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Make It Til You Make It

Lesson 7 from: FAST CLASS: Creative Calling

Chase Jarvis

Make It Til You Make It

Lesson 7 from: FAST CLASS: Creative Calling

Chase Jarvis

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7. Make It Til You Make It

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Make It Til You Make It

We all feel overwhelmed when we start any project, right? We don't know where to start. Chris has given us a few places to look. I have a phrase I want you to say. I want you to write it down. Do not fake it till you fake it, fake it till you make it. I want you to make it until you make it. See that little twist there? Pretty good, huh? This is the Warhol quote, right? Don't think about making art. Just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. When they're deciding, you're making even more art. Let's talk about the journey that I went on in writing this book that you are about to go on in your endeavor, in the one that Chris has been on more than most people in the world creating all the things that he's created. This is the creator's journey. It always starts out like this. I have a great idea and it is associated with joy. You see the top here is joy and the bottom is pain. Great idea. Oh, you know what? I'm gonna add this little fl...

avor here. A little zhoosh here. It's get heading better. This is an amazing idea. I found that thing, that circle of joy money flow that Chris talked about, and then I begin executing. This is why the execution part of this book is tough in this class because what's the next step? Oh, wow, this is hard. I thought Chase was lucky in his ability to become a photographer. I thought Chris was lucky in creating an amazing event called World Domination Summit. But you know what I find out? It's pretty hard work. You know what? I picked the wrong thing. This sucks. (audience laughs) And then you know what? I suck. (audience laughs) We're laughing, but inside we're crying because we know it's true, right? The most important words in the world are the ones we say to ourself. And in that moment of despair when you adapt, remember it's not just about pushing through. It's adapting. You're realizing I could probably do something a little bit different. You find a crack. And then what? You know what? I've got a way out of this. It's possible. I'm gonna get through it. You know what? This is pretty good. It's not the best, but you know what? I am so glad that I did it. I'm so glad that I did it. And this journey is true regardless if you jump off here, regardless if you quit here when something gets hard, because there's virtues to quitting, right? And this is why not a map, but a compass is important. There are three phases of learning, I believe. This is something that's pretty misunderstood. The first phase is the personal phase. Most people come to me and they say, "Chase, will you be my mentor? I've seen what you've done in photography. You're building a business or whatever." And I'm saying, "Young pup, you don't even know what you want. It's a bad time to get a mentor. What you need to do is you need to explore who you are." What was the number one thing that Chris said? It's about exploring. If you don't wanna do, do lots of things. He traveled to 25 countries before he figured out he loved travel. Experimentation, personal play, curiosity, inspiration. The next phase. This is when we start to about we're actually learning. We're learning in front of people. I love this because this is what scale learning looks like. People are watching. There's 3,200 people registered for this class. There are people tuning in from all over the world. They're learning right now. They didn't have to ask any one individual for their time. They can do it from their computer. And amen, isn't that amazing time to be alive right now? Okay? The way I learned photography was I took a picture. I wrote down my exposure, f/8, 250th, cloudy, St. Peter's Cathedral. And then I got my film developed two weeks later and then I looked and said, does the exposure that I wrote down look good, bad, or okay? That was how I learned. That was brutal. Today, completely different. Scaled learning is the next step. Also as a part of that scaled learning, there are communities, right? You can connect with other people who are like-minded. How easy is it to do that on the internet today? How long does it take you to find a community of people who like to knit orange sweaters on Tuesday? (audience laughs) Right? It's pretty powerful. There's a person with an orange sweater right there. Ask her. (audience laughs) This also then leads to individual or group learning. To me, this is the part where most people, they wanna run straight to here. I don't know what I'm gonna do. And they just try and attach myself. Will you tell me what I need to do, Drew? Chase, will you be my mentor? This freaks people out, okay? You don't need to do it. You need to do all that other stuff first. And then when you've done the curiosity part, you've done the play, you've got some stuff on Creative Live or any other learning platform, you've joined a few communities, that's when it's time for a mentor or maybe to attend a class, something like this. This is a group learning environment. And then the last one is practice. Practice is how you understand how you do it. You've learned from all these other experts, but if I tell you how I became a photographer and you tell me how you became an illustrator and you tell me how you became a coder and you... That's so individual. That's the cool thing. There's a million paths to any end now. There used to just be one path. College, and then you get a job, and then you get a higher pay grade in that job, and then... Now there are a million paths. This practice part is how you uncover who you are and how you do you.