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Calculating Price Based on Rates, Usage and Expenses

Lesson 26 from: FAST CLASS: Business of Commercial Food Photography

Andrew Scrivani

Calculating Price Based on Rates, Usage and Expenses

Lesson 26 from: FAST CLASS: Business of Commercial Food Photography

Andrew Scrivani

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26. Calculating Price Based on Rates, Usage and Expenses

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Calculating Price Based on Rates, Usage and Expenses

what are the first letters of those three things? Spell blue. Do not rue the day that you made a mistake in any of these three items. So I told you not to be a turkey. Now I'm saying you better make sure you get the whole meal because you have to understand that the combination of rate usage and expenses is your pricing. This is the components of your pricing. In every aspect of that, there are pieces that you can make money beyond a day rate because you can figure out things that you can add to your arsenal, whether it be equipment that you can rent out and add to your cost. Whether it's propping that, you can add out to your cost, whether it's about your studio that you pay for every month. But if you rent it out to your own clients, you're making money on that. There's many, many ways toe layer your business in food photography to make money beyond your day rate. If the price is the driving factor, then this is the solution. Is understanding these three aspects of what we're doing i...

n this business? So I know that I've I've offered you some very specific numbers, but I feel like the numbers are less important than the structure, the structure of understanding, all of the pieces that go into what it is that people are expecting of you and what you have to have as an expectation to charge somebody to do the work that we do. And if that means that you're just the leader of a collaborative team, you have to know what those other people get paid and what you can pay them and offer them and negotiate with them as well. Because if you don't know and they're just throwing wild numbers at you and you're desperate and you need somebody and you end up paying that and you can't recover it on the other end because your client won't pay for it, you're gonna eat money. Every aspect of this is razor sharp. You have to know what it is you're getting yourself into. So and the final component in talking about this is your time. I put that there just to get your attention. It's not a turkey. Um, every minute that you're not doing the things that you want to do will have to do in your life, whether it be, spend time with your friends or your family, or doing a hobby or improving your art and you're doing your job. You need to be compensated toe a lot for time because your time is in short supply. We only have so much of it. And if you don't understand philosophically that when you're sacked, what you're sacrificing to work for, somebody is more than just money. It's your time, so value you set yourself, value, your talent and, most of all, value your time because there is no there is no replacement for that. There's no replacement for the time you lose on a job because you just didn't enjoy doing what you were doing. And I know that that's a bit of more of, ah, life lesson, philosophical kind of coaching thing. But that's what this is about to right? It's about somebody who is at a different level of their life and career, helping people get to where I am. I'm throwing you the rope. I need you to climb up it