Insert Your Unique Point of View
Lesson 2 from: FAST CLASS: Build A Stand-Out Business - DifferentiateTara McMullin

Insert Your Unique Point of View
Lesson 2 from: FAST CLASS: Build A Stand-Out Business - DifferentiateTara McMullin
Lesson Info
Insert Your Unique Point of View
Okay, everybody, You ready to get started? All right, let's take a look at today's gold. Today's goal is to discover your unique voice so that everything you say stands out because I don't want you to sound the same as everybody else. Sounding the same as everybody else is boring. Let's figure out what it is that colors your voice and really makes you who you are so that every piece of content you put out there stands out mawr because it's well, you and different awesome. So let's review our previous lesson first, which is not everyone connects the same way. We each have individual conditions for connection. So in the last lesson you identified with those conditions are so they can easily connect with other people and even Mawr choose the marketing channels that you wanna use s so that those conditions air realized all around you all the time. Everything. Everyone is saying the same things the same way. It's that noise of people saying the same things. The same way is one of the reason...
s it's really difficulty to stand out. One of the reasons that your business feels invisible, because if you're saying the same things the same way as everyone else. You're using the same kinds of media. You're using the same kind of channels. Maybe you're using the same kind of fonts or your website looks the same. That's not a recipe for standing out. So today we're gonna We're going to examine what your unique voice is because one of the easiest ways to stand out is to say something different. Using your unique voice. We've talked a lot about how you do what you do differently than other people. Now we're going to talk about all the things that influence that and influence what you're interested in influence, how you communicate so that you can say what you do differently with a unique voice. So what's coloring your world? What makes your world your own color? We've already identified your personal values, those air, one of the things that colors your world. We've created your guiding principles. That's something a big thing that colors your business. You've named the opportunity you have to fill your customer's needs in a unique way. That opportunity is part of what color is your world as well. Now it's time to consider your voice so to do so identify what color's your world so you could invest mawr in that perspective. In other words, you can be mawr different, be more different. So now I want you to imagine that you were born with a bright red light bulb over your head. You also Michelle has a bright light, right? Right over her head. Imagine you were born with a bright oath born with a bright red light bulb over your head. And this is a quote from Tim Kelly by way of Miller for Merchant and Justine Musk. When you walk into a room, people say, Wow, it just got red in here except that you can't see the red light. In fact, you don't even know what red looks like because everything you've ever seen has been bathed in bright red light your whole life. What's your bright red light bulb? What colors? The way you see the world, let's get a couple quick answers here. What color is the way you see the world, Ashley? Oh, gosh. Uh, because the way I see the world, I see everyone as individual and with their own unique experiences, um is very hard for me to lump people into groups because I always wanted to dig deeper, like Okay, well, why did they do that? Or what circumstances occurred to make them have that response? Awesome. What color is your word, Brianne? I would say intelligence or just coming across the smart. That's something that people will often tell me is you're so smart and I don't necessarily see it because I that's the red light, the colors, everything. What's that other thing that colors your world? That other thing? Like? Like I'm a little bit of geek, maybe. Yeah. And what's that particular thing that you play? That I was I was a long time World of Warcraft player. Okay, on DNA. Now, I don't play world of Warcraft anymore, but I do play like modern board games and all that geeky fun stuff. Yeah, And you were out a brilliant vlog post that was based on that. And it was fantastic because it really reflected what color's your world? Rochelle humor definitely colors my world. I like to have fun, and I like other people around me to be having fun. And I'm I love to lighten the mood. Nice. I love that. Janice, what color is your world? I have to say philosophy. You know, even back in high school I was always reading and reading and thinking about ideas. And so when one of my mentors told me, we'll make sure you go and do something practical and university. I was like philosophy. It is probably not the answer they were going for, but I understand. Awesome. So let's look at some of the things that color my world Star Trek. I changed into my Star Trek dress. Especially for this segment. It is not actually a Star Trek dress. It came in my stitch fix box. This does not come from a convention, but one day I plan on wearing it to a convention. Uh, doctor who? Other science fiction? I'm obsessed. These were the things that color my world. Uh, Tina Fey I mentioned in the very first lesson our kickoff lesson for this boot camp. Tina Fey absolutely colors my world. Last night I was in my hotel room. I couldn't sleep. What do I do to pass the time, Or at least to get myself toe lay there and close my eyes? So maybe I'm gonna fall asleep. I put on the audio book for bossy pants and I just laid there and listen to it and enjoyed it and dozed off and woke back up and listen to it. It's, um, or dozed off and woke back up her sense of humor. Uh, the way she sees the world, it really influences me. And it it really makes me very happy. Postmodern theology, uh, kind of random, but also something that really colors in my world. Craft beer and great food. Um, yeah. And in our next lesson, I've got a A craft beer example for U S. Oh, yeah, I love beer. I love great food, and I love kind of incorporating it into the experience of my work on connecting ideas. Looking to the future. I'm a connector and a futurist. So I'm really interested in taking, uh, different pieces of, you know, business advice, say, from Silicon Valley Main Street, on everywhere in between, and applying it Thio, micro business and creative business is something that really turns me on but that also looking ahead and thinking where where we going? What's next? Those are two things to strength of mine. That are always gonna be coloring my world. Now, let's look at some other examples from businesses to see what's coloring their world. This is a cat wearing a hat. And what it does anyone recognize that hat? Yeah, it is a male chimp. Pat Mail chimp does email marketing and makes cat's fur hats or hats for cat. Who knows, Maybe they're making cat's fur hats to I'm not sure. Eso um what color? What color is male chimps World fun and humor. Yeah, and kind of, um, irreverence. Like, just not caring, not being serious about anything, but in doing so, uh, creating marvelous things like that cat in a hat. Uh, here's another standout brand that I love Kimpton Hotels and restaurants. You guys ever stated a Kimpton hotel? No. No. Okay. Thank you, Patrice. They're fantastic. This is a big chain of hotels that never feels like you're staying in a chain. Each hotel is really individual. The experience of being there is individual. And they have these amazing. They have this amazing loyalty program. You get free WiFi, you get a spot credit, you get a bar credit. Uh, they used to have this on Maybe they still have it? Oh, yeah, That is what the bar credit is. It's called Raid the Minibar. So you know, the mini bar is kind of always off limits because it's stupid, expensive. And you know who wants to spend those kind of prices to get a half a bottle of wine? Well, with with Kim Tin, it's basically it's on them like you can treat yourself as part of the cost of your room. It's amazing. I love it on their loyalty programs. Totally free to join. This is not a Kimpton commercial, by the way. Um, yeah. So I love Kimpton. What kind of values or what kind of colors do you see happening here with Kimpton and their loyalty program? Patrice away from home? Um, one thing they used to do. I don't see it on here, but they're incredibly pet friendly, and they used to have the pet Kansi urge where it was like an animal. And it's like, Hi, I'm Lola the Dog, and I'm your pet Kansi urge. So they're very big on it being your home away from home. Yeah, they also have beta fish is that you can request a beta fish to be put in your room for really? It's pretty cool. I've never done it, but it sounds cool. What else do you see Coloring Kimpton's world hospitality? Yeah. Yeah, and probably hospitality. You know, in a different way than say, uh, you know, every probably hotel chain is gonna have hospitality up there, but it's a certain brand. I mean, you can see this is really modern. It's clean lines, but at the same time, it's that home away from home. It's a really interesting brand of hospitality. It's like a inclusive hospital. Yeah, like we're not gonna nickel and dime you for everything. Yes. Yeah. They're gonna treat you like family, right? Yeah. Beautiful. Okay, this is my favorite brewery in Portland. Break side is all about experimental beer and excellent. So, for instance, for Christmas, my partner got me a membership to their seller reserve club. Which means I get special beer from them several times a year is very exciting. The first beer that we got to purchase as members of the seller Reserve Club was a gin barrel aged double sour wit with co fear lime leaf. Where have you ever heard of a beer like that before. It was amazing. I don't particularly love sour beers, although, as Sean would say, it's a slippery slope, but now I'm really coming around to them. But this beer tasted like the most amazing gin and tonic you have ever had in your life. It was so good, but their I p a which is hands down my favorite beer. Drinking it to me is like this transcendent experience, because I hold it up to my nose and smell, starts awakening things, and I put it on my tongue and that starts awakening other things. And I just I so much this I was I've been looking forward to teaching this lesson. Violent thing was one I was really, really looking forward to. So break side Oh, so that I p a won the gold medal in the I p. A category at the Great American beer fest this year. Um, that is basically the most coveted prize, at least among Pacific Northwest Breweries. Where I possess are kind of the thing. Um, and there that beer is just is just second to none, literally. So what colors break sides? World is this, um, kind of daring attitude to try things like Jin Barrel aging sour double wits with kaffir lime leaves. I don't know where that comes from, but I love it. And then also what I what I love, um, and what I always expect from them that I think really points to what colors their world is that it doesn't matter what I try when I get there, I know it's going to be good, like I know it's going to be really drinkable. I know it's gonna be super interesting. There's never an off beer there, and I don't just mean like a beer that's gone bad. I mean, there's no never anything that it's like, Oh, I wish I want to order that which makes experimenting for me really easy to. So the experimentation is what colors their world. But it also what colors my experience because I know that I can save my my I p a experience for the end, and I can start off with something crazy that I wouldn't normally be into. Okay, so that's why I get so excited about this particular company. So and that's one of the things that you could take away from this is that when you really bring to the forefront of your business, what color's your world? What makes you unique? What makes your voice unique? Other people get really excited about it. Do you want people to be as excited about your business as I am about break side? Yeah. Okay. Um, yes. So your unique point of view, that unique voice, that you have unique perspective that you bring to the market by virtue of what color's your world is part of your standout style? It's a big part of your standout style as an example, one of the things that I do to bring my standout style to the four or to bring my unique point of view to the forefront is that all of my call to action buttons on my website Do you guys know what they say? Says Make it so do you know what make it? So is That's what Captain Picard says, right? Make it so. That's what all of my buttons say. And so you know what? That that doesn't exclude anyone. They just push the button and they get the thing right. But for the people who spot it, I love the notes that they sent me like Oh, my God, I got a couple of them already today. Thank you. So I'm so glad that your buttons, they make it so That's so awesome. Thank you. Thank you for noticing. Right. And it's in the details. Differences in the details. It's those little kind of details that you can add into your website. Oh, you know the clothes that you wear when someone sees you, the way you interact with someone, the language that you choose. That's what makes that connection with someone. That's what tells that story of how you're different of why you stand out. So I'd like to hear a little bit more about what color's your world and what you'd like to incorporate into your standout style. In fact, I'd like to just go down the line. Can we do that? Yeah. Michelle, Um, d I y definitely colors my world e. I want to bring a little bit of more into other people's lives, too, and I also am wearing assure that color my world because I made this shirt nice. My brand perfect. See, that is thank you for embodying that answer. Kathy What color is your world? Um, stepping outside of your box your comfort zone? Like definitely bringing the unexpected into the business world. Nice. Excellent. Excellent. Kate E a sense of poetry, a sense of metaphor. I always tend this. I think the world is very poetic. Even the things that don't look poetic at all on DSO is kind of the sense of spirituality and curiosity. But I really see it through poetry and metaphor. And how do you think you can invest in that in your business? I find it most when I'm writing. When I'm describing something that seems kind of esoteric. Um, I bring it into a very concrete everyday metaphor of how we live. I love that. And is that something you think you could do even more of, Like something that you could really bring in front of the top of mind. So that's something you're doing on a regular basis? Yes. Beautiful. Yeah, we talked about my geekiness before, but it's it's actually kind of like an unexpected nerdiness. Um, but it's the unexpected part that that really that I like to bring, so you know, it's it's finding the exact right Latin word Thio say the thing that I'm exactly meeting, even if no one has ever heard that word before because then I get to kick out about that word. Eso it's It's the unexpected just finding random things and then being able to show how it fits into the bigger puzzle. You know, that that I love. What was that word that you've come across recently perspicacious and tell us what that means. It means that you have. I love this word. Guys, don't laugh. Perspicacious means that you are able Thio very quickly understand something new or to be able to pick out like the critical insight in a bigger picture. Yeah, And what I love about the way that you've started using that in your business too is that it's not You're not using big words, uh, in a pretentious way, you're using big words toe have fun. And so you incorporate the definition and you dio I think you've got, like, a little definition bubble on your site. Like That's brilliant. This isn't about I know bigger words than you, right, which is attacked that you could take and and maybe that would work for some people But I think there's all these word geeks out there that are just gonna love kind of diving through what you dio and finding those little nuggets. And, you know, knowing the word perspicacious isn't a requisite for working with you. But it's it's that fun little thing that you've added in. Is that little detail of showing what your differences unexpected nerdiness? Exactly. Bridget. For me, it's the craft of food. So whether it's coffee like the, you know, the best coffee you can brew or cocktails or ethnic food, um, farmers market and all of that to me is about connection and ritual. Um, so that I mean, those things are definitely color my entire world. And I think about them thinking about them right now. Yeah, beautiful. Yeah, those things that we think about all the time, the things that we would, the things that we stopped working in our businesses on to Dio That's what color is your world. And if you could bring that stuff into your business, that's awesome. I've been thinking about this, like bruise and business podcast, that I would love to dio where I could like taste a different craft beer and give you business advice at the same time. It might be a terrible idea. It may go really poorly, but it could also be completely awesome. So, you know, think about how you could make those integrations happen. Actually, um, for me, I chose organization. Um, I am surprisingly organized for an Aquarius. A lot of times, because Aquarius is seen, as you know, rebellious and kinda hippie and, you know, yada yada, which is part of it. But like I am, I'm all about my to do list my schedule my, you know, making sure that everything is together. And if my internal schedule is off like a completely throws off the rest of my day and you can also see it on my website because most astrologers have really gaudy just crap tastic websites where there's just everything. Everything swine ask you their stars and moons, and in solar flares and stuff, you don't even recognize that my site is very clean, very minimal, very to the point, but it still colorful, but just, you know, organized. Yeah, I think that level of organization in the little bit that we've already talked throughout this boot camp. Um makes your subject matter much more approachable to Yeah, I think so, too. Because people respected because when they think, you know, astrology think all the crazy. Well, when I say business astrology and then presented in a business looking format, like, you know, like a Danielle Laporte like Marie for Leah or whatever they know that aesthetic. And they're comfortable with it. Yeah, absolutely. Patrice, what color is the world hearing? Other people talk about their passions and watching them go after it, no matter what. Wonderful. Janice, I'm obsessed with behavior. I'm thinking about behavior on It was really funny because Kathy and I were waiting in the hallway for the elevator and this gentleman in front of us kept pressing the elevator button. So after I said to Kathy, you know what I could talk about that I actually know the scientific definition of why we do this particular thing and how it relates to everyday life. Eso It's just interesting to be able to connect with people in that way and talk about what we do and why we do it and how we can do things differently. Yeah, I think lots of other people are fascinated by that as well. Maybe it's not something that they've devoted a lot of research or thought, too, but they love hearing those explanations. And so that's a great way to invest in your point of view and make that connection with someone awesome. Shelly, Um, well, I love Project Runway that day. Um, that color is my world. I always think of Tim Gunn like when I get into a like a jam of sometimes and he's like, You got to make it work, make it work And I kind of like, embody him a lot in my work. And I'm a big sports fan. I love sports of all kinds, and that definitely colors my world is along with photography, board games and tea drinking. Nice, fantastic, Meghan, travel and adventure. I would say I'm not working. I'm thinking of where I'm going to go next. Sometimes it's near home in my own city. Sometimes it's really far away. But do you incorporate that into the media that you create content that you do well this week? I have been on Instagram and Facebook, actually kind of focused on all the plants that I'm seeing, and I went to the San Francisco Botanical Garden, And then I saw a lavender plant that was as big as a car. So I posted that like, I wish I could. I wish I could grow lavender like that. So, yeah, I try to do it more. Sometimes it feels really disconnected from from gardening, traveling. Although I seek out a lot of gardening things when I travel. So I think it could be a nice tie in. Sweet. You should come to a story. We have these second largest rhododendron in Oregon. It is. Is Bigas a house? It is massive. Lisa. Yeah. I'm so curious. So I love, like talking with really, um, quirky people, people who are doing things, you know in different ways and being really playful with them and actually taking them even further out of where they are to something else. So yeah. So if you have thought about doing, like, a lot of interviews and you know, it's it's one of the things I'm getting too out of this, I've done a little bit of it, and but it feels like now is the time, so yeah, absolutely wonderful. Melissa, we'll have a list here. Um, I love animals, especially cats. They really color my world. They have hats. Sometimes. I want one of those mail chimp pats for my cat. Unexpected ukulele. Not Hawaiian ukulele, but interesting. Like rock music on ukulele and jazz on ukulele, improv, feminism. Um, that's a good start. Yeah. Awesome. Thank you. Melissa. Tiffany, I have a couple that really have a long list too. But the two that stand out that I sort of need in my life every single day is something creative. It doesn't have to be making jewelry, but somehow feeding that and then being out in nature e figure a way to get out as far as I can. Every single day, I see that reflected in the organic quality of your work, thio over and over and over again on definitely something that you can incorporate and invest even more heavily into in terms of your brand and your content and all of that. Good stuff. Cool. Then we won't put me on the spot. I'm going to read it for wonderful. Amy's lost your voice. Unfortunately, it's and everything. Say it again. Beautiful aesthetics and everything. Nice, beautiful aesthetics and everything. Well, look at you. You are a beautiful static. Alright
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