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Reflection Session

Lesson 16 from: FAST CLASS: Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life

Bill Burnett, Dave Evans

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Lesson Info

16. Reflection Session

Lesson Info

Reflection Session

We want you to think about what you have learned and what you have unlearned today. Maybe you haven't thought about unlearnings before. That might be a new idea. Okay, so there are learnings and unlearnings. There is all of that stuff you know. There's 100% of your conscientious. That's everything you know and then you learn. A new thing shows up and goes, "Hey, here's some new stuff you didn't know that you didn't know, how cool." We'll add that in, and some stuff comes in and it just adds itself to another piece of the pie. That's great, but on occasion you learn something or you just decide you don't think something anymore and an old idea leaves. Sometimes an old idea leaves all by itself. I just don't think that anymore, and sometimes it gets evicted by a new idea. They both happen. So you might have learned some things today. You might have chosen to unlearn some things today, and both are very valuable. So I want you now to in fact, think about what the whole day was like. We ha...

ve a worksheet for you. The last worksheet of the day! Our last worksheet. You know, it's got a picture that looks just like that. The visual syllabus we talked about, this is all the stuff we did today, in 15 or 16 ideas and tools. Again, these are logically organized, but this is not do number one, two, three, four, five to 16 in order and then your life is designed. Doesn't work that way at all. You do these things in the order that makes sense for you. So you scan over that list of stuff and ask yourself, that's just to prompt you, it's not top make a checklist. But just write down, what did I learn today. I no longer think. I want to keep my options open. And they're like, I think that's a brilliant idea. I think I'm on the way to unlearning. Option maintenance is a good idea. You might have decided to unthink some things. And the last part of that worksheet, after you write your learnings and your unlearnings, give yourself a chance to notice what you learned and what you unlearned, is please jot down a couple of action items. Whether it's that prototype follow-up, whether it's take one of those learnings and go further with it, but just, what did I learn? What did I unlearn? Finish those two things. Then do, and what actions will I take in the next week or two? If you actually do something out of what you learn today soon, your chance of things keeping going goes way up.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Impact Map Worksheet