.5 AM's, so it's very the I mean, it's not drawing a lot of power, you know. So it's very easy to go into a space and not have to worry about blowing a breaker blowing a circuit because of drawing too much power. Now, there also, you know, middle ranged in price. The quality were very depending upon what manufacturer you have. But you know, there's a couple things that I want to make you aware off, but it could be mitigated is something called color Spectrum and C R I Okay, so C R I is funny to meet for me to talk about, because it's standard that people rate L E D s by and it's actually an incorrect standard. It's a standard that they use for film and see our ice dancer color rendering index and color rendering index we deal with on a daily basis. We wake up in the morning, we goto our sock drawer. We pick out a navy blue socks and a black socks. We can't tell the difference because the lights are dim. So what we do, we go to the window and then immediately at the window, we could tell black and navy blue. That's CRE our ability to tell differences between colors. So the sun is 100 sierra. Okay, we have the ability Thio determine to a great level of fidelity. The color differences between navy, blue and black. The thing is, is when you try to rape L E ds, it's not the same. It's not the same measurement. Okay, so you'll see numbers and people will say, Oh, I've got a CR I of 93 on this led and we'll see our is measured in a number of different levels. And if one of those levels it's 93 all those other levels or 82 well, they can still say it's 93 right? And so, anyway, I only bring it up because it's a poor way. It's a poor measurement of quality. Okay, the other thing is called color spectrum and color spectrum in Leeds means of how much how much that light has shifted. Or in the overall visual color spectrum of this light. Where is there the most color? Uh, where is the where is the most color? Okay, what color is peaking the most? And in L E. D s, you have a magenta and a green shift, and magenta shift means there's too much magenta green shift is there's too much green and a lot of people say, Well, you know, that likes to magenta that likes to green, and you can throw gels in and you can mitigate that. But that's just some of the things you want to be aware of with using L E D s is that every led on the planet will shift out the magenta or green. I mean, we're doing custom white bounds anyway without removing eso. There's four ways in which which light, uh, in which, uh, light effects color color's affected by light. We have our red and blue scale, which is white balance, and we have our magenta and green shift, which is not affected by white balance. Okay, so you can custom white balance. But if you have ah gentry green shift, you have to actually mitigate that somehow by by adding pink Gelora green jail to the light. Okay, we'll talk about that in a second. Now I use leads because they're easy to pack. Easy to ship. They work. These bulbs will last over 10,000 hours in a given year. That's about that's roughly one year in a quarter, leaving them on 24 7365 days a year. So they're very, very. In terms of longevity, they last a very long time
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