Focus Stacking Small Elements To Make Them Look Large
Lesson 4 from: FAST CLASS: Creative Composites Using Your Own Photo StockKaren Alsop

Focus Stacking Small Elements To Make Them Look Large
Lesson 4 from: FAST CLASS: Creative Composites Using Your Own Photo StockKaren Alsop
Lesson Info
4. Focus Stacking Small Elements To Make Them Look Large
Creative Ways To Photograph Elements
08:48 2Capture Usable Stock Anywhere You Go
04:14 3Storing And Organising Your Stock Collection
12:01 4Focus Stacking Small Elements To Make Them Look Large
04:25 5Focus Stacking In Adobe Photoshop
10:34 6Photograph Atmosphere
07:49 7Create Photoshop Libraries, Brushes And Overlays From Your Photographs
11:58 8Create Continuous Photoshop Patterns And Pattern Brushes
19:51Lesson Info
Focus Stacking Small Elements To Make Them Look Large
I am going to show you how to focus stack now. There's a few methods that you can use and I am providing a focus stacking action for you as part of this class. So you'll be able to use that focus stacking action, I'll show you how it works and you can use focus stacking either freehand. But most of the time using a tripod is the best solution. I have this camera in place and I want to make sure that if I put this into a scene, if I wanted to make it look like it's a massive camera then I need to make sure that the whole thing is in focus. So one way that you can do it is you can focus on the very front tip, that part of the camera that is closest to the lens. Now I'm going to change my focus point to single point just so I have more control on choosing that part of the camera that is closest to my lens and I would say it's this very point right here. Now what I can do is I can photograph that point. I can then move my focus point and photograph an area that is the mid area away from th...
e camera. So I'm going to focus on this part of the camera and then I'm going to focus on the very back of the camera. Let's just get that point right there. We're on this silver bit which is a high contrast area. Focus on that. Now if I look at my shot when it's full full size like this, it may not look like it's out of focus, but if I zoom up you can see that this part of the camera is in focus on that final shot and this part of the camera is blurry. Now if I go to the first image and I zoom up, you can see that the front of the camera is in focus. But as you move towards the back that back part is not in focus. So let's have a look. We go into the menu and into the camera settings down to right towards the bottom one of the last ones, it's called focus shift shooting. So we go in there and to start with the number of shots, I'm actually going to set it to three because that is all I really need for an object of this size to make it look like it's in focus all the way through. But if you're photographing something smaller then you'll need more shots. The smaller the object, the less depth of field that you have to play with. Now I'm going to go into focus step width Now I also have that set close to the wide end because I want that change to happen with a bit of distance in between ah the other settings you can sort of leave as default but one of the things you want to make sure of is that your Peking stack image is on. So you want to create that, which means that you can then have a look at a black and white stacked version in the camera and make sure that it worked for you. Now before you go in and stack, you need to focus on the front, closest aspect of that camera. So I'm going to go back to that corner there and now I'm ready to go into focus ship shooting. Now one of the other great things about this camera is you can assign buttons so you can assign this to a button so that you can go straight to it. So I'm going to go to start and press OK. It's going to fire off the three images. Now we'll see whether it got all of the images that I want. So to check our image, we press the play button, we go and press I and we go to display peeking stack image. We press OK. And now you can see that. Yes, it got those three photos. Now, it's not going to combine them in the cameras such as just a reference, but this means that we know that it's focused all the way through from front to back and it really hasn't moved. It's changed the focus as needed in the camera
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